Application of measures. 1. When imposing safeguard measures, the Parties shall endeavour to impose them in a way that affects their bilateral trade the least.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this Article, if a Party considers that the legal requirements for the imposition of definitive safeguard measures are met and intends to apply such measures, that Party shall notify the other Party and give the latter the possibility to hold bilateral consultations. If no satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the notification, the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures to remedy the problem.
Application of measures. 1. When imposing safeguard measures, the Parties shall endeavour to impose them in a way that affects their bilateral trade the least.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, if a Party considers that the legal requirements for the imposition of definitive safeguard measures are met and intends to apply such measures, that Party shall notify the other Party and give the latter the possibility to hold bilateral consultations. If no satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the notification, the importing Party may take the appropriate measures to remedy the problem. SECTION 2 ARTICLE 138
1. The Parties confirm their rights and obligations under Article VI of GATT 1994, the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement (the Anti-Dumping Agreement), and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement (the SCM Agreement).
2. The preferential rules of origin established under Chapter 1 (National Treatment and Market Access for Goods) of Title V (Trade and Trade-related Matters) of this Agreement shall not apply to this Section.
3. The provisions of this Section shall not be subject to Chapter 14 (Dispute Settlement) of Title V (Trade and Trade-related Matters) of this Agreement. ARTICLE 139
Application of measures. Members confirm their commitment to announce publicly, as soon as possible, time- schedules for the removal of restrictive import measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes. It is understood that such time-schedules may be modified as appropriate to take into account changes in the balance-of-payments situation. Whenever a time-schedule is not publicly announced by a Member, that Member shall provide justification as to the reasons therefor.
Application of measures. Safeguard measures may only be applied to the extent necessary to remedy or prevent serious injury and to facilitate adjustment, within certain limits. If the measure takes the form of a quantitative restriction, the level must not be below the actual import level of the most recent three representative years, unless there is clear justification for doing otherwise. Rules also apply as to how quota shares are to be allocated among supplier countries, as to compensation to Members whose trade is affected, and as to consultations with affected Members. Any measure of more than three years duration must be reviewed at mid-term. If appropriate based on that review, the Member applying the measure must withdraw it or increase the pace of its liberalization. Under critical circumstances, defined as circumstances where delay would cause damage that would be difficult to repair, provisional measures may be imposed. Such measures may be in the form of tariff increases only, and may be kept in place for a maximum of 200 days. In addition, the period of application of any provisional measure must be included in the total period of application of a safeguard measure. Repeated application of safeguards with respect to a given product is limited by the Agreement. Ordinarily, a safeguard may not be applied again to a product until a period equal to the duration of the original safeguard has elapsed, so long as the period of non-application is at least two years. Nonetheless, if a new safeguard measure has a duration of 180 days or less, it may be applied so long as one year has elapsed since the date the original safeguard measure was introduced, and so long as no more than two safeguard measures have been applied on the product during the five years immediately preceding the date of introduction of the new safeguard measure.