Accounting Officer. The Authority has its own Vote (Vote 41) within the Justice Group of Votes, and its own Accounting Officer. Section 62R of the Act provides that the CEO is the Accounting Officer in relation to the appropriation accounts of the Policing Authority for the purposes of the Comptroller and Auditor General Acts 1866 to 1998. As Accounting Officer, the CEO is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under his or her control and is accountable in this respect to the Committee of Public Accounts (PAC) and other Oireachtas Committees.
Accounting Officer. The Inspectorate is funded under the Department’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Department's Secretary General is the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under their control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by their Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. External scrutiny of the appropriation accounts and related matters is provided by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and ultimately by the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. The Board is funded under the Justice Vote (Vote 24), for which the Secretary General of the Department is the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for safeguarding public funds and property under the Department’s control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by the Department and for the propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. Further external scrutiny and governance is provided through the submission and analysis of the annual appropriation account to the Comptroller and Auditor General and ultimately to the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. GSOC is funded under the Department of Justice’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Department's Secretary General is the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under their control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by their Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. External scrutiny of the appropriation accounts and related matters is provided by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and ultimately by the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. The IPS is funded under the Prisons Vote (Vote 21). While the IPS manages the Vote on a day-to-day basis and prepares the annual appropriation account, the Department's Secretary General is the Accounting Officer for the Vote. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under his/her control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by the Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the Appropriation Account. External scrutiny is facilitated by the submission of the Appropriation Account to the Comptroller and Auditor General and ultimately to the Oireachtas through the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. The PSA is funded under the Department’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Secretary General is Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under the Department’s control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by the Department and for the propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. Further external scrutiny and governance is provided through the submission of the Appropriation Accounts to the Comptroller & Auditor General and ultimately to the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. FSI is funded under the Department of Justice’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Department's Secretary General is the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under their control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by their Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. External scrutiny of the appropriation accounts and related matters is provided by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and ultimately by the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. The OIP is funded under the Department of Justice’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Department's Secretary General is currently the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under their control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by their Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account for the Vote. The OIP provides a detailed briefing to the Secretary General in advance of her appearances before the Public Accounts Committee. External scrutiny of the appropriation accounts and related matters is provided by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and ultimately by the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.
Accounting Officer. Article 39
1. The Commission shall appoint an accounting officer who shall be responsible for:
(a) proper implementation of payments, collection of revenue and recovery of amounts established as being receivable;
(b) preparing and presenting the accounts in accordance with Title VIII;
(c) keeping the accounts for:
(i) the allocations referred to in Article 15, except those for the Investment Facility, and interest rate subsidies;
(ii) the commitments referred to in Article 70;
(iii) payments, revenue and debts;
(d) laying down, in accordance with Title VIII, the accounting rules and methods and the chart of accounts;
(e) laying down and validating the accounting systems and where appropriate validating systems laid down by the authorising officer by delegation to supply or justify accounting information;
(f) treasury management and calls for Member States contributions. The accounting officer shall be empowered to verify the respect of criteria for the validating referred to in point (e) of the first subparagraph.
2. The accounting officer shall obtain from the authorising officer by delegation and from the EIB, who shall, each for their own part, guarantee its reliability, all the information necessary for the production of accounts giving a true image of the financial implementation of EDF resources.
Accounting Officer. The OSP is funded under the Department of Justice’s Vote (Vote 24), for which the Department's Secretary General is the Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the safeguarding of public funds and property under their control, for the efficiency and economy of administration by their Department and for the regularity and propriety of all transactions in the appropriation account. External scrutiny of the appropriation accounts and related matters is provided by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and ultimately by the Oireachtas via the Public Accounts Committee.