(a) REJECTED APPLICANTS. A bargaining unit employee who applies for a position and is not selected for an interview, or is selected for an interview but not hired for the position, will be notified by the Employer the reason the employee was not selected.
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  • Publication Notice Similarly, the Settlement Administrator will cause the Publication Notice to be published in accordance with the Media Plan attached as part of Exhibit B. The Parties agree that the Publication Notice provides to the Settlement Class and Settlement Class Members information sufficient to inform them of: the essential terms of the Settlement; appropriate means for obtaining additional information regarding the Settlement and the Action; and, appropriate information about the procedure for objecting or opting-out from the Settlement, if they should wish to do so. Because the Media Plan is determined to be the best notice practicable under the circumstances and satisfies due process, the Parties will request the Court to approve the Media Plan in the Preliminary Approval Order.

  • Certification of Applicants The Employer will determine the number of applicants to be certified to the hiring official for consideration. All employees on the internal layoff list for the classification, and all promotional, transfer and voluntary demotion candidates, who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position will be certified and will be considered by the Employer, prior to consideration of other candidates.

  • Notice of Dispute The party wishing to commence the dispute resolution process must give written notice (Notice of Dispute) to the other parties of:

  • Notification to Unsuccessful Job Applicants The parties agree that any unsuccessful candidate for an ONA job posting will be notified, in writing, within one (1) week of the decision being made and prior to the posting of the name of the successful candidate. The parties further agree that the above notification will be copied to the ONA Bargaining Unit President.

  • Email Notice Any reference in this Agreement to “written notice” shall include notice by email, where there is reasonable certainty that such email notice originated either from a valid OANDA email address, or from the email address registered to your Account, as the case may be, and may be relied upon as valid and authentic written communication.

  • Inspection; Acceptance The Contractor (immixTechnology, Inc.) can only, and shall only tender for acceptance those items that substantially conform to the software manufacturer’s (“Dassault Systemes Americas Corp.”) published specifications. Therefore, items delivered shall be considered accepted upon delivery. The Government reserves the right to inspect or test any supplies or services that have been delivered. The Government may require repair or replacement of nonconforming supplies or re-performance of nonconforming services at no increase in contract price. If repair/replacement or re-performance will not correct the defects or is not possible, the Government may seek an equitable price reduction or adequate consideration for acceptance of nonconforming supplies or services. The Government must exercise its post-acceptance rights-

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