Applicants Sample Clauses

Applicants. If the NRMP's investigation of an alleged Match violation by an applicant results in a finding that an applicant has committed a violation of this Agreement, the processing of the applicant's rank order list may be interrupted. The NRMP at its discretion may withdraw the applicant from the SMS Match. If a matched applicant is the subject of a violation investigation, the program to which the applicant matched may not fill the position with another applicant until the NRMP has issued the Final Report or granted a waiver, whichever is earlier. If the violation investigation has not concluded by the start date of training, the program shall begin training the matched applicant unless NRMP has granted a waiver or issued a deferral. The NRMP’s Final Report on the confirmed violation will be delivered to the applicant with copies to: (1) the applicant's medical school official, with a request that the Final Report be placed in the applicant’s permanent file (2) the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates if the applicant is a graduate of an international medical school (3) the NRMP institutional official and the director of the program to which the applicant matched (4) the NRMP institutional official and the director of the program to which the applicant has applied or switched (if known) (5) the party who originally reported the violation (6) the NRMP Executive Committee (7) the American Board of Medical Specialties (8) the American Osteopathic Association (9) the applicant's residency program director (10) the Federation of State Medical Boards if the applicant is to be permanently identified as a Match violator or permanently barred from future NRMP Matches (11) any parties whom the NRMP has determined are relevant to its investigation (12) state medical licensure boards, if requested by the applicant In addition, the applicant may be barred from subsequent NRMP Matches and/or identified as a Match violator to participating programs for one to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. The applicant also may be barred for one year from accepting an offer of a position or a new training year, regardless of the start date, in any program sponsored by a Match-participating institution, and/or starting a position or a new training year in any program sponsored by a Match-participating institution if training would commence within one year from the date of issuance of the Final Report. Further, any applicant who has been denied a waiver o...
Applicants. Employees, including apprentices posted to a position in accordance with Appendix B(2)(e) will not be eligible to compete for bulletined vacancies in another location for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of notification of selection or posting to the job currently held. Apprenticeship applicants, recently graduated apprentices and Journeymen/women applying for crew supervision or instructor positions are excluded from this provision. Other exceptions may be made if approved by the Employer and the Local Union.
ApplicantsAn applicant is any medical school student or graduate who has registered or intends to register for the Match.
Applicants. Employees wishing to fill vacant positions shall make their applications in writing, within the seven (7) calendar day period of posting. If no application is received from a qualified employee within the Department or Food & Beverage Outlet of the vacancy, applications from employees in other Departments or Food & Beverage Outlets, who have completed their probationary period and/or trial period, shall be given due consideration. Before considering outside applicants, current employees on probation or on a trial period shall be given due consideration. For applicants within the Department or Food & Beverage Outlet, where all other factors including skill, ability, and efficiency are equal, classification seniority within the department shall be the determining factor. For applicants outside the Department or Food & Beverage Outlet, where all other factors including skill, ability, and efficiency are equal, house seniority shall be the determining factor.
Applicants. If an applicant tests positive, the offer of employment will be revoked. The applicant may not reapply for at least twelve months from the date of the last drug test.
Applicants. SSA will provide direct notice, in writing, to all applicants at the time of application for SSI or RSDI benefits that SSA will match their records against those of other agencies to verify their eligibility or payment amount.
Applicants. 5.1 Eligibility: Main Residency Match In order for an applicant to participate in the Main Residency Match, the NRMP requires that each applicant affirm that he or she meets all requirements for entry into graduate medical education as prescribed in Section IV of the ACGME Institutional Requirements, Residents. The eligibility of sponsored applicants (U.S. MD and DO senior students) to participate in the Main Residency Match is communicated directly to the NRMP by their NRMP school officials. With respect to all other applicants in the Match, it is the policy of the NRMP to contact the relevant United States or Canadian schools to verify enrollment or graduate status and to contact the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates ("ECFMG") concerning whether an applicant who is a student at, or a graduate of, an international medical school has passed the examinations necessary for ECFMG certification. The NRMP does not attempt to verify visa status. It is the policy of the NRMP to withdraw from the Main Residency Match all applicants whose eligibility is not confirmed prior to the applicable Rank Order List Certification Deadline. The parties acknowledge that the NRMP cannot guarantee the eligibility of an applicant and that it is the responsibility of each institution to verify independently that each applicant considered for a position at such institution meets all of the institution's requirements. Those requirements must be communicated to applicants in writing prior to the applicable Rank Order List Certification Deadline. It is recommended that each program obtain a signed acknowledgement of such communication from each applicant who interviews with such program. 5.2 Eligibility: SMS Matching Program To participate in the SMS, prior to the scheduled start date of the position for which the applicant is applying, the applicant must have completed all of the training required for such position and must meet all of the requirements for entry into graduate medical education as prescribed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education ("ACGME") in Section IV of the ACGME Institutional Requirements, Residents, which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Each applicant executing the SMS Match Participation Agreement affirms that he or she will meet those requirements prior to the applicable program start date.
Applicants who want to study at UPJŠ MF in study program General medicine and Dental medicine must have completed secondary education by matriculation and must pass an entrance examination in Biology and Chemistry.
ApplicantsThe School District requires that each applicant for a bus operator’s position possess a valid Florida Driver’s License for a minimum of five (5) years and have a Driving Record (DHSMV report) clear of any Convictions or Adjudications Withheld for moving violations, suspensions, revocations or cancellations for the previous three (3) years; and such other licenses and endorsements as may be required by applicable law and regulation and meet all other minimum qualifications as may be required by Federal law, State law, State Board Rule, School Board Policy and the District’s Safe Driver Plan. The driving record of all applicants shall be obtained from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and reviewed by the District, as and when required by law to verify an acceptable driving history and compliance with the standards of this policy and applicable law and regulation. Any of the following infractions or offenses will render a candidate unqualified and, therefore, ineligible for employment as a School Bus Operator: • Driving under the influence within the last 12 years and more than once in a lifetime. • Conviction or Adjudication Withheld for reckless driving during the past ten (10) years or careless driving during the past five (5) years. • Convicted of leaving the scene of an accident with or without injuries, property damage, or fatality within the last fifteen (15) years. • At-fault accident resulting in a fatality. • More than ten (10) points accumulated in the last 5 years not to exceed 4 points within any one year and not more twenty (20) points on license in a lifetime. If the applicant has one or more Adjudication Withheld during this time, the maximum of points is reduced from 10 to 5. At the time of recommended employment, the School Board shall require that the operator of a school bus candidate meet the following requirements;
Applicants. Should you wish to raise a complaint in relation to your application process please first consult the relevant information on the website: Applicant Appeals and Complaints Policy. In some cases where admission is undertaken through a joint venture or wholly externally, your complaint may be passed on for action. If this is the case, we will contact you with all relevant information in regard to this.