Architect 3.1 The Architect shall represent the District during the Project and will observe the progress and quality of the Work on behalf of the District. Architect shall have the authority to act on behalf of District to the extent expressly provided in the Contract Documents and to the extent determined by District. Architect shall have authority to reject materials, workmanship, and/or the Work whenever rejection may be necessary, in Architect’s reasonable opinion, to ensure the proper execution of the Contract Documents.
The Architect ENGINEER shall prepare for the State a revised accounting of how the Project is responding to LEED criteria.
Contractors All LAUSD Contractors and their Representatives are expected to conduct any and all business affiliated with LAUSD in an ethical and responsible manner that fosters integrity and public confidence. A “Contractor” is any individual, organization, corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, nonprofit, joint venture, association, or any combination thereof that is pursuing or conducting business with and/or on behalf of LAUSD, including, without limitation, consultants, suppliers, manufacturers, and any other vendors, bidders or proposers. A Contractor’s “Representative” is also broadly defined to include any subcontractors, employees, agents, or anyone else who acts on a Contractor’s behalf.