ALTERATION OF TERMS 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24
Modification to Article IV, Section 7 of the DPA Article IV, Section 7 of the DPA (Advertising Limitations) is amended by deleting the stricken text as follows: Provider is prohibited from using, disclosing, or selling Student Data to (a) inform, influence, or enable Targeted Advertising; or (b) develop a profile of a student, family member/guardian or group, for any purpose other than providing the Service to LEA. This section does not prohibit Provider from using Student Data (i) for adaptive learning or customized student learning (including generating personalized learning recommendations); or (ii) to make product recommendations to teachers or LEA employees; or (iii) to notify account holders about new education product updates, features, or services or from otherwise using Student Data as permitted in this DPA and its accompanying exhibits.