General Vzorčne klavzule

General. (a) Insofar as not otherwise provided for herein, including the following provisions, Service Provider shall be liable according to the relevant statutory provisions in case of a breach of contractual and non-contractual duties.
General. (a) Service Provider warrants that Services may be used in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Rights in case of defects shall be excluded in case of minor or immaterial deviations from the agreed or assumed characteristics or in case of just slight impairment of use. Product descriptions shall not be deemed guaranteed unless separately agreed in writing. In particular, a functional impairment does not constitute a defect if it results from hardware defects, environmental conditions, wrong operation, flawed data or other circumstances originating from Customer’s sphere of risk.
General. (a) Both Parties shall comply and shall ensure that their representative employees or agents carrying out obligations hereunder or using Platform and Services comply with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, rules and standards, and shall submit to the standard Code of Conduct of Service Provider available at xxxxx://
General. 3.1.1.On the Marketplace, Porsche Smart Mobility provides the Customers with the Porsche Connect Store (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Store) in which Porsche Smart Mobility provides (i) vehicle related and vehicle independent services (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Services) and (ii) possible further products and services (hereafter referred to as PSM Products).
General. (1) Each party is responsible for complying with any obligations applying to it under applicable Canadian data privacy laws and regulations (“Laws”).
General. Provisions 2.1. The Lessor has the right to request the Lessee’s corporate information (company registration, tax registration, notice on identification, business classification, etc.), information on the Lessee’s assets and ownership, guarantees, company headquarters and modifications thereof as well as the Audit Report (if the Lessee is subject to an audit) and information on the Lessee’s financial situation (balance sheet, profit and loss account, etc.). The Lessee must inform the Lessor of any changes to their contact persons, deterioration of their financial situation and other changes that are relevant to the Lessor. The Lessee shall bear all the Lessor’s costs incurred resulting from late notification of any changes to the company’s information. The Lessor may also request a payment guarantee in the form of a blank bill of exchange or down payment or other appropriate security for future claims against the Lessee. The Lessee expressly allows the Lessor to share, modify, delete and use this data for marketing purposes and properly store it in Slovenia and abroad. If the realisation of the Agreement involves any data of a third party, for example that of the user of the Vehicle, the Lessee must obtain their approval in accordance with the relevant regulations on personal data protection regulations.
General. 3.1.1.On the Marketplace, Porsche Sales & Marketplace provides the Customers with the Porsche Connect Store (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Store) in which Porsche Sales & Marketplace provides (i) vehicle related and vehicle independent services (hereafter referred to as Porsche Connect Services) and (ii) possible further products and services (hereafter referred to as PSM Products).
General. Technical rider is a part of the contract between the producer and the organizer of the performance. The requirements listed in this rider are designed to allow the best possible realization of the performance. Any departures from the requirements listed below needs to be agreed upon by common consent between the producer, the performance technical assistant and the organizer. Technical adaptations are possible and are matter of further arrangements. The organizer should provide the producer with technical information about the venue (dimensions, a list of technical equipment, stage plan – ground plan, side view). On the basis of these information, the performance can be adjusted to the venue.
General. 1.1 General conditions are valid exclusively and as a whole, and the OPHTHALL d.o.o. company (in the further text “OPHTHALL”) do not acknowledge any eventual general conditions of the supplier except if otherwise agreed upon in written form. General conditions are further valid in case the OPHTHALL accepts or pays for the goods or services of a supplier in spite of the fact that the OPHTHALL has knowledge of eventual different general conditions of the supplier.