APPLIANCES PROVIDED BY LANDLORD. G=Gas E=Electric O=Oil C=Coin operated BB=Baseboard FA=Forced Air R=Radiator HP= Heat Pump Cooking range (G / E) Heating type: (BB/ FA/ R/ HP) Refrigerator Heating fuel: (G/ O/ E) Washer (E/ C) Dishwasher Hot Water heater (G/ E/ O) Dryer (E/ G/ C) Central air # of Air conditioner units →Security deposit cannot be used as final month’s rent ← A. Before Tenant may move into the above premises, Tenant must post a security deposit in the amount shown (Refer to 5- F) which is held in total under the Spokesperson’s ( Lease coversheet) Escrow account. If Tenant violates any portion of this Lease the Landlord may use the security deposit to make up for any shortage or loss to pay for any past due rent, utilities, lost keys and/or damages. The security deposit may not be refunded should tenant(s) break lease agreement. Security deposit may go toward costs to advertise and get apartment re-rented. B. If Xxxxxx fully performs the terms of this Lease, Landlord will return the security deposit in full to the Spokesperson within thirty days after lease termination date. The contact person named on page one must provide the Landlord with their forwarding address prior to vacating the premises. Spokesperson named on C. Protect your credit rating by making sure that this lease is properly performed. This assures that your security deposit will be refunded in full and also it enables us, as your Landlord, to report that your credit is of good standing. A good Credit reference from us is needed if we are contacted in the future by a new Landlord (if you are re-renting) or by a Mortgage Company (if you are buying).
APPLIANCES PROVIDED BY LANDLORD. Dishwasher ( ) Microwave ( ) Refrigerator ( ) Garbage Disposal ( ) Electric Range ( ) Gas Range ( ) Oven ( ) Washer & Dryer ( ) Other:
APPLIANCES PROVIDED BY LANDLORD. G=Gas propane E=Electric FA=Forced Air E 2 Cooking ranges, FA Heating type: Gas propane forced air furnace E 2 Refrigerator/frost-free G Heating fuel: gas propane furnace (paid by tenant) E 2 above the oven microwave ovens E One 2nd floor in the wall AC unit E Whirl pool tub E 2 Washer / dryer E 2 Dishwashers E 1 main Hot Water heater in utility closet 1st floor, 1 smaller 10 gal water heater in 2nd floor master bedroom’s bathroom E De-humidifer
APPLIANCES PROVIDED BY LANDLORD. Dishwasher Microwave Refrigerator Garbage Disposal Oven Electric Stove/Range Gas Stove/Range Washer & Dryer Other:


  • Maintenance by Landlord Tenant and its employees, customers and licensees shall have the non-exclusive right to use the parking areas, if any, as may be designated by Landlord in writing, subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as Landlord may from time to time prescribe. Further, in multiple occupancy buildings, Landlord shall perform the roof, paving, and landscape maintenance, exterior painting and common sewage line plumbing which are otherwise Tenant's obligations under Subsection 2.2.2(a) above, and Tenant shall, in lieu of the obligations set forth under Subsection 2.2.2(a) above with respect to such items, be liable for its proportionate share (as defined in Subsection 2.2.1(b) above) of the cost and expense of Building maintenance and the care for the grounds around the Building, including but not limited to, the mowing of grass, care of shrubs, general landscaping, maintenance of parking areas, driveways and alleys, roof maintenance, exterior repainting and common sewage line plumbing; provided, however, that Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to pay such other reasonable proportion of said mowing, shrub care and general landscaping costs as may be determined by Landlord in its sole discretion; and further provided that if Tenant or any other particular tenant of the Building can be clearly identified as being responsible for obstruction or stoppage of the common sanitary sewage line then Tenant, if Tenant is responsible, or such other responsible tenant, shall pay the entire cost thereof, upon demand, as additional rent. Tenant shall pay/4// when due its share, determined as aforesaid, of such costs and expenses along with the other tenants of the Building to Landlord upon demand, as Additional Rent, for the amount of its share of such costs and expenses in the event Landlord elects to perform or cause to be performed such work. Such share shall include a management fee equal to five percent (5%) of the Rent for each Lease Year, administrative and accounting costs, and a/5// reserve for asphalt, roof repairs and repainting.

  • ACCESS BY LANDLORD Landlord and any of Landlord’s Invitees shall have the right to enter the Premises at all reasonable times, during normal business hours if feasible under the circumstances, and upon 24 hours’ notice, if feasible under the circumstances, (i) to determine whether the Premises are in good condition and whether Tenant is complying with its obligations under this Lease, (ii) to do any necessary maintenance or make any restoration to the Premises that Landlord has the right or obligation to perform, (iii) to serve, post, or keep posted any notices required or allowed under this Lease, (v) to post “for sale” or “for rent” or “for lease” signs during the final nine months of the Term, (vi) to show the Premises to brokers, lenders, agents, prospective buyers, prospective tenants, or other persons interested in a listing of, financing, purchasing, or occupying the Project, the Premises or any portion of the Project or the Premises, and (vii) to shore the foundations, footings, and walls of the Project, and to erect scaffolding and protective barricades around and about the Premises, but not so as to prevent entry to the Premises, and to do any other act or thing necessary for the safety or preservation of the Premises if any excavation or other construction is undertaken or is about to be undertaken on any adjacent property or nearby street. In the event of an emergency Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises at any time, without prior notice to Tenant. Landlord’s rights under this Paragraph extend, with Landlord’s consent, to the owner of adjacent property on which excavation or construction is to take place and the adjacent property owner’s agents, employees, officers, and contractors. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience, disturbance, loss of business, nuisance, or other damage arising out of any entry on the Premises as provided in this Paragraph except damage resulting directly from the grossly negligent acts or willful misconduct of Landlord or Landlord’s Invitees. Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction of Basic Monthly Rent or other Rent because of the exercise by Landlord of any rights under this Paragraph.

  • SALE BY LANDLORD In event of a sale or conveyance by Landlord of the Building, the same shall operate to release Landlord from any future liability upon any of the covenants or conditions, expressed or implied, contained in this Lease in favor of Tenant, and in such event Tenant agrees to look solely to the responsibility of the successor in interest of Landlord in and to this Lease. Except as set forth in this Article 24, this Lease shall not be affected by any such sale and Tenant agrees to attorn to the purchaser or assignee. If any security has been given by Tenant to secure the faithful performance of any of the covenants of this Lease, Landlord may transfer or deliver said security, as such, to Landlord’s successor in interest and thereupon Landlord shall be discharged from any further liability with regard to said security.

  • Services by Landlord As long as Tenant is not in default hereunder, Landlord agrees to furnish those services and utilities to the Premises, which are customarily provided to tenants in comparable suburban office buildings located in the West Fort Worth area, and which shall specifically include the services listed on Exhibit “G” (attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes). All of such services shall be provided at Landlord’s cost and expense during Normal Business Hours except as specifically provided to the contrary elsewhere in this Lease. Services provided at times other than during Normal Business Hours shall be at Tenant’s cost and expense, with such charges to be established by Landlord, in Landlord’s sole discretion, and reimbursed to Landlord on demand. Failure to any extent to furnish or any stoppage of said utilities and services resulting from any cause whatsoever (a “Service Failure”) shall not render Landlord liable in any respect for damages to either person, property or business, nor be construed as an eviction of Tenant, nor entitle Tenant to any abatement of rent, nor relieve Tenant from fulfillment of any covenant or agreement contained herein. Should any malfunction of the Building improvements or facilities (which by definition do not include any improvements or facilities of Tenant besides Building standard improvements) occur for any reason (a “Malfunction”), Landlord shall use reasonable diligence to repair same promptly, but Tenant shall have no claim for rebate or abatement of rent or damages on account of such Malfunction or of any Service Failure occasioned thereby or resulting therefrom. Any provision herein to the contrary notwithstanding, if a Malfunction or Service Failure results in the Premises or any material portion thereof not being reasonably usable by Tenant for its business purpose (“Untenantable”) (unless the Service Failure is caused by a fire or other casualty, in which event Paragraph 22 hereof controls) and same remains uncured for a total of 5 consecutive days after Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s written notice of the Malfunction or Service Failure, Tenant shall have the following rights and remedies: (a) Effective on the first day after the 5th consecutive day following such Malfunction or Service Failure, Tenant shall be entitled to an equitable abatement of Base Rental and Additional Rental commensurate to that portion of the Premises rendered Untenantable by the Malfunction or Service Failure calculated on a per square foot basis and ending at the time the Premises are again suitable for use by Tenant for its intended purposes.

  • Repair of Damage to Premises by Landlord Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of any damage to the Premises resulting from fire or any other casualty. If the Premises or any Common Areas serving or providing access to the Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall promptly and diligently, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustment or other matters beyond Landlord's reasonable control, and subject to all other terms of this Article 1 1, restore the Base Building and such Common Areas. Such restoration shall be to substantially the same condition of the Base Building and the Common Areas prior to the casualty, except for modifications required by zoning and building codes and other laws or by the holder of a mortgage on the Building or Project or any other modifications to the Common Areas deemed desirable by Landlord, which are consistent with the character of the Project, provided that access to the Premises and any common restrooms serving the Premises shall not be materially impaired. Landlord shall repair any injury or damage to the improvements which exist in the Premises as of the Lease Commencement Date (the "Original Improvements") and shall return such Original Improvements to their original condition. Prior to the commencement of construction, Tenant shall submit to Landlord, for Landlord's review and approval, all plans, specifications and working drawings relating thereto, and Landlord shall select the contractors to perform such improvement work. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or its visitors, or injury to Tenant's business resulting in any way from such damage or the repair thereof; provided however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or Common Areas necessary to Tenant's occupancy, and the Premises are not occupied by Tenant as a result thereof, then during the time and to the extent the Premises are unfit for occupancy, the Rent shall be abated in proportion to the ratio that the amount of rentable square feet of the Premises which is unfit for occupancy for the purposes permitted under this Lease bears to the total rentable square feet of the Premises, provided that if the Premises are so damaged that it is not reasonably practicable for Tenant to continue its business operations from any portion of the Premises, then the Rent shall be fully abated during such time.

