Service Requirements 样本条款

Service Requirements. 2.1 Use of the Service (a) Institution is permitted to use the Service only for the purposes and in the manner expressly permitted by this Agreement and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and the Documentation; (b) Institution is not permitted to use the Service (or any part thereof) for any unlawful, improper, inappropriate, or illegal activity;
Service Requirements. 2.1 Use of the Service (a) Institution is permitted to use the Service only for the purposes and in the manner expressly permitted by this Agreement and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, and the Documentation; (b) Institution is not permitted to use the Service (or any part thereof) for any unlawful, improper, inappropriate, or illegal activity; (c) Institution is permitted to use the Service to manage Authorized Devices for use only by Authorized Users and Permitted Users and not for general deployment to third parties (except as otherwise expressly permitted herein), and Institution will be responsible for all use of the Authorized Devices by such users, including but not limited to obtaining consents and providing appropriate information to users about the managed features of such devices; (d) Institution will be responsible for all use of the Service by its Permitted Entities (and any Permitted Users of the Permitted Entity), and any actions undertaken by its Permitted Entity shall be deemed to have been taken by Institution, and Institution (in addition to its Permitted Entity) shall be responsible to Apple for all such actions. (e) Institution will obtain all necessary rights and consents from its Authorized Users and Permitted Users to deploy its Authorized Devices as permitted hereunder; (f) Institution will have the rights to purchase and manage Content as may be permitted through the Service and will comply with all applicable terms for the use of Content; (g) Institution will obtain all necessary rights and consents from its Authorized Users where necessary to create Managed Apple IDs and to allow Apple to provide the Service for Managed Apple IDs (including using and maintaining Personal Data); (h) Institution may add Administrators to the Service, but only if such individuals are employees or Contract Employees of Institution or are Service Providers acting on Institution’s behalf, and Institution may add such parties only for account management purposes; and (i) Institution is permitted to use the Service only for its own (and its Permitted Entity’s) internal business operations and information technology purposes and is not permitted to provide a device or service to third parties (other than to a Permitted Entity that is covered under subsection
Service Requirements. 5.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the total project management and shall assign a person to act as the single contact point to the School regarding all related activities of the contract. This single contact point cannot be transferred to a sub-contractor unless explicitly agreed by the School. Contractor should formally inform the School in writing if there is a change of contact point. 5.2. The project manager of this project shall be the permanent staff of the contractor for at least 6 months. The contractor shall prove that the project manager is the permanent staff by providing supporting documents during tender submission. 5.3. The project manager shall attend the project meeting before completion of the project. 5.4. The Contractor shall provide rack/cabinet or use existing school rack if there is available rack space. All switches/firewall shall be properly installed into wall mounted cabinet or rack.

Related to Service Requirements

  • 理财产品用语 (1) 理财产品登记编码:指本款理财产品在全国银行业理财信息登记系统对理财产品进行信息登记后,由全国银行业理财信息登记系统发放的唯一性的理财产品编码。投资者可依据登记编码在中国理财网 (查询产品信息。 (2) 理财产品代码/产品代码:指产品管理人在全国银行业理财信息登记系统中为理财产品设置的内部识别码。 (3) 理财产品销售代码/销售代码:指本款理财产品若设置不同产品份额类别,为在理财产品销售管理过程中区分不同产品份额类别,管理人在同一理财产品代码项下,为每类份额类别设置的唯一性内部识别码。 (4) 理财产品风险等级:理财产品风险等级为产品管理人和销售机构经过审慎评估后确定的产品风险等级。若本产品通过代理销售机构销售的,理财产品评级以代理销售机构最终披露的评级结果为准。产品管理人和代理销售机构对理财产品的风险等级评估结果不一致时,代理销售机构应采用对应较高风险的评级结果。 (5) 投资者风险承受能力评估:指销售机构对理财投资者的风险承受能力进行评价的过程。

  • 〇八条 董事会行使下列职权: (一) 召集股东大会,并向股东大会报告工作;

  • 托管人的权利 (1) 依法对集合计划的资产进行托管; (2) 按照本合同、《说明书》和托管协议的约定收取托管费; (3) 监督管理人集合计划的经营运作,发现管理人的投资或清算指令违反法律法规、中国证监会的有关规定或者本合同、《说明书》和托管协议约定的,要求其改正;未能改正的,应当拒绝执行; (4) 查询集合计划的经营运作情况; (5) 法律法规、中国证监会有关规定和本合同、《说明书》以及托管协议约定的其他权利。

  • 契約者の義務 契約者の施設利用上の注意義務等)

  • 乙方责任 1、 遵守《中华人民共和国政府采购法》关于“采购代理机构”的有关规定,按国家有关政府采购及招标的政策法规,组织实施采购过程中的各项工作,为甲方提供优质服务; 2、 组成专项工作组,承办此次项目采购。指定一位项目负责人,代表乙方联系和处理采购过程中的有关具体事项,接受和签收甲方提供的项目概况、技术规格、服务内容、商务要求等书面材料,并按政府采购管理办公室批复的采购方式组织采购; 3、 负责编制、印刷、发售、解释招标文件; 4、 在政府采购监督管理部门指定媒体上发布采购信息公告及澄清、变更、中标公告等; 5、 落实开标和评标地点等有关的采购事务,与甲方协商确定开、评标程序; 6、 需要时,与甲方共同组织召开并主持答疑会,负责解答投标人提出的商务问题; 7、 负责接收投标人的投标文件,组织开标、评标会议,负责安排评标活动的有关事宜;需要时,负责澄清评审过程中所发现的投标文件中的商务问题。如有必要,负责邀请有关投标人前来进行当面澄清; 8、 根据评标委员会的评标结论,负责编制评标报告并向甲方提交,由甲方定标; 9、 根据甲方的定标意见,向中标人发出《中标通知书》,同时以书面形式通知所有未中标的投标人; 10、 按招标文件要求使用保证金账户收取投标保证金并在采购工作结束后及时办理保证金退还手续; 11、 负责保存采购过程中的所有文件,直到采购完毕,并向甲方移交有关文件; 12、 根据甲方的要求,协调处理采购过程和合同执行过程中遇到的问题。

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • 关联交易 是指公司或者控股子公司与公司关联人发生的转移资源或义务的事项,包括但不限于下列事项: (一) 购买或者出售资产;

  • 谈判保证金 2.4.1 供应商在递交响应文件的同时,应按竞争性谈判文件规定的金额、形式和第六章“响应文件格式”规定的谈判保证金格式递交谈判保证金,并作为其响应文件的组成部分。境内供应商以现金或者支票形式提交的谈判保证金,应当从其基本账户转出并在响应文件中附上基本账户开户证明。联合体投标的,其谈判保证金可以由牵头人或联合体其他成员递交,并应符合竞争性谈判文件的规定。

  • 估值错误的处理 基金管理人和基金托管人将采取必要、适当、合理的措施确保基金资产估值的准确性、及时性。当基金份额净值小数点后 4 位以内(含第 4 位)发生估值错误时,视为基金份额净值错误。

  • 信義誠実の義務 甲及び乙は、信義を重んじ、誠実にこの契約を履行しなければならない。