A Plan to Serve All EL Students. The District will develop a written Plan with District- wide policies and procedures to ensure that EL students have equal access to the District's educational program.
a) Within ninety (90) days of signing this Agreement, the District will develop and submit to OCR for review and approval an initial draft Plan for providing meaningful educational services to all its EL students. The District will continue to submit draft plans until OCR approves a final Plan for the District's full and timely implementation.
b) For each Plan item, the Plan will specify the appropriate policies and procedures, corresponding activities, the dates for these activities, the persons responsible, and the supporting documentation. The District's Plan will address the following educational services for EL students:
A Plan to Serve All EL Students. The School will develop a written Plan with School-wide policies and procedures to ensure that EL students have equal access to the School’s educational program.
a) On or before January 14, 2022, the School will develop and submit to OCR for review and approval an initial draft Plan for providing meaningful educational services to all its EL students. The School will continue to submit draft plans until OCR approves a final Plan for the School’s full and timely implementation.
b) For each Plan item, the Plan will specify the appropriate policies and procedures, corresponding activities, the dates for these activities, the persons responsible, and the supporting documentation. The School’s Plan will address the following educational services for EL students:
A Plan to Serve All EL Students. The Charter will develop a written Plan to ensure that EL students have equal and meaningful access to the Charter's educational program.
a) By October 13, 2017, the Charter will submit to OCR for review and approval an initial draft Plan for providing EL services to all its EL students. The Charter will continue to submit draft plans until OCR approves a final Plan for the Charter's full and timely implementation.
b) For each Plan item, the Plan will specify the appropriate policies and procedures, corresponding activities, the dates for these activities, the persons responsible, and the supporting documentation. The Charter's Plan will address the following educational services for EL students:
A Plan to Serve All EL Students. The District will develop a written Plan with District- wide policies and procedures to ensure that EL students have equal access to the School’s educational program. The District’s Plan will address the following educational services for EL students at the School: