General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
1. 协 议
x条款和条件意在设定维顺(中国)无纺制品有限公司(下称 “维顺(中国)”)向卖方(下称“卖方”)采购产品的情形及其依据的程序,适用xxx(中国)发出的所有要约、订单(下称“协议 订单”),以及与其中详述的维顺(中国)购买的物资或材料(下称“协议产品”)有关的要约、订单或者协议述及的与卖方达成的约定。维顺(中国)采购协议产品的前提为卖方对该等条款和条件的书面同意和完全接受。维顺(中国)明确告知卖方,维顺(中国)不接受卖方在协议订单、承诺或卖方出具的其他文件中提出的任何不同的和/或额外的条款,且不受卖方提交的任何标准或格式条款或条件的约束。除卖方以书面形式xxx(中国)明确表示拒绝外,本条款和条件应适用于所有的要约、协议订单确认书、协议订单接受书或采购,而不论本条款和条件是否适用xxx(中国)之前发出的协议订单。xx(中国)保留其在卖方接受任何协议订单之前的任何时间取消任何协议订单的权利。
“国家”为司法管辖之目的,指维顺(中国)成立地所在国家。 “合同”指本条款和条件、和/或协议订单、和/或维顺(中国)
2. 价 款
a. 包括所有费用,包括但不限于包装材料费、打包费、运输费、装货费、运送费,以及将协议产品交付至交付地点的保险费和运费,以及任何捐税、课税或税费(包括任何销售税或使用税),但不包括关税、增值税;且
[These general terms and conditions of purchase (“Terms and Conditions”) shall constitute part of an Order, unless the purchases agreement refers to specific terms and conditions in which case those specific terms and conditions shall apply in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions below]
1. Agreement
These Terms and conditions are intended to establish the circumstances and procedures under which FiberVisions (China) Textile Products Ltd. (the “Company”) shall purchase products from a seller (the “Seller”), and shall apply to all offers made by, orders placed by the Company (“Order”) and agreements concluded with the Seller mentioned in the relevant offer, order or agreement in relation to the purchase by the Company of the supplies or materials (“Products”) described therein. The Company’s purchase of the Products is expressly conditioned on the Seller’s agreement on and full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions in writing. The Company expressly notifies the Seller of its objection to any different and/or additional terms proposed by the Seller in the Order or acceptance, or other document issued by the Seller, and the Company will not be bound by any standard or printed terms or conditions presented by the Seller. Unless explicitly objected to in writing received by the Company, the Terms and Conditions shall apply to all offers, Order confirmation, Order acceptances, or purchases whether or not they applied to a prior purchase by the Company. The Company reserves the right to revoke any Order at any time before acceptance by Seller.
“Company” means the purchaser of the Products under these Terms and Conditions and
“Country” for the purpose of jurisdiction means the country in which the Company is incorporated.
“Contract” means these Terms and Conditions and/or the Order and/or the purchase agreement for purchase of the Products by the Company from the Seller.
2. Price
The price payable for the Products (“Price”) and any other terms and conditions of purchase shall be not higher than that stated in the Order and unless otherwise stated shall be:
a. inclusive of all charges including, but not limited to, packaging material, packing, shipping, loading, carriage, insurance and delivery of the Products to the delivery address and any imposts, levies or taxes (including any sales or use tax) other than duties, value added tax; and
b. 在适用的合同的期限内维持不变。卖方承诺,如果在交付本协议项下所有协议产品之前,其以较低价向任何第三方(不管是否与维顺(中国)为同一国家或地区的企业)销售(包括但不限于许诺销售和实际销售)相近数量的类似产品,其应立即书面通知维顺(中国)该等较低价。自卖方以较低价向任何第三方销售该等产品之日起(不论该第三方是否发生退货或解除订单),维顺(中国)将同样享受该等较低价,如卖方已经收取了维顺(中国)较高的价款的,卖方公司应将差价退给维顺(中国)。如果卖方没有通知维顺(中国)该等较低价的,对于较低价后每xxx(中国)发出的高于较低价的采购订单,卖方应当均按照采购订单中的价款与较低价的差价的叁倍赔偿给维顺(中国)。 不管是基于材料、人工或运输成本增加、汇率浮动的原因或任何其他原因,未经维顺(中国)事先书面同意,价格均不得变动,也不得收取额外费用。卖方单方面变动价格,即使是部分变动,维顺(中国)也可以酌情考虑因此部分或全部地取消相应的采购订单,且无须支付任何费用或罚金。
3. 支 付
除协议订单或采购协议中另有规定外,卖方应在xxx (中国)交付各协议产品之时或之后,就该等协议产品xxx(中国)出具收款通知书,维顺(中国)在收到收款通知书后如果没有异议的,应当在合同规定的期限内支付该收款通知书的金额。在不损害维顺(中国)任何其他权利或救济的前提下,维顺(中国)保留随时以其根据本协议或其它协议或其它情形中未付给卖方或卖方的关联公司的任何款项,与卖方或卖方的关联公司按照合同规定应付给维顺(中国)的任何款项相抵销的权利。
4. 权属、灭失风险和购买条款
A. 国内采购
B. 国际采购
5. 保 险
A. 国内采购
B. 国际采购
卖方/ 维顺( 中国) 应负责按照《国际贸易术语解释通则
b. fixed for the duration of the applicable Contract. Seller covenants that if it should at any time prior to the delivery of the Products sold hereunder sell (including but not limited to promise to sell or actually sell) similar Products in similar quantities to any third party (whether or not in the same country or region as the Company) at lower prices, it will promptly notify the Company in writing of such lower prices, and the Company will receive the full benefit of such lower prices from the date of such sale to any third party (whether or not the third party returned the products or canceled the order). If the Seller has charged the Company for the Products at higher Prices, the Seller shall refund the balance to the Company. No variation in the Price nor extra charges can be made (whether on account of increased material, labor or transport costs, fluctuation in rates of exchange or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the Company. Any unilateral change of the Price by Seller, even partial, may therefore cause the partial or total cancellation of the corresponding purchase Order as the Company considers appropriate without charge or penalty.
3. Payment
Payment terms shall be as agreed to by the Company and the Seller and set forth in the Order. The Seller will separately invoice the Company for and in respect of each purchase and consignment of the Products delivered under each order.
Unless otherwise stated in the Order or the purchase agreement the Seller shall invoice the Company for each Product on or after delivery of such Product to the Company and the Company shall pay such invoice within the period stated in the contract if the Company raises no objection to the invoice. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy, the Company reserves the right to set off any amount owing at any time from the Seller or associated company of the Seller to the Company against any sums payable by the Company to the Seller or associated company of the Seller under the Contract or any other agreement or circumstance.
4. Title and Risk of Loss and Buying Terms
A. Domestic Purchases
Notwithstanding any terms relating to delivery and freight on the Order, the title and risk of loss in the Products shall remain with Seller until the Products ordered are actually delivered to and accepted at the Company’s offices or other destination designated in writing by the Company in the Contract.
B. International Purchases
Unless otherwise agreed in writing in the Order, title shall pass from the Seller DDP Company’s place of delivery pursuant to INCOTERMS 2010.
5. Insurance
A. Domestic Purchases
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Seller shall insure the Products up to the agreed point of delivery and the acceptance by the Company.
B. International Purchases
The Seller shall be responsible for insuring the Products as DDP Company’ place of delivery as per INCOTERMS 2010.
6. 运输与交付
协议产品应妥当包装、明确标记,并应对其进行适当的保护以免其在运输过程中遭受任何损失和破坏。除协议订单中另有规定外,应在正常营业时间将协议产品交付至维顺(中国)的营业场所,或协议订单中注明的其他地址。卖方应确保每次交付协议产品时,均应附上交付通知,并将其置于明显位置。交付通知除其他内容之外,应注明协议订单号、协议订单日期、件数、所装物品。在收到卖方所交付协议产品之后十五(15)日,或在协议产品的潜在缺陷已经变得很明显之后一段合理时间(以后发生者为准)为维顺(中国)的检验期,未经过前述期限,不应视为维顺 (中国)已接受该等协议产品。在交付协议产品的同时,卖方应以清楚可视的方式,xxx(中国)提供所有的使用说明书、安全说明书和警示通告,以及正确使用、维护和维修该等协议产品可能必须的信息。如果协议产品是以散货的方式交付,维顺(中国)有权决定是否接受实际交付数量在协议订单数量基础上上下浮动百分之五(5%),且所交付数量应视为协议订单数量。如果维顺 (中国)在合理期限内书面通知卖方,告知其协议产品在转运、卸货(无论是否由维顺(中国)进行作业)或堆垛的过程中发生灭失或损坏,卖方均应在接到通知的合理时间内维修或替换该等协议产品。
7. 协议产品特性与适用性
卖方保证xxx(中国)交付数量、质量和描述严格符合技术规格数量和描述,且符合协议订单和/或维顺(中国)接受的样品,和/或维顺(中国)向卖方提供的任何适用的规范、或卖方xxx (中国)提供的报价中的明细和/或规格的协议产品。所交付协议产品应无任何瑕疵,且应是新的并未经使用的,但另有规定的除外。卖方应遵守所有适用的,与协议产品的制造、包装、打包和交付有关的,且符合所有法律规定和国家、社区规程的标准、法规和/或其他法律规定。经合理事先通知卖方,维顺(中国)有权检验、检测协议产品,卖方不得无理拒绝维顺(中国)检验、检测协议产品的要求。维顺(中国)可以退还任何不合格产品,风险和费用由卖方承担。退还不合格产品的权利应延伸至整批货物或其中任何一部分。维顺(中国)因退还不合格产品而实际产生的所有成本、损失、损害赔偿和费用,和/或维顺(中国)为取得其他产品以替代不合格产品而实际产生的任何额外开支,均应由卖方负责偿还。
The insurance provided by the Seller must be made to cover any damages or loss of the Products for full amount of the Products insurable value.
6. Shipment and Delivery
Delivery on the Order must be made in the quantities and on the dates specified by the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may reject the early delivery of the Products. Time is of the essence with respect to the Order.
The Products shall be properly packed, clearly labeled and adequately protected against damage and deterioration in transit. Unless otherwise stated in the Order, the Products shall be delivered during normal business hours to the Company’s place of business or other place as may be specified in the Order. The Seller shall ensure that each delivery is accompanied by a delivery note which is prominently displayed and which shows, inter alia, the Order number, date of Order, number of packages and contents. The Company shall not be deemed to have accepted the Products until the Company has had fifteen (15) days to inspect them following delivery or within a reasonable time after any latent defect in the Products has become apparent (whichever occurs later). The Seller shall supply the Company on delivery of the Products with all operating and safety instructions, warning notices clearly displayed, and other information as may be necessary for their proper use, maintenance and made in bulk, the Company reserves he right to accept up to five per cent (5%) more or five per cent (5%) less than the quantity ordered, and the quantity so delivered shall be deemed to be the quantity ordered. The Seller will repair or replace the Products damaged or lost in transit or during off-loading, whether or not by the Company, or stacking free of charge, provided the Company gives written notice to the Seller of the damage or loss within a reasonable time.
7. Product Characteristics and suitability
The Seller undertakes to deliver the Products of the quantity, quality and description which corresponds strictly to the technical specifications quantity and description, with the particulars and/or specifications in the Order and/or the sample accepted by the Company and/or in any applicable specification supplied by the Company to the Seller or the quotation provided by the Seller to the Company. The Products shall be without fault and shall be new and unused unless otherwise specified. The Seller shall comply with all applicable standards, regulations and/or other legal requirements concerning the manufacture, packaging, packing and delivery of the Products and conforming with all legal requirements and national and community regulations. Upon reasonable prior notice, the Company shall have the right to inspect and test the Products and the Seller shall not unreasonably refuse any request by the Company to inspect and test the Products. The Company may return any rejected Products at the Seller’s risk and expense. The right to reject shall extend to the whole or any part of a consignment. To the Company of all costs,
8. 协议产品规格/采购订单的变更
9. 保证
卖方xxx(中国)xx并保证:协议产品的质量、材料和工艺符合要求、适销,其设计、材料和工艺没有任何缺陷,且符合预定目的,并符合协议订单中所规定的规格。此外,卖方xx并保证:(i) 协议产品应适当放置、包装或标记,且应与协议产品上标明的事实保持一致;(ii) 协议产品合任何变更要求均应视为单独的协议订单。未经维顺(中国)书面批准,卖方提出的任何要求或调整均不得对维顺(中国)产生约束力所有与协议产品及其销售、使用和供应有关的法定要求、适用的法律和法规以及自愿的行为准则;(iii)在履行其在本条款和条件项下的义务时,卖方应完全遵守所有适用的法律和法规;(iv) 协议产品或其预定用途不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权;和 (v) 协议产品所包含的任何服务,均应按照适用的行业标准,以专业方式履行。卖方进一步xx并保证:其能够,且经维顺(中国)接受,确实xxx(中国)转让了其对协议产品的有效且可销的所有权。本第9条中作出的所有xx和保证在协议产品被接受之后仍应有效,且不应影响维顺 (中国)可取得的任何其他明示的或默示的保证。对协议产品的任何检验或接受均不应影响前述任何保证。
10. 损害赔偿限制
对于因维顺(中国)取消协议订单、违反合同,或由维顺(中国)其他作为或不作为(包括疏忽大意)所引起的任何伤害、灭失、损害赔偿、费用、成本或其他责任,维顺(中国)所应承担的责任以及卖方可获得的补偿不应超过以下两个金额中较低者:(i) 在该等取消、违约或其他作为或不作为发生之前,卖方生产所涉协议产品所实际产生的直接费用;或(ii) 所涉协议订单显示的采购价款。无论在何种情况下,维顺(中国)均不对卖方的利润损失、惩罚性、特殊性、结果性、间接性、惩戒性或附带性损害赔偿负责。
losses, damages and expenses whatsoever actually incurred by the Company due to rejection of the Products and/or any additional expenditure actually incurred by the Company in obtaining other products to replace the rejected Products.
8. Changes to Product specification / Purchase Order
The Company may at any time by written notice to Seller request changes to the Order including changes in the drawings or specifications, method of shipment, quantities, packing or time or place of delivery. In response to such request, if such changes result in additional charges, Xxxxxx agrees to provide written quotations, including any changes to the prices, shipment or delivery dates. A request for change shall be treated as a separate Order, unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. Any claim or adjustment proposed by the Seller must be approved by the Company in writing before such proposed claims or adjustments become binding on the Company.
9. Warranties
The Seller represents and warrants to the Company that the Products shall be of satisfactory quality, material and workmanship, merchantable, free of defect in design, material and workmanship and fit for any purpose for which they are intended and shall conform to the specifications set forth in the Order. In addition, Seller represents and warrants that (i) the Products shall be adequately contained, packaged or labeled and shall conform to the affirmations of fact stated thereon, (ii) the Products will comply with all statutory requirements, applicable laws and regulations and voluntary codes of conduct relating to the Products and their sale, use and supply (iii) in performing its obligations hereunder, Seller shall fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations, (iv) the Products or the intended use thereof do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party and (v) any services included in the Products shall be performed in a professional manner, in accordance with applicable industry standards. Seller further represents and warrants that it is able to transfer, and upon the Company’s acceptance thereof does transfer, to the Company good and marketable title to the Products. All the representations and warranties set forth in this Section 9 shall survive acceptance of the Products and shall be in addition to any other warranties, express or implied, available to the Company. Neither inspection nor acceptance of the Products shall impair any of the foregoing warranties.
10. Limitation on Damages
The Company’s liability and Seller’s recovery, for any injuries, losses, damages, expenses, costs or other liabilities arising out of the cancellation of the Order by the Company, any breach of this Contract by the Company, or the Company’s other acts or omissions (including its negligence) shall be limited to the lesser of
(i) the actual and direct costs incurred by Seller for its manufacture of the Products in question prior to such cancellation, breach, or other acts or omissions, or (ii) the purchase price for the Order. In no event shall the Company be liable to Seller for lost profits, punitive, special, consequential, indirect, exemplary or incidental damages.
11. 赔 偿
对于(a) 协议产品的任何瑕疵、缺陷或声称的缺陷(包括基于严格侵权责任产生的缺陷),(b) 卖方违反合同的任何规定,
(c) 卖方或其代表的作为、过失或疏忽大意,或(d) 生产、销售或使用任何协议产品而引起的侵权、侵占或侵犯任何其他人、公司、法人或其他实体的专利、商业秘密、商标、商号或其他知识产权的其他行为导致的或促成的任何人身伤害、死亡或财产损坏、灭失、或由其造成的任何结果性或附带性损害赔偿所造成的、引起的、或与之相关的、或作出前述声称的任何诉讼、起诉、判决、责任、成本、损害、灭失、索赔和费用(包括律师费),卖方应对维顺(中国)、维顺(中国)的代理人、服务人员、高级管理人员、董事和员工、维顺(中国)的经销商、代理商以及所有购买协议产品或使用协议产品制作的其他商品的实体及其各自的顾客进行赔偿,使之免受损害,并经维顺(中国)要求,自费为前述实体和个人进行辩护,使之免受损害。 无论是否与协议产品相关,如果卖方的任何员工、代理人、分包商或其他代表在或出现在维顺(中国)的任何经营场所,卖方对且应对该等人员在维顺(中国)的场所或与维顺(中国)的场所有关的作为和不作为负责,且同意对因卖方的员工或代表的作为或不作为所引起的财产损失、人身伤害或死亡负责。如果第三方向维顺(中国)提出的索赔在卖方赔偿的范围内,维顺(中国)应书面通知卖方该等索赔。卖方应按维顺(中国)要求,合理协助维顺(中国)进行辩护控诉。卖方应就任何第三方的索赔或诉讼,对维顺(中国)和/或维顺(中国)的承保人实际支付的法律辩护费用和其他辩护费用,以及维顺(中国)和/或维顺(中国)的承保人支付的实际结算金额或最终判决、裁定金额作出补偿。卖方应就任何实际或声称的侵犯著作权、专利权、注册设计权或其他财产权利的行为所引起的或招致的所有诉讼、索赔、要求、成本、收费、费用,对维顺(中国)进行赔偿。
12. 协议订单取消与合同终止
13. 迟延交付
11. Indemnity
The Seller will indemnify, hold harmless and, upon the Company’s request, defend at Seller’s sole cost and expense, the Company, its agents, servants, officers, directors and employees, the Company’s distributors, dealers and all entities which purchase the Products or products into which the Products are incorporated, and their respective customers, harmless against any suit, action, proceeding, judgment, liability, cost, damage, loss, claim and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) occasioned by, arising out of, relating to or alleging any claim for injury, death, damage or loss to any person or any property or any consequential or incidental damages resulting therefore, caused or contributed to by (a) any fault, defect or alleged defection the Products (including by reason of strict liability in tort), (b) the Seller’s breach of any provision of this Contract, (c) any act, fault, or negligence of Seller or anyone acting on its behalf or (d) any infringement, misappropriation or other violation of the patent, trade secret, trademark, trade name, or other intellectual property right of any other person, firm, corporation or other entity arising from the manufacture, sale or use of any of the Products. In connection with the Products or otherwise, if Seller’s employees, agents, sub-contractors or any premises of the Company, the Seller shall be and is responsible for the acts and omissions of such persons within or about the Company’s premises and agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless against liability for damage to property or injury to or death of persons arising out of acts or omissions of the Seller’s employees or representatives. In the event of a claim by a third party against the Company which may be the subject of indemnification, the Company shall provide written notification thereof to the Seller. The Seller shall provide the Company with such reasonable assistance in the prosecution of any defense as the Company may request. The Seller will, in respect of any third party claim or suit, reimburse the Company for the legal and other actual defense expenses paid by the Company and/or the Company’s insurance carriers, and for the actual amount of any settlement or final judgment award paid by the Company and/or the Company’s insurance carriers. The Seller shall indemnify the Company against all actions, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses arising from or incurred by reason of any infringement or alleged infringement of copyright, patent, registered design or other property right.
12. Cancellation and Termination
The Company shall be entitled to cancel any Order in whole or in part by giving notice to the Seller at any time prior to delivery of the Products in which event the Company’s sole liability shall be to pay to the Seller the agreed price for such Products as have already been delivered at the time of cancellation. The Company shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the Seller to terminate the Contract forthwith for any reason.
13. Delay in delivery
The Seller must deliver the Products to the Company within the schedules as prescribed in the Order or as agreed in the Contract. If the Products are not delivered on the due date then, without prejudice to any other rights which it may the Company reserves the right to: cancel the Order in whole or in part; refuse to accept any subsequent delivery of the Products which the Seller attempts to make; recover from the Seller any expenditure
14. 不可抗力
15. 弃 权
16. 转让
14. Force Majeure
Either of the parties may suspend performance during the occurrence of an event of force majeure, which shall mean any delay directly or indirectly caused by, or in any manner arises from events and causes beyond the such party’s reasonable control, including but not limited to accidents, acts of God, acts and omissions of any governmental authority, declared or undeclared wars, terrorism, explosions, strikes or other labor disputes, fires and natural calamities (including floods, earthquakes, storms and epidemics), changes in the law, and delays in obtaining (or the inability to obtain) labor, materials or services through such party’s usual sources at normal prices, riots, embargoes, fuel, power, materials or supplies, delay or default of common carriers, transportation delays, or without limiting the foregoing, any other cause or causes, whether or not similar in nature to any of these herein before specified which are beyond its reasonable control. The Company shall be entitled to, at its sole option, cancel any Order or any part thereof without any charge or penalty and/or obtain the Products covered by the Order from other sources for the duration of the Seller’s inability to perform due to the occurrence or an event of force majeure and to reduce the quantity of the Products specified in any Order without charge or penalty. The Company may also terminate, with intimation to the Seller, the total Order if the force majeure event has been in effect for a period beyond 3 months.
15. Waiver
No waiver by the Company of any breach by the Seller of any of these Terms and Conditions, or delay or failure of the Company to enforce any right or remedy, shall be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any other term or condition. Nothing contained herein shall limit any of the remedies of the Company in the event of the Seller’s breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.
16. Assignment
The Seller shall not assign to any person or entity all or a portion of its rights or obligations under any Order, purchase order or these Terms and Conditions without the prior written consent of the Company, in its sole discretion, and any attempted assignment without that consent shall be void. The Company may assign its rights under any Order or these Terms and Conditions without the consent of the Seller in the event that the Company shall effect or intend to effect a reorganization, consolidate with or merge into any other corporation, partnership, organization or other entity, or transfer all or substantially all of its properties or assets to any other corporation, partnership, organization or other entity. The Company, with intimation to the Seller, may also transfer its rights under and subject to the terms of Contract.
17. 可分割性
18. 通知与通信
19. 相互冲突的规定
20. 卖方的地位
21. 保 密
22. 准据法
17. Severability
If any provision of any Order or these Terms and Conditions is held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the other provisions of such Order or these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected.
18. Notices and Communication
Any notice or other communication that either party gives relating to the purchase of the Products by the Company shall be made in writing and given either by hand, first class recorded postal delivery, or electronic mail to a previously designated authorized individual or facsimile transmission.
19. Conflicting provisions
In the event of any conflicting or inconsistent provisions between the specific purchase agreement and these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the specific purchase agreement shall always prevail and take precedence with respect to any such conflicting or inconsistent provisions.
20. Status of Seller
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions or any Order or purchase agreement relating to the Products shall create or be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture, a contract of employment or relationship of employer and employee, or a relationship of principal and agent between the Seller and the Company.
21. Confidentiality
The Seller shall undertake to keep in strict confidence all information obtained from the Company and shall not use any such information for any purpose other than the purposes originally intended without the prior written consent of the Company. Seller shall protect the confidentiality of all such information with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information, but in no event less than a reasonable standard of care. For the avoidance of doubt, the purchase price of the Products shall be deemed to be confidential information for the purposes of this Section 21.The Seller shall ensure that all sub- contractors are contractually obliged to comply with the same confidentiality requirements. The terms of this clause shall survive the expiration or termination of any Order, the Terms and Conditions, and the Contract.
22. Governing Law
The Terms and Conditions, the purchase agreement, the Order and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non- contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the relevant laws of China without regards to its conflicts of law provisions. All disputes shall be brought before the competent courts in China at the place where the Company is located.