Responsibilities of the District 12.1. The District shall examine the documents submitted by the Architect and shall render decisions so as to avoid unreasonable delay in the process of the Architect’s Services. 12.2. The District shall verbally or in writing advise Architect if the District becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project, including any errors, omissions or inconsistencies in the Architect’s documents. Failure to provide such notice shall not relieve Architect of its responsibility therefore, if any. 12.3. Unless the District and Architect agree that a hazardous materials consultant shall be a Consultant of the Architect, the District shall furnish the services of a hazardous material consultant or other consultants when such services are requested in writing by Architect and deemed necessary by the District or are requested by the District. These services shall include: asbestos and lead paint survey; abatement documentation; and specifications related to said matters, which are to be incorporated into bid documents prepared by Architect. If the hazardous materials consultant is furnished by the District and is not a Consultant of the Architect, the specifications shall include a note to the effect that the hazardous materials consultant’s specifications are included in the Architect’s bid documents for the District’s convenience and have not been prepared or reviewed by the Architect. The note shall also direct questions about the hazardous materials consultant’s specifications related to asbestos and lead paint survey and/or abatement documentation to the preparer of the hazardous materials consultant’s specifications.