Additional Exclusions The Insurer shall not be liable for: (i) expenses for “clean-up” away from or beyond the “premises” resulting from any spill, discharge, emission, dispersal, seepage, leakage, migration, release or escape of “pollutants” even if the “pollutants” emanated from the “premises”; (ii) expenses for “clean-up” of any spill discharge, emission, dispersal, seepage, leakage, migration or escape of “pollutants” that began before the effective date of this Policy; (iii) fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages; (iv) expenses incurred for the “clean-up” of “pollutants” at or from any “premises”, site or location which is or was at any time used by or for any Insured or others for the handling, storage, disposal, processing or treatment of waste.
GENERAL EXCLUSIONS We do not insure for loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss is excluded regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. These exclusions apply whether or not the loss event results in widespread damage or affects a substantial area.
Related Exclusions This agreement does NOT cover custodial care, respite care, day care, or care in a facility that is not approved by us. See
Service Exclusions All of an Employee's years of Service with the Employer shall be counted to determine the vested interest of such Employee except:
Warranty Exclusions The Limited Warranty in clauses 1.2 and 1.3 does not apply: a) if the Product was not purchased and installed in Australia; b) if You do not grant BYD or BYD Partner access to the performance data of the Product over the Internet upon request after reporting the warranty claim and/or manipulate such data; c) to wear and tear in the appearance of the Product (including but not limited to any scratches, stains, mechanical wear, rust or mould) which does not impair its function; d) to any damage to property or personal injury arising from any defect if the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time when the Product is sold to Original Buyer was not such as to enable the defect to be discovered; e) if the invoice for the Product and the information listed in clause 4 below is not provided with the warranty claim; or f) if the serial number on the Product can no longer be identified or has been modified.
Specific Exclusions Apart from the exclusions common to all covers, the following are also excluded. We do not intervene for: EMERGENCY SUITCASE DOMESTIC HELP DELIVERY OF HOUSEHOLD SHOPPING PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT UPON YOUR RETURN HOME To allow us to intervene under the best conditions, remember to prepare the following information that will be requested when you call: When you call initially, you will be given an assistance file number. State it systematically during any subsequent contacts with our Assistance Service. - the policy came with the purchase of goods or a service sold by a supplier; - you can show that you are already covered for one of the risks covered by this new policy; - the policy you wish to cancel has not been fully established; - you have not declared any loss covered by this policy. In this situation, you can exercise your right to cancel this policy by letter or in any lasting medium sent to the insurer of the new policy, together with documentary proof that you already have cover for one of the risks covered by this new policy. The insurer must reimburse you the premium paid within thirty days of your cancellation. If you wish to cancel your policy but do not meet all the above conditions, please check the cancellation procedure stipulated in your policy.
Specific Exclusion Stanford does not: (A) grant to ***** any other licenses, implied or otherwise, to any patents or other rights of Stanford other than those rights granted under Licensed Patent, regardless of whether the patents or other rights are dominant or subordinate to any Licensed Patent, or are required to exploit any Licensed Patent or Technology; (B) commit to ***** to bring suit against third parties for infringement, except as described in Section 14; and (C) agree to furnish to ***** any technology or technological information other than the Technology or to provide ***** with any assistance.
Additional Products and Services Subject to the allocation of funds, the CPO may add similar equipment, supplies, services, or locations, within the scope of this Agreement, to the list of equipment, supplies, services, or locations to be performed or provided by giving written notification to Contractor. For purposes of this Section, the “Effective Date” means the date specified in the notification from the CPO. As of the Effective Date, each item added is subject to this Agreement, as if it had originally been a part, but the charge for each item starts to accrue only on the Effective Date. In the event the additional equipment, supplies, services, or locations are not identical to the items(s) already under this Agreement, the charges therefor will then be Contractor’s normal and customary charges or rates for the equipment, supplies, services, or locations classified in the Fees and Costs (Exhibit “F”).
Non-Exclusivity The services of the Adviser to the Manager, the Allocated Portion and the Trust are not to be deemed to be exclusive, and the Adviser shall be free to render investment advisory or other services to others and to engage in other activities. It is understood and agreed that the directors, officers, and employees of the Adviser are not prohibited from engaging in any other business activity or from rendering services to any other person, or from serving as partners, officers, directors, trustees, or employees of any other firm or corporation.
Paid Claims without Supporting Documentation Any Paid Claim for which Xxxxx cannot produce documentation sufficient to support the Paid Claim shall be considered an error and the total reimbursement received by Xxxxx for such Paid Claim shall be deemed an Overpayment. Replacement sampling for Paid Claims with missing documentation is not permitted.