Institutional arrangements Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Institutional arrangements. The Central Coordination Unity (CCU) Coordinator will liaise with all MoH departments to ensure coordination and alignment of World Bank-funded Project activities with national health sector priorities. The coordinator will report to the Director of the Department of Studies, Planning and Statistics (GEPE Portuguese acronym) of the MoH. This Department is responsible for providing project oversight and ensuring that project efforts are coordinated across MoH and with other partner-supported initiatives. The coordinator will coordinate with the Director of the National Department of Public Health (DNSP) of MoH, as this department is responsible for providing technical guidance and feedback to ensure that project activities are aligned with national health sector priorities and objectives. The coordinator will liaise with the CCU, through the Project Operations Manager. This is responsible for the daily operational management and implementation of the project. The Operations Manager ensures the operational implementation (Execution) of the overall WB-funded health program with the support of assistants in coordinating operations in line with WB policies and guidelines based on Bank-approved Terms of Reference (ToR) and a process of competitive selection. Technical Managers ensure the coordination and execution of each health project/program in line with the Operational Manuals/POAs. These managers participate in the Operational Plan development processes, monitor their implementation and manage all the actors involved in the process. They provide the institutional link between MoH, the technical, fiduciary, safeguards and administrative areas of the CCU and the WB. The technical area includes specialists who provide technical guidance in line with the project’s priorities and are responsible for guiding and supervising implementation at the various administrative levels covering the project. The fiduciary area is made up of specialists who manage fiduciary processes in line with the WB guidelines and regulations. The areas of environmental and social safeguards manage the preparation and implementation of the project in compliance with WB guidelines and regulations. The area of safeguards currently has an environmental specialist (ES), a social specialist (SS), a gender-based violence specialist (GBVS) and five technical assistants. and two technical assistants. The ES and SS specialists are responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of the ...
Institutional arrangements. 1. The Ministry of Environment, Rural Development and Marine Resources, through its DGP, shall be in charge of overall implementation of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall, throughout Project implementation, maintain the DGP with adequate financial and human resources for the Project.

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  • DA DOCUMENTAÇÃO DE HABILITAÇÃO 3.1. Deverá enviar declaração de cumprimento de requisitos de habilitação e inexistência de fatos impeditivos, devidamente assinada pelo procurador legal. (anexo II);