交易核對 Sample Clauses
交易核對. Transaction verification
交易核對. Checking of transactions
16.1 貴行於每筆交易指示處理完畢後,以電子文件通知立約人,立約人應核對其結果有無錯誤。如有不符,應於使用完成之日起四十五日內,以臨櫃或電子文件或向 貴行客服單位反應之方式通知 貴行查明。 After completing the processing of each transaction as instructed by the Applicant, the Bank shall notify the Applicant by sending an electronic document and the Applicant shall check whether the transaction result is correct. If there is any discrepancy, the Applicant shall notify the Bank by informing the customer service unit thereof in person or via electronic documents to make investigation within 45 days from the date of finishing the use of service.
16.2 貴行應於每月對立約人以平信或約定之電子文件方式寄送上月之交易對帳單(該月無交易時不寄)。立約人核對後如認為交易對帳單所載事項有錯誤時,應於收受之日起四十五日內以臨櫃或電子文件或向 貴行客服單位反應通知 貴行查明。 Every month the Bank shall send a transaction statement of the previous month to the Applicant via a surface mail or an electronic document as agreed. (The statement is not required if no transactions took place in the previous month.) If finding any error in the transaction statement, the Applicant shall notify the Bank by informing the customer service unit thereof in person or via electronic documents to make investigation within 45 days from the date of receiving the statement.
16.3 貴行對於立約人之通知,應即進行調查,並於通知到達 貴行之日起三十日內,將調查之情形或結果以書面方式覆知立約人。 Upon receiving the Applicant’s notice, the Bank shall make investigation immediately and give a written reply indicating the findings or result of the investigation to the Applicant within 30 days from the date of receiving the notice.