Liability exempelklausuler

Liability. Each party of this agreement shall exonerate the other from any civil liability for damages suffered by them or their staff as a result of performance of this agreement, provided such damages are not the result of serious and deliberate misconduct on the part of the other party or his staff. The National Agency of Sweden, the European Commission or their staff shall not be held liable in the event of a claim under the agreement relating to any damage caused during the execution of the mobility period. Consequently, the National Agency of Sweden or the European Commission shall not entertain any request for indemnity of reimbursement accompanying such claim.
Liability. The Merchant is in its relation to Bambora under the Master Document liable for all losses attributable to Transactions made by magnetic stripe where the Card is equipped with a so-called EMV chip and the Merchant is using an EMV Terminal. Where manual registration is made by Merchant in accordance with Section 8.3, the Merchant bears all risks. Where an exemption from SCA has been applied for a certain Transaction in accordance with Section 4.1, the Merchant bears all risks, except for the use of contactless payments (Section 4.1 first bullet), for which the card issuer bears the risk.
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Liability. Om Leverantören, den som arbetar under Leverantörens ledning eller av Leverantören anlitat underbiträde behandlar personuppgifter i strid med detta Personuppgiftsbiträdesavtal eller Dataskyddsreglerna, ska Leverantören ersätta Xxxxxx för den skada – inklusive eventuella administrativa sanktionsavgifter – som Kunden eller Kundens kunder har orsakats på grund av den felaktiga behandlingen.
Liability. Zalando shall use its reasonable endeavours in the organisation and management of this competition.
Liability. 12.1 If the supervisory authority, data subjects or any other third party directs claims for damages, including administrative fines, toward the Processor because the Controller, contrary to Section 4.1 above, has failed to provide the Processor with complete written instructions for the processing, the Controller shall indemnify and hold Processor harmless from and against any liabilities connected to the Controller’s incomplete instructions for the processing under this DPA. 12.2 The limitations of liability set forth in Section 10 of the Agreement shall apply to the Processor’s liability under this DPA. The limitations of liability set forth in Section 10 of the Agreement shall not apply to the Controller’s liability under Section 12.1 above.
Liability. 14.1 The Parties shall be liable towards each other for any direct damages, costs and losses, including ad- ministrative sanctions incurred due to the breaching Party’s violation of this DPA and the breaching Party shall compensate the other Party for any such dama- ge, cost or loss. 14.2 Notwithstanding the above, no Party shall be held liable for indirect losses, including damages and/or consequential damages such as loss of profit or revenue, or other economic losses incurred pursu- ant to this DPA. Any claim or remedies the Customer may have against Telavox arising under or in connec- tion with this DPA will be subject to the limitation of liability provisions (including any agreed aggregate financial cap) that apply under the Agreement.
Liability. 5.1 The signatory accepts that the Parties and other States associated with the Program- me shall not make any claim or bring actions against each other for injury, demage or finan- cial losses arising out of activities, or lack the- reof, pursuant to its association with the Pro- gramme or its use of the System.
Liability. (1) Liability is determined from the provisions of the JDLink contract.
Liability. The Parties shall not make any claims or bring actions against each other for injury, damages or financial losses arising out of acti- vities, or lack thereof, pursuant to this Agree- ment.