  • Inspection by Landlord Landlord shall have the right to inspect the Tenant Improvements at all times, provided however, that Landlord’s failure to inspect the Tenant Improvements shall in no event constitute a waiver of any of Landlord’s rights hereunder nor shall Landlord’s inspection of the Tenant Improvements constitute Landlord’s approval of the same. Should Landlord disapprove any portion of the Tenant Improvements, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing of such disapproval and shall specify the items disapproved. Any defects or deviations in, and/or disapproval by Landlord of, the Tenant Improvements shall be rectified by Tenant at no expense to Landlord, provided however, that in the event Landlord determines that a defect or deviation exists or disapproves of any matter in connection with any portion of the Tenant Improvements and such defect, deviation or matter might adversely affect the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning or life-safety systems of the Building, the structure or exterior appearance of the Building or any other tenant’s use of such other tenant’s leased premises, Landlord may, take such action as Landlord deems necessary, at Tenant’s expense and without incurring any liability on Landlord’s part, to correct any such defect, deviation and/or matter, including, without limitation, causing the cessation of performance of the construction of the Tenant Improvements until such time as the defect, deviation and/or matter is corrected to Landlord’s satisfaction.

  • ENTRY BY LANDLORD 20.1 Landlord, its agents, employees, and contractors may enter the Premises at any time in response to an emergency and at otherwise reasonable hours to: (a) Inspect the Premises; (b) Exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers, lenders, or tenants; (c) Determine whether Tenant is complying with all of its obligations in this Lease; (d) Supply janitorial service and any other service to be provided by Landlord to Tenant according to this Lease; (e) Post written notices of nonresponsibility or similar notices; or (f) Make repairs required of Landlord under the terms of this Lease or make repairs to any adjoining space or utility services or make repairs, alterations, or improvements to any other portion of the Building; however, all such work will be done as promptly as reasonably possible and so as to cause as little interference to Tenant as reasonably possible. Tenant, by this Article 20, waives any claim against Landlord, its agents, employees, or contractors for damages for any injury or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant's business, any loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises, or any other loss occasioned by any entry in accordance with this Article 20. Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in, on, or about the Premises (excluding Tenant's vaults, safes, and similar areas designated in writing by Tenant in advance). Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means Landlord may deem proper to open doors in and to the Premises in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, provided that Landlord shall promptly repair any damages caused by any forced entry. Any entry to the Premises by Landlord in accordance with this Article 20 shall not be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into or a detainer of the Premises or an eviction, actual or constructive, of Tenant from the Premises or any portion of the Premises, nor shall any such entry entitle Tenant to damages or an abatement of Monthly Rent, Additional Rent, or other charges that this Lease requires Tenant to pay.

  • Repairs by Landlord Landlord shall keep the roof, exterior walls, exterior building windows, public corridors, equipment used in common with other tenants (such as elevators, plumbing, heating, air-conditioning and similar equipment) and the structural components of the Building in a good state of repair, and shall accomplish such repairs as may be needed within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written notice from Tenant (except in emergencies or cases of urgent necessity (when such repairs shall be commenced immediately) and such longer time as is reasonably required to adequately remedy the problem provided the remedy has begun and Landlord is diligently prosecuting the same to completion). Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Landlord shall have no obligation to repair any latent defects (i) capable of detection in the ordinary course of Tenant's business and first detected more than one (1) year after the Commencement Date or (ii) that have no material adverse effect on Tenant's ability to conduct business in or gain access to the Premises. Nothing herein shall diminish Tenant's obligation to maintain and repair any special equipment installed in the Leased Premises or Building specifically for Tenant, including without limitation any telecommunication equipment, security equipment, computer equipment, kitchen equipment, any Tenant HVAC System or any Tenant Generator. If repairs are required by reason of Tenant's acts or negligent failure to act, Tenant shall promptly pay Landlord, as additional rent, for the cost thereof. Except as otherwise specifically provided in Sections 15 or 18 below, there shall be no abatement of rent and no liability of Landlord by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant's business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or improvements in or to any portion of the Leased Premises or building of which the Leased Premises are a part, or in or to fixtures, appurtenances and equipment therein. In no event shall Landlord be liable to Tenant for any damage to the Leased Premises or for any loss, damage or injury to any property therein or thereon resulting from acts by other third parties or occasioned by fire; explosion; falling plaster; the breaking, bursting, stoppage or leaking of water, gas, sewer, electrical cables, wires or steam pipes; or from water, rain, or other substances leaking or coming from the roof, street, subsurface or from any other place or from dampness or from any similar risks or causes. Landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any person or property sustained by Tenant or any other persons, which may be caused by theft, or by any act or neglect of any tenant or occupant of the Project, or of any other third parties.

