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Price 样本条款

Price. Unless otherwise specified, the prices stated on the order include all charges for packing, hauling, storage, transportation to point of delivery, and taxes. Seller warrants that the prices quoted in this order are no greater than those currently charged any other buyer for similar quantities of goods or services. Any price reduction extended to others by Seller prior to delivery shall also be extended to Buyer.
Price. 2.1 Determining Price. We may change our list prices at any time without notice. Prices in our quotations are valid for 30 days, unless we state otherwise in writing. 2.2 Taxes and Fees. Our product prices do not include any taxes (including VAT), duties, levies or other government fees that may apply to your order. If they apply, it will be your responsibility to pay them. If we pay them, we will add them to your invoice. If you claim any exemption, you must provide a valid, signed certificate or letter of exemption for each respective jurisdiction.
Price. Tax/Fee/Duty Allowance Or Charge Delivery Package 出典 公共調達庁 (Public Procurement Service)
Price. The price is on the basis that the Sellers deliver the vessel at the scrapping and recycling dock / anchorage appointed by the Buyers. (a) Unit price: (USD / RMB) / LDT. (b) Total price: Total price is caculated according to the LDT multiplied by unit price. The vessel's total price is (USD / RMB).
Price. The Price shall be that stated in the Purchase Order unless such price exceeds the Price stated in the Agreement, if any, or the lowest price at which Seller is selling Items or similar items to its other customers as of the date of delivery to Buyer, in which case the lower price shall control. If there is no price stated in the Purchase Order or Agreement, the Price shall not be higher than that last charged or quoted Buyer for such Items by Seller and not be higher than the lowest price at which Seller is selling Items or similar items to its other customers as of the date of delivery to Buyer. Prices reflected in the Purchase Order are complete, and no additional charges of any type shall be added without Buyer’s express consent. If prior to delivery of the Items, Buyer is able to purchase a portion or all of the Items, or similar items of like quality, at a price which is less than the Price, Buyer shall notify Seller. Should Seller fail to meet such lower price, Buyer may, at its option, purchase from the other source at the lower price, in which event Buyer and Seller shall be released of their obligations under the Contract in respect of that portion of the Items or similar items purchased from the other source.
Price. The Price shall be that stated in the Purchase Order unless such price exceeds the Price stated in the Agreement, if any, or the lowest price at which Seller is selling Items or similar items to its other customers as of the date of delivery to Purchaser, in which case the lower price shall control. If there is no price stated in the Purchase Order or Agreement, the Price shall not be higher than that last charged or quoted Purchaser for such Items by Seller. If prior to delivery of the Items, Purchaser is able to purchase a portion or all of the Items, or similar items of like quality, at a price which is less than the Price, Purchaser shall notify Seller. Should Seller fail to meet such lower price, Purchaser may, at its option, purchase from the other source at the lower price, in which event Purchaser and Seller shall be released of their obligations under the Contract in respect of that portion of the Items or similar items purchased from the other source.
Price. 为当日跌幅限制的价格下限 8521 SecurityProperties 证券属性 char N=正常 S=ST 股 Tag 域名 域中文名 数据类型 说明 P=PT 股 H=SH 证券交易所证券在 SZ 证券交易所代理 T=代办转让证券 Z=SZ 证券交易所证券在SH 证券交易所代理 L=上市开放型 LOF 基金 D=上市开放低风险收益型LOF 基金 F=非交易型开放式基金 8522 NoIndicesParticipat ed 所属指数数量 NumInGroup 所属指数数量 8523 IndexinclusionIndic ator 纳入指数计算标 志 Boolean Y=纳入该指数计算 N=暂停纳入该指数计算 8524 PERatio1 市盈率一 float 市盈率一 8525 PERatio2 市盈率二 float 市盈率二 8526 NonTradingOrdTyp e 非交易业务订单类型 String G=新股增发 IN=上网IPO 申购 IE=市值配售 IPO 申购 IS=老股东增发 IPO 申购 NS=市值配售放弃认购 CV=可转换债券转股 CR=可转换债券回售 EC=ETF 申购 ER=ETF 赎回 EM=ETF 保证金申购 ES=ETF 保证金补券 EZ=ETF 申购赎回资金回报 OS=开放式基金认购 OC=开放式基金申购 OR=开放式基金赎回 OL=开放式基金撤销 OD=开放式基金分红选择 OF=开放式基金份额转入 OT=开放式基金份额转出 OV=开放式基金基金转换 RI=配股行权 WE=权证行权 WW=权证创设 WC=权证注销 BD=质押券入库 Tag 域名 域中文名 数据类型 说明 BW=质押券出库 PS=无股份冻结质押 PF=股份质押且冻结 RP=无股份冻结解押 RF=股份解押且解冻 PO=预受要约 CO=解除预受要约 QBD=报价入库 QBW=报价出库 8527 DesignationTransTy pe 注册指令类型 int 注册指令类型,取值范围: 1=新注册请求(New) 3=注册撤单(Cancel) 8528 ParticipatingIndexI D 所属指数代码 String 证券所属指数的证券代码 8529 VotingProposal 投票议案号 int 投票议案号,取值范围:0-999
Price. The price may be changed at any time. For the purpose of this Agreement, the price only refers to the price of the Product, and does not include taxes, freights, customs duties or any other expenses, such as the expenses necessary for the special package and permit of the Product (collectively referred to as “Additional Costs”). Any Additional Costs shall be borne by the Buyer on its own.
Price. 本年每股利润 8513 BidLotSize 买数量单位 Qty 买订单数量应为此域值的整数倍 8514 AskLotSize 卖数量单位 Qty 卖订单数量应为此域值的整数倍 8515 PriceTickSize 价格档位 Price 价格的最小变动单位,买卖订单价格应为此 域值的整数倍 8516 PriceLimitType 限价参数类型 char ‘0’:表示集合竞价限价参数和连续竞价限价参数为价格; ‘1’:表示集合竞价限价参数和连续竞价限价 参数为比例 8517 AuctionPriceLimit 集合竞价限价参 数 float 集合竞价限价参数 8518 ContinuousTradePri ceLimit 连续竞价限价参 数 float 连续竞价限价参数
Price. 上年每股利润 8512 CurrentYearProfitPe rShare 本年每股利润