Miscellaneous Exemple de Clauze

Miscellaneous. 14.1. The waiving by either Party of any claim related to the infringement of any contract provision or the exercise of any right arising out of the same shall not be interpreted as waiving of the right to raise the same claim in similar subsequent situations. 14.2. This Contract is a personal contract and can not be assigned by either party to a third party without the prior written agreement of the other party. ART. 15. FINAL PROVISIONS The contracting parties state that this mandate contract was concluded in compliance with the lawful provisions in Fiecare dintre părți a citit, a înțeles şi a agreat conținutul prezentului contract. DREPT MĂRTURIE A CELOR DE MAI SUS, Părțile au negociat şi au încheiat prezentul Contract în 3 (trei) exemplare originale bilingve, atât în limba română, cât și în engleza, din care 1 exemplar pentru MANDATAR şi 2 exemplare pentru BENEFICIAR. În caz de discrepanțe între cele două versiuni, cea în limba română va prevala. MANDATARUL, [∙] (semnatura) FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., Prin Xxxxx XXXXX (semnatura) Reprezentant Permanent al Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx International Services S.à r.l., în calitate de Administrator Unic şi Administrator de Fond de Investiţii Alternative al Fondul Proprietatea SA Anexa Prezenta anexă face o descriere generala a legislației și sancțiunilor referitoare la utilizarea informațiilor sensibile de către membrii Comitetului Reprezentanţilor Fondul Proprietatea SA și explică anumite proceduri stabilite de Societate în legătura cu informațiile sensibile. force. Each party has read, understood and agreed on the content hereof. NOW THEREFORE, The parties negotiated and concluded this Contract in three (3) original copies, in both Romanian and English, out of which 1 copy for the MANDATARY and 2 for the BENEFICIARY. In case of discrepancies between these two versions, the Romanian one shall prevail. MANDATARY, [∙] (signature) FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., By Xxxxx XXXXX (signature) Permanent Representative of Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx International Services S.à r.l., as Sole Director and Alternative Investment Fund Manager of Fondul Proprietatea SA Annex This annex includes a general description of the legislation and sanctions related to the use of sensitive information by the members of the Board of Nominees of Fondul Proprietatea” SA and explains certain procedures established by the company regarding sensitive information. Fiecare membru al Comitetului Reprezentanţilor trebuie să ia la cunoștință conținutul prezentei anex...
Miscellaneous. (a) All references to “the Agreement” in the Project Support Agreement and all reference to the Project Support Agreement in all instruments and agreements executed thereunder shall refer to the Amended Project Support Agreement as amended by this Agreement.
Miscellaneous. These Terms and Conditions were drawn-up in both Romanian and English, and they are governed by the Romanian law. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and Romanian version of these Terms and Conditions, the Romanian version shall prevail.
Miscellaneous. In the event that one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions should be null, ineffective, or invalid, they are to be considered void, and all other provisions remain in full force and effect. The Seller undertakes to comply with all laws, regulations, and government decrees concerning its business in connection with fulfilment of the Order and to hold harmless the Buyer of all liability resulting from any violation of such laws. Failure by the Supplier at any time during execution of the supply to comply with applicable laws concerning occupational health and safety, as well as with the requirements concerning the safety of the Goods, constitutes grounds for anticipatory termination and entitles the Buyer to suspend the contract with immediate effect. Absent the Buyer’s prior written consent, the Order may not be assigned to subcontractors, nor may the supply be entrusted to same.
Miscellaneous. 1. Place of fulfillment for all deliveries and performances is the place of destination specified by us. 2. The contractual relationship shall be governed by the laws of Romania, excluding the Romanian conflict of laws rules and the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). All disputes between the Parties shall be heard and resolved by a court of competent jurisdiction in Brasov, Romania, subject to any different exclusive place of jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will also be entitled to bring suit against the Supplier at any other court of competent jurisdiction. 3. În cazul în care o anumită clauză a acestor termeni și condiții este sau devine invalidă, restul termenilor și condițiilor rămân valabili. Părțile se angajează să înlocuiască, cu bună credință, orice clauză invalidă cu o clauză valabilă, care să conducă la un rezultat economic echivalent cu cel urmărit de xxxxxx inițială. 4. Aceste Conditii au fost redactate in limba romana si engleza. In cazul unor discrepante sau termeni contradictorii intre cele doua versiuni, versiunea in limba engleza va prevala. 3. If a specific provision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain valid. The Parties commit themselves, in good faith, to replace any invalid provision with a valid provision that has an economic result equivalent to the original provision. 4. These Conditions are drafted in both Romanian and English language. In case of any discrepancies or contradictory terms between the two versions, the version in English language shall prevail.
Miscellaneous. 1. If this Contract conflicts with any other legal documents between the Parties, this Contract shall prevail.
Miscellaneous. 26.1 Side agreements, amendments and supplements must be in writing in order to be effective. This also applies to the waiver of the foregoing written form requirement.
Miscellaneous. 9.1. Dispoziţiile din prezentul înscris au fost negociate în 9.1. The provisions of this document have been negotiated in VARTA Conditions of Delivery, Version 30. October 2018, Page 7 von 8 / bilingual prealabil şi acceptate în mod expres de părţi. Pentru evitarea oricărui dubiu, părţile sunt de acord că acceptarea prezentelor Condiţii de Livrare (sau doar a Comenzii şi confirmării Comenzii) este suficientă pentru exprimarea acordului expres cu privire la clauzele conţinute de prezentele condiţii, inclusiv cu privire la clauzele neuzuale prevăzute în cuprinsul acestora, în conformitate cu dispoziţiile art. 1203 din Codul Civil, inclusiv, dar fără a se limita la art. 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, cap. 3, cap. 4, art. 5.3 – 5.6, cap. 6 şi art. 7.1, 7.2 şi 7.4 de mai sus. advance and expressly accepted by the parties. For the avoid- ance of any doubt, the parties agree that the acceptance of these Delivery Conditions (or only of the Order and Order con- firmation) is sufficient to state their express approval regard- ing the terms contained in these conditions, including the standard clauses contained therein, in accordance with the provisions of art. 1203 of the Romanian Civil Code, including but not limited to art. 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, section 3, section 4, art. 5.3 – 5.6, section 6 and art. 7.1, 7.2 şi 7.4 above.
Miscellaneous. 5. To empower the Chairman of the Board of Directors/any member of the Board of Directors to sign all the documents and to fulfill the formalities in accordance with the Romanian law and with the Norms of the Financial Supervisory Authority (F.S.A.) of Romania. Generali Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private S.A.– societate administrata in sistem dualist
Miscellaneous. Contract. Contractul poate fi reziliat prin acord între Părți, exceptând cazurile stabilite prin lege.