国内销售. 名称和地址) (销售项目) (名称和地址) (销售项目)
国内销售. (名称和地址) (销售项目)
国内销售. 除合同中另有规定外,协议产品到达约定交付地点之前,应由联新公司负责购买保险,协议产品达到约定交付地点之后,应由买方负责为前述协议产品购买保险。 under applicable law. The Company will invoice the Buyer for and in respect of each sale and individual consignment of the Products delivered under each Order via regular mail, electronic mail or by any other electronic means. Any invoice not objected to by the Buyer in writing within one month of shipment will be deemed to be an undisputed invoice. The Price of each delivery shall be payable by the Buyer as directed in writing by the Company or as specifically mentioned in the Order. The Price of the Products shall be due and payable within 30 days after the date of invoice. The Buyer has no right to set-off against any amount due to the Buyer from the Company or any affiliated company of the Company. The payment is not deemed to be received unless it has been received in cleared funds. No partial payment by the Buyer shall constitute an accord and satisfaction or otherwise satisfy the entire outstanding balance of any invoice of the Company, notwithstanding any notation statement accompanying that payment. Notwithstanding anything set out above, the Buyer, to vary the agreed payment terms and/or to cancel or change any credit arrangements or terms granted to the Company reserves the right, with due intimation to the Buyer. Buyer shall reimburse the Company for the cost of collection, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, of any overdue amount owed by Buyer to the Company. Buyer may not hold back or set-off any amounts owed to the Company in satisfaction of any claims asserted by Buyer against the Company.
国内销售. 所交付协议产品的所有权、灭失风险,应在联新公司将协议产品交付至约定交付地点之时,自联新公司转给买方。
国内销售. 名称和地址) (销售项目) 近三年的年营业额 年份 国内 出口 总额 易损件供应商的名称和地址: 部件名称 供应商 有关开户银行的名称和地址: 制造商所属的集团公司(如有的话):
国内销售. (名称和地址) (销售项目) (名称和地址) (销售项目)
4. 同意为投标人制造货物的制造商名称、地址(附制造商资格声明):
5. 由其他制造商提供和制造的货物部件(如有的话): 制造商名称和地址 制造的部件名称
6. 近 3 年向中国公司提供的投标货物(如有的话 合同编号: 签字日期: 项目名称: 数 量: 合同金额:
7. 有关开户银行的名称和地址:
国内销售. 所交付协议产品的所有权、灭失风险,应在银都拉玛公司 将协议产品交付至约定交付地点之时,自银都拉玛公司转给买方。
国内销售. 除合同中另有规定外,协议产品到达约定交付地点之前,应 由银都拉玛公司负责购买保险,协议产品达到约定交付地点之后,应由买方负责为前述协议产品购买保险。
国内销售. 公司采用高端应用领域和区域化推广应用销售模式,划分了市政工业两大重点应用领域,以及北方区和南方区两大销售区域,突出了重点应用领域的专业化 销售,实现了覆盖全国各重点区域。在向业主提供产品和服务的同时,与领域或区域内的工程公司、设计单位建立了广泛合作关系。 臭氧应用领域众多,处理目的不同,用户需求各异,采购决策相对复杂,公司需要向客户提供定制化的解决方案以满足特定目的需求。基于上述特点,公司销售人员需熟练掌握臭氧制造和应用技术,经过长期的实践和培训后,才可为用户提供专业化的售前咨询、方案设计、售中支持的综合营销服务。同时,设计部作为销售部门的售前技术支持,为业主或设计单位提供专业和有针对性的技术方案。
国内销售. 同意为投标方制造投标货物的制造商:(并附制造商的资格声明) 制造商名称和地址、邮编 货物名称和数量