NOTICE AND COMMUNICATIONS. 16.1 Mode of Delivery. All notice and communications from SYS to Client or any Authorized Person under this Agreement may be sent and delivered by personal delivery, postal mail, telegraph, facsimile, electronic mail or other electronic transmission to the address, facsimile number, electronic mail address in the Account Opening Form or as notified to SYS in writing from time to time by at least seven (7) days’ advance notice. All notices and other communications shall be deemed to be given (i) at the time of despatch or transmission if delivered personally, by facsimile transmission or telephone; or (ii) 24 hours after despatch if sent by post, whichever shall be the first to occur; provided that any notice or other communication to be given to SYS shall be effective only when received by SYS. Unless otherwise agreed by SYS, any Instruction or directions to be given by Client or any Authorized Person to SYS in relation to any dealings in Commodities, Futures Contracts or Option Contracts for or in respect of the Account shall be given orally or by telephone to the telephone number of SYS as set out in this Agreement or otherwise as notified to Client from time to time. Any other communication or notice to be given by Client or any Authorized Person to SYS in connection with the Account or this Agreement may be personally delivered, sent by prepaid post, facsimile transmission or by telephone to the address or facsimile or telephone number of SYS (as the case may be) set out in this Agreement or otherwise as notified to Client from time to time. 16.2 Presumption of Receipt. All communications so sent whether by messenger, mail, telegraph, facsimile, electronic mail or otherwise, shall be deemed delivered and received, unless otherwise notify to SYS by Client. It is Client’s responsibility to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the Account and to inform SYS immediately if there are any discrepancies. 16.3 Responsibility to Retrieve and Review Communications. Client agrees to check regularly Client’s mailbox, electronic mailbox, facsimile machine and other sources of facilities through which Client receives communication from SYS. SYS will not be responsible for any losses that arise from Client’s failure, delay or negligence to check such sources or facilities. 16.4 Monitoring and Recording of Telephone Conversations and Electronic Mails. For the protection of Client and SYS, and as a tool to detect and rectify misunderstandings, Client agrees and author...
NOTICE AND COMMUNICATIONS. All such notices, reports, statements, confirmations and other communications shall be deemed to have been duly served:
NOTICE AND COMMUNICATIONS. 16.1 Mode of Delivery: All notices and communications from GTJAF to the Client or any Authorized Person under this Agreement may be sent and delivered by personal delivery, postal mail, telegraph, facsimile, electronic mail or other electronic transmission to the address, facsimile number, electronic mail address in the Account Opening Form or as notified to GTJAF in writing from time to time by at least seven (7) days’ advance notice. All notices and other communications shall be deemed to be given:- (a) at the time of delivery if delivered by means other than by post; or (b) twenty-four (24) hours after despatchdispatch if sent by post;, provided that any notice or other communication to be given to GTJAF shall be effective only when received by GTJAF. 16.2 Presumption of Receipt: All communications so sent whether by messenger, mail, telegraph, facsimile, electronic mail or otherwise, shall be deemed delivered and received, unless otherwise notify to GTJAF by the Client. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure the Account correctness and accuracy and to contact GTJAF immediately with any discrepancies. 16.3 Responsibility to Retrieve and Review Communications: The Client agrees to check regularly the Client’s mailbox, electronic mailbox, facsimile machine and other sources of facilities through which the Client receives communication from GTJAF. GTJAF will not be responsible for any losses that arise from the Client’s failure, delay or negligence to check such sources or facilities. 16.4 Monitoring and Recording of Telephone Conversations and Electronic Mails: For the protection of the Client and GTJAF, and as a tool to detect and rectify misunderstandings, the Client agrees and authorizes GTJAF, at GTJAF’s discretion and without further prior notice, to monitor and record any or all telephone conversations and any electronic communications between GTJAF and the Client. 16.5 Confirmation and Account Statements: In respect of every transaction of sale, purchase or exchange of Derivatives entered into by GTJAF for the Account in Hong Kong, GTJAF will (unless otherwise provided by the SFO) make out a contract note which will contain all the necessary information required by the SFO, and shall deliver the contract note to the Client within the time limit specified in the SFO. In respect of all other transactions, GTJAF will as soon as practicable after effecting such transactions, confirm the essential features of the transactions to the Client either o...


  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修 改或者撤回。 16.4 投标人须在投标文件递交截止时间前制作并提交:加密的电子投标文件为“河北省公共资源交易平台 (xxxx://”网站提供的“投标文件制作工具”软件制作生成的加密版投标文件。 16.5 招标文件格式所要求包含的全部资料应全部制作在投标文件内,严格按照本项目招标文件所有格式如实填写(不涉及的内容除外),不应存在漏项或缺项,否则将存在投标文件被拒绝的风险。 16.6 投标人编辑电子投标文件时,根据招标文件要求用法人 CA 密钥和企业 CA 密钥进行签章制作;最后一步生成电子投标文件(*.hetf 格式)时,只能用本单位的企业 CA 密钥加密。

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • mail 契約・検査・支払 〒○○○-○○○○ ○○県○○市○○町○番地○号 担当窓口 (最寄り駅:○○鉄道 ○○線 ○○駅)

  • 响应文件的签署及规定 组成响应文件的各项资料均应遵守本条规定。

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声

  • 投标文件的签署及规定 21.1 投标文件应按《招标项目要求》和《投标文件格式》如实编写,未尽事宜可自行补充。投标文件内容不完整、格式不符合导致投标文件被误读、漏读或者查找不到相关内容的,投标人自行承担由此产生的风险。 21.2 投标人按照《投标邀请函》的要求提交网上应答并上传加盖投标人电子签章的PDF格式电子投标文件(以通过天津公共资源电子签章客户端正确读取签章信息为准)。 21.3 若有修改须于规定时间内重新提交电子投标文件。投标文件因模糊不清或表达不清所引起的后果由投标人自负。 D 投标文件的网上应答和提交

  • 关于中小微企业投标 中小微企业响应是指在政府采购活动中,供应商提供的货物均由中小微企业制造、工程均由中小微企业承建或者服务均由中小微企业承接,并在响应文件中提供《中小企业声明函》。本条款所称中小微企业,是指在中华人民共和国境内依法设立,依据国务院批准的中小企业划分标准确定的中型企业、小型企业和微型企业,但与大企业的负责人为同一人,或者与大企业存在直接控股、管理关系的除外。符合中小企业划分标准的个体工商户,在政府采购活动中视同中小企业。 中小企业划分见 《关于印发中小企业划型标准规定的通知》(工信部联企业〔2011〕300号) 。 根据财库〔2014〕68号《财政部 司法部关于政府采购支持监狱企业发展有关问题的通知》,监狱企业视同小微企业。 监狱企业是指由司法部认定的为罪犯、戒毒人员提供生产项目和劳动对象,且全部产权属于司法部监狱管理局、戒毒管理局、直属煤矿管理局,各省、自治区、直辖市监狱管理局、戒毒管理局,各地(设区的市)监狱、强制隔离戒毒所、戒毒康复所,以及新疆生产建设兵团监狱管理局、戒毒管理局的企业。监狱企业投标时,提供由省级以上监狱管理局、戒毒管理局(含新疆生产建设兵团)出具的属于监狱企业的证明文件,不再提供《中小企业声明函》。 根据财库〔2017〕141号《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》,在政府采购活动中,残疾人福利性单位视同小型、微型企业,享受政府采购支持政策的残疾人福利性单位应当同时满足《财政部 民政部 中国残疾人联合会关于促进残疾人就业政府采购政策的通知》所列条件。残疾人福利性单位属于小型、微型企业的,不重复享受政策。符合条件的残疾人福利性单位在参加政府采购活动时,应当提供《残疾人福利性单位声明函》,并对声明的真实性负 责。

  • 保险费 投保人应当按照合同约定向保险人交纳保险费。

  • 第三人意外責任險 (載明每一個人體傷或死亡之保險金額下限,每一事故體傷或死亡之保險金額下限,每一事故財物損害之保險金額下限,上述理賠合併單一事件之保險金額下限與保險期間最高累積責任上限。應含廠商、分包廠商、機關及其他任何人員,並包括鄰近財物險。)

  • 效力终止 发生以下情况之一时,本合同效力即时终止: (一) 保险期间届满;