  • By Landlord Landlord shall be responsible, at its expense, only for the structural soundness of the roof, foundation and exterior walls of the Building. Any repair to the roof, foundation or exterior walls required due to the fault or omission of Tenant, or its agents, employees, guests or invitees shall be the sole responsibility of Tenant. The term “walls” as used in this Paragraph 7(a) shall not include windows, glass or plate glass, interior doors, special store fronts, office entries or exterior doors. Landlord’s liability with respect to any defects, repairs or maintenance for which Landlord is responsible at its expense under this Lease shall be limited to the cost of such repairs or maintenance or the curing of such defect. As expenses included in Common Area Maintenance Expenses, Landlord will be responsible for landscaping and maintenance of common areas and parking areas, exterior painting, and common sewage line plumbing. Tenant shall immediately give Landlord written notice of defects or need for repairs, after which Landlord shall have a reasonable opportunity to repair same or cure such defect. Landlord shall not be required to perform any covenant or obligation of this Lease, or be liable in damages to Tenant, so long as the performance or non-performance of the covenant or obligation is delayed, caused by, or prevented by an act of God or force majeure. An “act of God” or “force majeure” is defined for purposes of this Lease as strikes, lockouts, sit-downs, material or labor restrictions by any governmental authority, riots, floods, washouts, explosions, earthquakes, fire, storms, acts of the public enemy, wars, insurrections and any other similar cause not reasonably within the control of Landlord, and which by the exercise of due diligence Landlord is unable, wholly or in part, to prevent or overcome. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord agrees to be monetarily responsible for any repairs/replacements caused by any non- working interior items including but not limited to electrical, plumbing and mechanical equipment within the Premises for the first sixty (60) days following the Commencement Date of the Lease unless the need for such repairs or replacements is caused by Tenant, in which case, Tenant shall be monetarily responsible.

  • Services to be Furnished by Landlord Provided Tenant is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease, and subject to reimbursement pursuant to Section 4.02 above, Landlord shall provide the following services during standard hours of operation of the Building. These standard hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Saturdays. (a) Public utilities shall be caused to furnish the Premises with electricity and water utilized in operating any and all facilities serving the Premises; (b) Hot and cold water at those points of supply provided for general use of other tenants in the Building, central heat and air conditioning;20 (c) Routine maintenance, painting and electric lighting service for all Common Areas and special service areas of the Building in the manner and to the extent deemed by Landlord to be standard and consistent with the operation and maintenance of the Building as a first-class office building in the Central Business District (CBD) of 21; (d) Janitorial service on a five (5) day week basis, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; (e) 22 If any electrical equipment installed23 requires air conditioning capacity above that provided by the building standard system, then the additional air conditioning installation and corresponding operating costs will be the separate obligation of the Tenant; (f) Initial lamps, bulbs, starters and ballasts used within the Premises; and (g) Security for the Building; provided, however, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant or any employee, invitee, licensee or sublessee of Tenant for losses due to theft or burglary, or for damages done by unauthorized persons in the Building. In the event Tenant desires any of the aforementioned services in amounts in excess of those24 and in the event Landlord elects to provide these additional services, Tenant shall pay Landlord as Additional Rent hereunder the cost of providing these additional services. Failure by Landlord to any extent to furnish any of the above services, or any cessation thereof, resulting from causes beyond the control of Landlord, shall not render Landlord liable in any respect for damages to either person or property, nor shall that event be construed as an eviction of Tenant, nor result in an abatement of Rent, nor relieve Tenant from any of Tenant’s obligations hereunder (including, but not limited to, the payment of Rent). Should any of the equipment or machinery utilized in supplying the services listed herein for any cause cease to function properly, Landlord shall use reasonable diligence to repair that equipment or machinery promptly, but Tenant shall have no right to terminate this 20 See Exhibit F Addendum, Paragraph 2 21 See Exhibit F Addendum, Paragraph 3 22 Electrical facilities to provide sufficient power for the operation of the general banking and office business purposes of the Tenant, including all of its special machines and equipment 23 On the 18th and 19th floors of the Premises 24 To be provided as set forth above in this Section 7.02 Lease, and shall have no claim for a reduction, abatement or rebate of Rent or damages on account of any interruption in service occasioned thereby resulting therefrom.25