Approval of the Contract. 5.1 The validity and commencement of this Contract is subject to approval by DBU's administration. The administration must make sure in this connection: - that the Club has a valid contract football licence and has not lost its right to enter into player con- tracts; and - that the printed provisions are only varied where expressly provided that they may be varied by agreement. The rates in Part 2, section 14,may be varied upwards.
5.2 The Club is responsible for submitting this Contract for approval. The Contract must be submitted before the expiry of any transfer registration period in pro- xxxxx at the time of its signing and no later than 7 days after the signing date. If the Club fails to do so, the Player may opt to either cancel the Contract by written notice to the Club or submit the Contract for approval herself.
5.3 From the date when the Contract is signed and until its approval or rejection by DBU's administration, subject to a maximum of 4 weeks from the signing date, the parties will be bound by their signatures unless the Player has already cancelled the Contract pursuant to section 5.2 and was entitled to do so.
5.4 Once a final decision on approval or rejection of the Contract has been reached, DBU's administration will notify the Club and the Player of its decision in writing. If the Contract is rejected, the reasons for doing so must be stated in the notification. A rejection may be appealed to football's own disciplinary committee in accordance with the relevant rules contained in the laws and regulations issued by DBU from time to time.
5.5 Any amendments of or addendums to the Contract will be binding only when put in writing, submitted to and approved by DBU's administration in accord- ance with the above provisions. The same applies to any agreement by the parties to terminate the Con- tract
Approval of the Contract. 5.1 The validity and commencement of this Contract is subject to approval by the Danish League’s ad- ministration. The administration must make sure in this connection: - that the Club has a valid con- tract football licence and has not lost its right to enter into player contracts; and - that the printed provisions are only varied where expressly provided that they may be varied by agreement. The rates in Part 2, Sections 14-16, may be varied upwards.
5.2 The Club is responsible for submitting this Contract for approval. The Contract must be submitted be- fore the expiry of any transfer registration period in progress at the time of its signing and no later than 7 days after the signing date. If the Club fails to do so, the Player may opt to either cancel the Contract by written notice to the Club or submit the Contract for approval him-/herself.
5.3 From the date when the Contract is signed and un- til its approval or rejection by the Danish League’s administration, subject to a maximum of 4 weeks from the signing date, the parties will be bound by their signatures unless the Player has already cancelled the Contract pursuant to Section 5.2 and was entitled to do so.
5.4 Once a final decision on approval or rejection of the Contract has been reached, the Danish League’s administration will notify the Club and the Player of its decision in writing. If the Contract is rejected, the reasons for doing so must be stated in the notifica- tion. A rejection may be appealed to football’s own disciplinary body in accordance with the relevant rules contained in the laws and regulations issued by DBU from time to time.
5.5 Any amendments of or addendums to the Contract will be binding only when put in writing, submitted to and approved by the Danish League’s admin- istration in accordance with the above provisions. The same applies to any agreement by the parties to terminate the Contract
Approval of the Contract. Award of this Contract is contingent approval by OHCA Board and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approval. In accordance with 42 C.F.R. § 438.3, the CMS has final authority to approve this Contract. If the CMS does not approve the Contract entered into under the terms and conditions described herein, it will be considered null and void.