Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. The Subject of the Agreement shall be the property interests of the Insurant that do not contradict the applicable law and related to the compensation for losses, for which the Insurant is responsible and which arise in connection with the execution of the moto carrier transportation agreement (by the latter) concluded in accordance with the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road 1956 (as amended, including the Protocol to the Convention 1978) or law of Ukraine in connection with th loss, shortage, deterioration or damage to the goods or damage to life, health and third party property caused by the goods, and the property interests of the Insurant related to the compensation for the incurred additional costs for insurance event investigation protection of the Insurant interests in the courts and prevention or reduction of the damage.
1.2. Carriage contracts, in the performance of which the liability of the Insurant is insured under the Contract (indicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, as applicable):
1.2.1. Internal carriage contracts (TTH) NO 1.2.2. International carriage contracts (CMR) NO 1.2.3.Internal and international carriage contracts (CMR+ТТН) YES
1.3. Classification of the goods, during transportation of which the liability of the Insurant is insured under the Contract (indicate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, as applicable):
1.3.1. Ordinary goods (other than those specified in paragraph 1.3.2 of the Agreement) YES
1.3.2. High consequence dangerous goods: medicines, medical drugs and goods, medical and scientific equipment; wine, liqueurs and spirits, beer and non-alcoholic beverages; tobacco and tobacco products; furskins and textiles; pulp and pap products; food products, raw materials and products that require humidity control (salt, sugar, flour, tea, coffee, spices, etc.); cosmetics and perfumes and formulations therefrom; glass, glass products, porcelain and ceramic products, sanitary equipment; flammable, explosive, poisonous substances, other dangerous substances and products, chemical substances; refrigerated goods (perishable goods that must be transported in the appropriate environment and under the releva temperature conditions); motor cars and other vehicles; computers, office equipment, mobile phones, other electronic devices and their accessories; seeds intended for agricultural needs, mineral fertilizers, plant protection agents, oversized goods.
1.4. Number of the vehicles specified in Appendix No. 3 to the Contract (List...
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1 The University, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, organizes the Student's studies at the faculty of , majoring in , at the educational and qualification level of .
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1 The bank allows the transfer of funds of the Company in USD, EUR to the account at the Bank for subsequent transfer of the respective amounts to the bank accounts of customers in accordance with the received from the Company's instructions, in the form indicated in Annex N 1 to this Agreement, and the Company pays for it agreed remuneration. There is no commission for crediting of funds to the transit account specified in Appendix №1. Commission for order charging at the expense of recipients is calculated as a percentage of the order amount and is paid in UAH at the NBU exchange rate on the day of day of charging the order, without VAT (Value added tax) Fee calculation according to the tariff plan (note the necessary):
A) commission for order charging is paid by the Client (physical person - order receiver) - it is paid at the moment of order charging to the account, by reducing the order amount by the commission amount, with its further sale at Interbank Currency Market of Ukraine and amounts to hundredth of the order amount
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. According to the results of the Auction, the Seller undertakes to transfer to the ownership of the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to accept the following product, which is firewood for industrial use (Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity code 4401), sold during the Auction (Auctions), which meets the conditions of this of the Agreement (hereinafter - the Goods), and pay the price for it in accordance with the conditions specified in section 4 of this Agreement: Lot No Product Breed Length (m) Diameter (cm) Shipping station Volume of the lot/p. lot (cubic meter) Selling price per 1 cubic meter, USD /EUR, excluding VAT Price (value) of sale of the lot, USD /EUR, excluding VAT >=5
1.2. This Agreement uses the International Rules for the Interpretation of Commercial Terms "INCOTERMS" of the International Chamber of Commerce (as amended in 2020).
1.3. Ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of fulfillment of the terms of delivery in accordance with this Agreement.
1.4. The seller confirms that at the time of the sale of the goods, it belongs to him by right of ownership, is not under the prohibition of alienation, seizure, is not the subject of a pledge or other means of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to any natural or legal persons, state bodies and the state, and is not subject to any other encumbrance or restriction provided for by applicable law. The Buyer's expenses incurred in connection with the Seller's violation of the terms of this clause shall be reimbursed by the Seller.
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. Maecenas donate, and Donee receive equipment, according to Specification (Annex #1), as a sponsor fee, specified for use in. indicated in paragraph 1.3 of Agreement.
1.2. Subject of Agreement is the donation specified in clause
1.1 herein.
1.3. The purpose of the donation of equipment is to support and introduce modern technologies for library business in the Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine named after
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. Pursuant to the Agreement the Bank shall accept funds (the Deposit) from or for the Depositor and undertakes to pay the Deposit amount and interests due to the Depositor in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the present Agreement. The Deposit attracted on the terms and conditions hereof is not an investment deposit as envisaged by Ukrainian legislation, including regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine. Deposit funding and/or pay-in amounts shall be confirmed by the Agreement and the documents acknowledging the placement/transfer of the amount (receipt of Cash Transfer Request, payment order, etc.) and being in line with regulations of the National Bank of Ukraine. If the funds are received from a third party it shall be considered that the Depositor has agreed to accept funds from such third party having provided it with Deposit Account details necessary. At that, the Account cash-in is performed by a third party without showing any documents confirming the right to administer the Account, or by the authorized person pursuant to the effective legislation of Ukraine and on condition that the fee stipulated by the Bank’s Rates for such transactions is paid to the Bank. The fee is to be paid by the person to cash in the account at such transaction. The Account shall not be credited with pension and welfare payments envisaged by the applicable Ukrainian legislation. In case of non-cash receipt from the Depositor’s current or other account, the funds shall be repaid in cash through the cash desk of the Bank with a fee being charged (from the amount of non-cash receipts) according to the Bank’s rates. If the Account is opened in foreign currency, if full amount of or part of the Deposit is paid through the cash desk, the Bank shall return to the Depositor: integral part in the Deposit currency, fractional part – in national currency at the commercial buying rate of the Bank as of the Date of payment. Should the funds be returned in cash hereunder, the Bank may repay to the Depositor the Deposit amount and the interests accrued in national currency at the commercial buying rate of the Bank as of the Date of payment by the Depositor’s request. The Bank shall neither effect settlement transactions on the Account nor accept payment documents of the Depositor.
Subject of the Agreement. 1.1. Subject of this Agreement is the provision of services by the Contractor on his own behalf on the request and at the expense of the Customer related to customs clearance of Customer’s cargoes that are transported across the border of Ukraine through DHL Express network.
1.2. Parties have agreed that the customs clearance stipulated with the provision 1.1. of this Agreement is executed by the Contractor or its subcontractor, Express-Alliance LTD, YeDRPOU code 38124407, registration number of the customs broker in the Register of Customs Brokers MB/002045/01 (hereinafter referred to as the «Customs Broker»), with Contractor bearing full responsibility for its subcontractor.
1.3. Customer authorizes Contractor to decide in each particular case to pay customs charges in accordance with valid custom’s legislation of Ukraine. Twenty thousand hryvnas is maximum amount of customs charges that Contractor can pay instead of Customer per each cargo customs declaration (CCD).
Subject of the Agreement. 2.1. According to this Agreement, the Benefactor transfers, as a voluntary charitable donation to the Fund, funds to ensure the Statutory charitable activities of the Fund free of charge and irrevocably transfers, as a voluntary charitable donation to the Fund, and the Fund accepts such a charitable donation and undertakes to use it for charitable programs and other charitable activities, in accordance with the Statute of the Fund and the legislation of Ukraine.
2.2. Передача Благодійником грошових коштів за цим Договором визнається благодійною пожертвою відповідно до ст. 6 Закону України «Про благодійну діяльність та благодійні організації».
2.3. Благодійник самостійно визначає обсяг благодійної пожертви. Благодійник має право запитати у Фонду та отримати інформацію про характер і розмір необхідної благодійної допомоги на конкретні цілі діяльності Фонду, а також за благодійними програмами Фонду, задля визначення напрямів використання благодійної пожертви до її надання.
2.4. Укладення та виконання цього Договору не має на меті та не передбачає отримання прибутку будь-якою зі сторін.
Subject of the Agreement. 2.1. On the terms and conditions of the Agreement the Depositary Institution provides the Depositor with services on the Account (Accounts) opening and maintenance, carrying out of depositary operations on the Account (Accounts) on the basis of the Depositor’s Orders and through other means, stipulated by the legislation, including through keeping records of the entitlements to the Securities, the restrictions of such rights, and provide the Depositor with other services in the process of depositary activities according to the law of Ukraine governing depositary activities, including services related to receiving of Statement of Holdings on the Securities Account of the owner, information on amount of funds, that is kept by the entity authorized for holding in favor of Depositor, specified in the List(s) of persons, who are authorized for receiving funds, and providing other services in the process of depositary activities according to the Regulation On providing depositary activity, , approved by the decision of National Securities and Stock Market Commission dd 23.04.2013 No 735, registered in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dd 27.06.2013 No. 1084/23616, and effective legislation, including necessary for transfer of funds and/or entitlements to Securities, which belong to the Depositor, to the own account.
2.2. In the process of the Account servicing, depositary operations and provision of other services the Parties shall be governed by the law of Ukraine, including the regulations of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, as well as the internal documents of the Depository Institution and the Terms of the Agreement. The Depositor shall provide to the Depository Institution the information and documents stipulated by the law of Ukraine and internal regulations of the Depository Institution , as compulsory for для подання або необхідні Депозитарній установі для надання послуг або виконання інших дій відповідно до законодавства та Договору.
2.3. Послуги за Договором надаються Депозитарною установою Депоненту в Робочі дні.
2.4. Депозитарна установа має право зупинити та/або відмовитися від отримання та/або виконання Розпорядження, проведення всіх або окремих депозитарних операцій, отримання бюлетенів для голосування на дистанційних загальних зборах, отримання інших документів, надання послуг за Договором у наступних випадках:
2.4.1. невідповідність дій та/або операцій Депонента Умовам договору або вимогам законодавства;
2.4.2. відсутність у Деп...