SET-OFF AND COMBINATION OF ACCOUNTS. 15.1 GTJAF may, at any time, combine or consolidate all or any of such accounts as are for the time being opened and maintained by the Client with GTJAF or other member of GTJA Group, including the Account, and the Client hereby irrevocably authorizes GTJAF (without prejudice to the other authorities granted to GTJAF hereunder):-
SET-OFF AND COMBINATION OF ACCOUNTS. 15.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement or in any other agreement between any member of the SYS Group and Client or any Client Group Company, subject to any applicable law, rules and regulations, and in particular, Rule 623 of the HKFE Rules, Client (for himself and as agent on behalf of any Client Group Company) hereby irrevocably directs and authorizes SYS (for itself and as agent on behalf of any member of the SYS Group) to set-off, withhold, apply and/or transfer (as the case may be) any Commodities, Futures Contracts, Option Contracts, receivables or monies held in or for the Account or any other account with SYS or any other member of the SYS in whole or partial payment of any sum or liability (of whatever nature whether primary, collateral, several or joint (including any liability or sum required to meet demands for Margin or margin requirements) or in other currencies and whether or not in connection with the Account) owed by Client or any Client Group Company to SYS or any other member of the SYS.


  • 平成 年 月 日 ○○マンション管理組合 理 事 長 ○○○○ 殿 住所 氏名 印

  • 定期契約 工作地點 桃園龍潭 教育程度 學士

  • 条款号 条 款 名 称 编 列 内 容

  • 令和 年 月 日 独立行政法人国立青少年教育振興機構契約責任者 理事 横井 理夫 殿 競争加入者住 所 会 社 名 氏 名 印 別紙2 (競争加入者の代理人が入札する場合) 様式A2

  • 资金、证券账目和交易记录核对 基金管理人和基金托管人应对本基金的资金、证券账目及交易记录进行核对。

  • 政府采购合同的履行、违约责任和解决争议的方法等适用《中华人民共和国民法典》 政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。

  • 协议对上市公司的影响 公司与东莞汇裕公司签署的《专利实施许可协议书》,将对公司的本期及期后经营业绩产生积极影响,公司主要业务不会对因履行该协议形成重大依赖。

  • 保险费的交纳 本合同的交费方式和交费期间由您在投保时与我们约定,并在保险单上载明。分期支付保险费的,在交纳首期保险费后,您应当在每个保险费约定交纳日交纳其余各期的保险费。

  • 基金财产清算小组组成 基金财产清算小组成员由基金管理人、基金托管人、具有从事证券相关业务资格的注册会计师、律师以及中国证监会指定的人员组成。基金财产清算小组可以聘用必要的工作人员。

  • 关联交易的决策程序 第十四条 公司与关联方签署涉及关联交易的合同、协议或作出其他安排时,应当采取必要的回避措施: