Delay of Payment 样本条款

Delay of Payment. The Company is under no obligation to investigate the Buyer’s payment capacity. If the Company charges the Buyer interest for late payment, it shall have the right to retain such interest. If the Company has not received all of the Purchase Price from the Buyer by the expiration of the payment deadline specified in the Conditions of Sale, the Company will pay the Sales Proceeds to the Seller within 7 working days from the date it actually receives all of the Purchase Price paid by the Buyer (however, such deadline shall also be 35 days following the Sale Date). If the Company has not received all of the Purchase Price from the Buyer by the expiration of the payment deadline specified in the Conditions of Sale, the Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to pay the Seller an amount equivalent to the Sales Proceeds, in which case the Company shall secure the ownership of the Auction Property, and all of the benefits arising from the Seller’s representations, warranties and indemnities hereunder. The Seller agrees to inform the Company of the actions he or she takes against the Buyer to collect or recover payment.

Related to Delay of Payment

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