Total Funds. The OAG will reimburse the Provider for contractual services or availability to provide services for the entire time of performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided will not exceed $62,207.00.
Total Funds. The OAG will reimburse the Provider for contractual services or availability to provide services for the entire time of performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided will not exceed $1,313,704.00. assist vic business hours should be set during standard business work hours, which are between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved as alternative standard business work hours by the OAG. Employee leave earned under this grant period is reimbursable; however, the Provider must continue to maintain sufficient capacity to assist victims.
Total Funds. EXPENDITURE Salaries Travel Operating Capital Total A Uncommitted (c/f 1st July) $ c $ c $ c $ c $ c
Total Funds. In consideration of the various obligations to be undertaken by Grantee pursuant to this Agreement, MassCEC agrees to provide Grantee with funds in an amount not to exceed [write out amount] Dollars ($numerical amount) (the “Grant”). The Parties agree that this is a maximum authorization, and MassCEC is under no obligation to transfer the full amount to Grantee, or any amount, in the event Grantee does not satisfy the requirements under this Agreement. Grantee acknowledges and agrees that receipt of this Grant, or any portion thereof, does not create any rights of preferences to receive subsequent funding from MassCEC. In no event shall the Grant exceed the amount specified in this section.
Total Funds. Available shall be defined as the sum of all funds identified in Items E through I and, as of August 1, 2015 stands at $2,787,000. If necessary, additional funding to complete the project will be paid through a combination of additional city funding, fundraising and/or grant funding.
Total Funds. The UW System’s total unrestricted fund balance has steadily decreased since FY 2013. With the changes explained above in tuition, auxiliary operations, general operations, federal indirect reimbursement and other unrestricted funds, the unrestricted balance further declined in FY 2017 by $31.7 million, to $851.6 million. This represents a 22.3% reduction over five years. Total fund balances, including unrestricted and restricted, increased by $34.9 million in FY 2017. This overall increase is primarily attributed to increases in gift funds and funding related to grants and contracts – funding sources that are restricted and often cannot be repurposed for general institutional or instructional needs. FY17 PR Balances by Category PR Balances Highlights ● No spending plans were required for Tuition or General Operations balances as those balances were below the reporting threshhold Other Unrestrict. Tuition 9.6% 19.0% ● 82.9% of total unrestricted balances were classified as either obligated (26.6%) or planned (56.6%) Federal Indirect ● Total unrestricted balances decreased by $36.7 million (8.8%) 37.2% Auxiliary 31.2% General Operations 3.0% FY17 PR Balances by Commitment Level Balance as a Percentage of Expenditures 25% Undoc. 22.7% 0.0% Designated 20% 18.5% 5.7% Reserves 11.4% Obligated 15% 26.6% 10% 6.5% Planned 5% 4.2% 56.3% 0% Tuition Auxiliary General Operations Other Unrestricted UW-Madison Obligated Planned Designated Reserves Undocumented Total (Discretionary) Tuition 2,786,809 54,321,671 3,024,696 3,851,439 0 63,984,615 Auxiliary 40,144,643 50,173,421 14,850,201 0 0 105,168,265 General Operations 10,054,332 0 0 0 0 10,054,332 Federal Indirect 5,709,582 84,959,432 0 34,468,646 0 125,137,660 Other Unrestricted 30,958,146 0 1,427,753 0 0 32,385,899 Total 89,653,512 189,454,524 19,302,650 38,320,085 0 336,730,771 26.6% 56.3% 5.7% 11.4% 0.0% 100.0% Tuition Auxiliary General Operations Other Unrestricted Subtotal Federal Indirect Total Unrestricted (131 and 189) (128 and 228) (136) (xxx) (150) FY2015-16 65,355,371 115,819,093 19,471,818 42,503,665 243,149,947 126,243,723 369,393,670 FY2016-17 63,984,615 105,168,265 10,054,332 32,385,899 211,593,111 125,137,660 336,730,771 Change -1,370,756 -10,650,828 -9,417,486 -10,117,766 -31,556,836 -1,106,063 -32,662,899 -2.1% -9.2% -48.4% -23.8% -13.0% -0.9% -8.8% FY2015-16 974,571,186 408,994,185 229,870,099 170,188,478 1,783,623,948 143,779,576 1,927,403,524 FY2016-17 987,864,345 463,570,985 241,724,626 174,609,9...
Total Funds. In consideration of the various obligations to be undertaken by Grantee pursuant to this Agreement, MassCEC agrees to provide Grantee with funds in an amount not to exceed [dollar amount in words and numbers] (the “Grant”). The Parties agree that this is a maximum authorization, and MassCEC is under no obligation to transfer the full amount to Grantee, or any amount, in the event Grantee does not satisfy the requirements under this Agreement. Xxxxxxx acknowledges and agrees that receipt of this Xxxxx does not create any rights of preferences to receive subsequent funding from MassCEC. In no event shall the Grant exceed the amount specified in this section. [OPTIONAL: For purposes of this Project, the Grant is divided into a “Design Phase” (as defined in Attachment 2) Grant and a “Construction Phase” (as defined in Attachment 2) Grant. The Design Phase Grant is [Dollar amount in words and numbers] and the Construction Phase Grant is [Dollar amount in words and numbers].]