Amount of Awards a. Effective July 1, 2023, an award of $60.00 per month for each twelve (12) units of approval credit shall be granted to full time employees upon successful completion of courses.
b. Any award for approval credit of Professional Growth shall be pro-rated for the part-time employee.
c. No employee may earn more than twelve (12) units per year.
d. Credit for Professional Growth is limited to a total of Eighty Four (84) units. (There are a total of seven Professional Growth Awards.) Employees who already have six Professional Growth Awards can earn the additional award by taking units on or after July 1, 2023.
Amount of Awards. The amount of funds available for project awards will be published with the application forms on a quarterly basis. Available funds will approximate accumulated interest less a set-aside for annual achievement awards. There will be no maximum award amount other than the limitations established in 32.1, 32.2 and 32.3.
Amount of Awards a. An award of $50.00 per month for each twelve (12) units of approval credit shall be granted to full time employees upon successful completion of courses.
b. Any award for approval credit of Professional Growth shall be pro-rated for the part-time employee.
c. No employee may earn more than twelve (12) units per year.
d. Credit for Professional Growth is limited to a total of Seventy-two (72) units. (There are a total of six Professional Growth Awards.)
Amount of Awards. 1. No Unit 3 employee shall receive more than a seven and one-half percent (7-l/2%) FMI in any award period. [CBA 31.8]
2. Recommended increases may result in the placement of Unit 3 employees between the rate steps for their rank or classification. [CBA 31.1, 31.19-31.21]
3. For eligible Unit 3 employees, and except as noted under V.C.4.&5. below, the recognition shall be in the form of a permanent increase in the base salary of the individual. [CBA 31.8]
4. With the exception of those at the rank of professor, for Unit 3 employees who have reached the top of their rank or classification, which includes the steps restricted for FMI and/or market equity step increases, the recognition shall be in the form of a bonus (not a permanent increase in the base salary). [CBA 31.8] Unit 3 employees at the rank of professor for any instructional faculty classification may be paid at a salary rate above the maximum for their classification, including steps restricted for FMI and/or market equity step increases. [CBA 31.1]
5. A bonus (not a permanent increase in base salary) may be awarded to those Unit 3 employees whose performance was part of an activity or project conducted by a team, department/unit or group of employees. [CBA 31.9]
6. Recommended increases from departments/units shall not exceed the amount of funds allocated for use at this level. [CBA 31.19]