Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas Sample Clauses
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administer the tariff-rate quotas for agricultural goods set out in Appendix I or, if applicable, Appendix II or III to its Schedule to Annex 3.3 (hereafter “TRQs”) in accordance with Article XIII of the GATT 1994, including its interpretive notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement.
2. Each Party shall ensure that:
(a) its procedures for administering its TRQs are transparent, made available to the public, timely, nondiscriminatory, responsive to market conditions, minimally burdensome to trade, and reflect end user preferences;
(b) any person of a Party that fulfills the Party’s legal and administrative requirements shall be eligible to apply and to be considered for an import license or quota allocation under the Party’s TRQs;
(c) it does not allocate any portion of a quota to an industry association or non- governmental organization, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement;
(d) solely government authorities administer its TRQs, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement; and
(e) it allocates quotas under its TRQs in commercially viable shipping quantities and, to the maximum extent possible, in the amounts that importers request.
3. Each Party shall strive to administer its TRQs in a manner that allows importers to fully utilize import quotas.
4. No Party may condition application for, or utilization of, import licenses or quota allocations under its TRQs on the re-export of an agricultural good.
5. No Party may count food aid or other non-commercial shipments in determining whether an import quota under its TRQs has been filled.
6. On request of any Party, an importing Party shall consult with the requesting Party regarding the administration of its TRQs.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administer tariff rate quotas for imports of agricultural goods set out in Annex I (Tariff Elimination Schedules) in accordance with Article XIII of GATT 1994, including its interpretative notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement.
2. The Parties shall administer tariff rate quotas for imports of agricultural goods on a first-come first-served basis.
3. Upon request of an exporting Party, an importing Party shall consult with the exporting Party with respect to the administration of the tariff rate quotas of the importing Party. These consultations shall replace the consultations provided for under Article 301 provided that they meet the requirement set out in paragraph 9 of that Article.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall administer and implement the tariff-rate quotas (hereinafter referred to as "TRQs") set out in Appendix 2- A-1 of its Schedule included in Annex 2-A in accordance with Article XII of GATT 1994, including its interpretative notes and the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement.
2. Each Party shall ensure that:
(a) its procedures for administering its TRQs are transparent, made available to the public, timely, non-discriminatory, responsive to market conditions, minimally burdensome to trade, and reflect end-user preferences;
(b) any person of a Party that fulfils the importing Party's legal and administrative requirements shall be eligible to apply and to be considered for a TRQ allocation by the Party. Unless the Parties otherwise agree by decision of the Committee on Trade in Goods, any processor, retailer, restaurant, hotel, food service distributor or institution, or any other person is eligible to apply for, and to be considered to receive, a TRQ allocation. Any fees charged for services related to an application for a TRQ allocation shall be limited to the actual cost of the services rendered;
(c) except as specified in Appendix 2-A-1 of its Schedule included in Annex 2-A, it does not allocate any portion of a TRQ to a producer group, condition access to a TRQ allocation on the purchase of domestic production, or limit access to a TRQ allocation to processors; and
(d) it allocates TRQs in commercially viable shipping quantities and, to the maximum extent possible, in the amounts that importers request. Except as otherwise stipulated in the provisions for each TRQ and the applicable tariff line in Appendix 2- A-1 of a Party's Schedule included in Annex 2-A, each TRQ allocation shall be valid for any item or mixture of items subject to a particular TRQ, regardless of the item's or mixture's specification or grade, and shall not be conditioned on the item's or mixture's intended end-use or package size.
3. Each Party shall identify the entities responsible for administering its TRQs.
4. Each Party shall make every effort to administer its TRQs in a manner that allows importers to fully utilise TRQ quantities
5. Neither Party may condition application for, or utilisation of, TRQ allocations on the re-export of a good.
6. On the written request of either Party, the Parties shall consult regarding a Party's administration of its TRQs.
7. Except as otherwise provided in Appendix 2-A-1 of its Sc...
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. A Party that has established tariff rate quotas (hereinafter referred to as “TRQs”) as set out in Appendix 2-A-1 shall implement and administer these TRQs in accordance with Article XIII of GATT 1994 and, for greater certainty, its interpretative notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement, and any other relevant WTO Agreement.
2. A Party shall ensure that the administration measures and implementation of its TRQs are consistent, transparent and are not adopted or maintained to create discrimination against the other Party. Accordingly, a Party shall ensure all fees and charges in connection with importation through the TRQ system are commensurate with the cost of services rendered.
Section E : General and Institutional Provisions Article 2.13 : Measures to Safeguard the Balance of Payments
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administer tariff rate quotas for imports of agricultural goods set out in Annex 2-B in accordance with Article XII of GATT 1994, including its Interpretative Notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement.
2. Upon request of an exporting Party, an importing Party shall provide information to the exporting Party with respect to the administration of the tariff rate quotas of the importing Party.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. Each Party shall implement and administer its TRQs in accordance with Article XIII of the GATT 1994 and the Import Licensing Agreement.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administrate tariff quotas for imports of agricultural goods set out in Annex X.6 (Tariff Elimination Schedule) in accordance with GATT Article XIII, including its interpretative notes, and the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
2. The Parties shall administrate tariff quotas for imports of agricultural goods on a first-come first-served basis.
3. Upon the request of the exporting Party, the importing Party shall consult with the exporting party with respect to the administration of the tariff quotas of the importing Party. These consultations are deemed to satisfy the requirements of Article X (Consultation) of the Dispute Settlement Chapter of this Agreement.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administer the tariff-rate quotas set out in Appendix 2-B-1 of its Schedule to Annex 2-B (Tariff Elimination) (TRQs) in accordance with Article XIII of GATT 1994, including its interpretive notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement.
2. Each Party shall ensure that:
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. 1. Each Party shall implement and administer the tariff-rate quotas (hereinafter referred to as "TRQ") set out in Appendix 2- A-1 in accordance with Article XIII of GATT 1994, including its interpretive notes, and the Import Licensing Agreement.
2. Each Party shall ensure its procedures for administering its TRQs are transparent, made available to the public, timely, non-discriminatory, responsive to market conditions, minimally burdensome to trade, and reflect end-user preferences.
3. Any enterprise or person of a Party that fulfils the importing Party's legal and administrative requirements shall be eligible to be considered for a quota allocation under the Party's TRQs.
4. Over the course of each year, the importing Party's administering authority shall publish, in a timely fashion on its designated publicly available website, utilisation rates and remaining available quantities for each TRQ. If either Party uses a first-come, first-served at the border administration method, it shall publish, within 10 days, that the TRQ has been filled. 5. Each Party shall identify the entity or entities responsible for administering its TRQs and promptly notify the other Party of any amendments to the entity or entities.
Administration and Implementation of Tariff-Rate Quotas. Colombia shall implement and administer its TRQs in accordance with Article XIII of the GATT 1994, and the Import Licensing Agreement.