INSURANCE. 5.1 The organisation shall make sure that the participant has adequate insurance coverage either by providing itself the insurance, or by making an agreement with the receiving organisation for the latter to provide the insurance, or by providing the participant with the relevant information and support to take an insurance on their own. [In case the receiving organisation is identified as the responsible party in art 5.3, a specific document shall be attached to this grant agreement defining the conditions of the insurance provision and including the consent of the receiving organisation.]
5.2 Insurance coverage shall include at minimum a health insurance, [mandatory for traineeships and optional for studies:] a liability insurance and an accident insurance. Explanation: In the case of intra-EU mobility, the participant’s national health insurance will include a basic coverage during their stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card. However, this coverage may not be sufficient for all situations, for example in case of repatriation or special medical intervention or in case of international mobility. In that case, a complementary private health insurance may be needed. Liability and accident insurances cover damages caused by the participant or to the participant during their stay abroad. Varying regulation of these insurances is in place in different countries and participants run the risk of not being covered by standard schemes, for example if they are not considered to be employees or formally enrolled at the their receiving organisation. In addition to the above, insurance against loss or theft of documents, travel tickets and luggage is recommended. The National Agency may amend Article 5.2 if there is a justification to adapt the default requirements to the national context.
INSURANCE. Organisationen ska se till att deltagaren har tillräcklig försäkringstäckning antingen genom att själv tillhandahålla försäkringen eller genom att ingå ett avtal med den mottagande organisationen om att denna ska tillhandahålla försäkringen, eller genom att förse deltagaren med relevant information och stöd för att teckna en försäkring på egen hand. [Om den mottagande organisationen identifieras som ansvarig part i artikel 6.3 kommer ett särskilt dokument att bifogas detta bidragsavtal som fastställer villkoren för försäkringsbestämmelsen och inkluderar den mottagande organisationens samtycke.]
INSURANCE. 5.1 The participant shall have adequate insurance coverage. Participant in studies or for credits traineeship is covered by Kammarkollegiet insurance Student UT, policy holder Mid Sweden University/202100-4524. Participant needs to bring their EU health card.
INSURANCE. Each Party shall carry and maintain in force at all times during the Agreement comprehensive general and professional liability and other insurance, in each case in amounts and subject to terms that are customary for companies of its size in its industry and to the extent commercially reasonably available in its jurisdiction.
INSURANCE. The lessor is responsible for the boat being insured. The scope of the insurance, amount of liability and excess are determined by the conditions established by the lessor's insurance company. In the event of damage or loss, the lessee is responsible for all costs up to the deposit. To the extent that damage or loss to the boat and accessories is not covered by the insurance or occurred due to unauthorized use, theft of an unlocked boat, negligence, non-seamanlike or statutory handling handling. In these cases the lessee is obliged to compensate the entire loss or damage.
INSURANCE. The Issuer shall, and shall ensure that all other Group Companies will, maintain insurances on and in relation to its business and assets against those risks and to the extent as is usual for companies carrying on the same or substantially similar business.
INSURANCE. The institution will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources:
INSURANCE. Det blev ett fortsatt starkt första kvartal 2024 för affärsområdet, med en försäljningstillväxt om 20 % jämfört med motsvarande period föregående år, och där bruttomarginalen för samma period ökade med 1 %. Vi för ett flertal diskussioner med olika för- säkringsbolag om en potentiell uppstart av våra tjänster inom Cir- kulär Skadereglering™, där vi är hoppfulla att kunna inleda nya samarbeten redan under det andra kvartalet 2024. Under första kvartalet har vi lanserat och börjat sälja tjänsten Pla- netary Model™, inledningsvis i form av pilotstudier, som kommer att öppna möjligheter till affärer inom hållbarhetsberäkning för nya produktkategorier, med stöd av direktiv och regelverk från EU.
INSURANCE. 7. 1 Insurance. During the Agreement Securitas shall hold insurance that covers Securitas' liability in accordance with the Agreement. Securitas' liability insurance does not cover damages that arise as a result of the Customer's actions or omissions.
INSURANCE. The client is responsible for taking out accident insurance for the model during the entire period of booking. Travel insurance is to be included in the travelling expenses.