Artist No Longer Under Contract Sample Clauses

Artist No Longer Under Contract. ‌ When an Artist is no longer under contract to the Engager, the Engager shall be saved harmless in the use of souvenir programs containing photographs and/or autobiographical material of the Artist. In photographs containing three (3) or fewer Artists, the Artist shall be properly identified.
Artist No Longer Under Contract. ‌ Where an Artist is no longer under contract to the Engager, the Engager shall be held harmless in the sale of souvenir programs containing clearly recognizable identifiable photographs (of three (3) Artists or less) and/or biographical material of a dancer until the end of the calendar year during which the dancer's Engagement Contract expired or was to have expired. Beyond the timeframe noted above, if the Engager continues to sell souvenir programs containing clearly recognizable identifiable photographs (of three (3) Artists or less) and/or biographical material of an Artist no longer in the company, each such Artist will be paid as specified below per week for using same, until the souvenir programs are removed from distribution. 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 Continued Use $70.62 $71.33 $72.04 The Engager shall be held harmless in the sale of past souvenir programs in an historical context.
Artist No Longer Under Contract. When an Artist is no longer under contract to the Engager, the Engager shall be saved harmless in the use of souvenir programs containing photographs and/or biographical material of the Artist until the end of the season during which the Artist's contract expires or was to have expired.

Related to Artist No Longer Under Contract

  • Obligations relating to Project Agreements 5.2.1 It is expressly agreed that the Concessionaire shall, at all times, be responsible and liable for all its obligations under this Agreement notwithstanding anything contained in the Project Agreements or any other agreement, and no default under any Project Agreement or agreement shall excuse the Concessionaire from its obligations or liability hereunder. 5.2.2 The Concessionaire shall submit to the Authority the drafts of all Project Agreements, or any amendments or replacements thereto, for its review and comments, and the Authority shall have the right but not the obligation to undertake such review and provide its comments, if any, to the Concessionaire within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of such drafts. Within 7 (seven) days of execution of any Project Agreement or amendment thereto, the Concessionaire shall submit to the Authority a true copy thereof, duly attested by a Director of the Concessionaire, for its record. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the review and comments hereunder shall be limited to ensuring compliance with the terms of this Agreement. It is further agreed that no review and/or observation of the Authority and/or its failure to review and/or convey its observations on any Document shall relieve the Concessionaire of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement in any manner nor shall the Authority be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever. 5.2.3 The Concessionaire shall not make any addition, replacement or amendments to any of the Financing Agreements without the prior written consent of the Authority if such addition, replacement or amendment has, or may have, the effect of imposing or increasing any financial liability or obligation on the Authority, and in the event that any replacement or amendment is made without such consent, the Concessionaire shall not enforce such replacement or amendment nor permit enforcement thereof against the Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, the Authority acknowledges and agrees that it shall not unreasonably withhold its consent for restructuring or rescheduling of the Debt Due.

  • SUB-CONTRACTING 34.1. The Purchaser approves the appointment of the sub-contractors specified in Schedule 5.6 (Approved Sub-contractors) in respect of the obligations specified in that Schedule. 34.2. The Service Provider may not sub-contract its obligations under the Contract to other sub-contractors without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Sub-contracting of any part of the Contract shall not relieve the Service Provider of any obligation or duty attributable to the Service Provider under the Contract. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its sub-contractors as though they are its own. 34.3. Where the Service Provider enters into a sub-contract the Service Provider must ensure that a provision is included which: 34.3.1. requires payment to be made of all sums due by the Service Provider to the sub- contractor within a specified period not exceeding 30 days from the receipt of a valid invoice as defined by the sub-contract requirements and provides that, where the Purchaser has made payment to the Service Provider in respect of Services and the sub-contractor’s invoice relates to such Services then, to that extent, the invoice must be treated as valid and, provided the Service Provider is not exercising a right of retention or set-off in respect of a breach of contract by the sub-contractor or in respect of a sum otherwise due by the sub-contractor to the Service Provider, payment must be made to the sub-contractor without deduction; 34.3.2. notifies the sub-contractor that the sub-contract forms part of a larger contract for the benefit of the Purchaser and that should the sub-contractor have any difficulty in securing the timely payment of an invoice, that matter may be referred by the sub-contractor to the Purchaser; 34.3.3. requires that all contracts with sub-contractors and suppliers which the sub- contractor intends to procure, and which the sub-contractor has not before the date of this Contract, already planned to award to a particular supplier are advertised through the Public Contracts Scotland procurement portal ( and awarded following a fair, open, transparent and competitive process proportionate to the nature and value of the contract; and 34.3.4. is in the same terms as that set out in this clause 34.3 (including for the avoidance of doubt this clause 34.3.4 subject only to modification to refer to the correct designation of the equivalent party as the Service Provider and sub-contractor as the case may be. 34.4. The Service Provider shall also include in every sub-contract: 34.4.1 a right for the Service Provider to terminate that sub-contract if the relevant sub- contractor fails to comply in the performance of its contract with legal obligations in the fields of environmental, social or employment law or if any of the termination events (involving substantial modification of the Contract, contract award despite the existence of exclusion grounds or a serious infringement of EU legal obligations) specified in clause 56.3 occur; and 34.4.2 a requirement that the sub-contractor includes a provision having the same effect as 34.4.1 in any sub-contract which it awards. In this clause 34.4, ‘sub-contract’ means a contract between two or more service providers, at any stage of remoteness from the Purchaser in a sub-contracting chain, made wholly or substantially for the purpose of performing (or contributing to the performance of) the whole or any part of this Contract. 34.5. Where requested by the Purchaser, copies of any sub-contract must be sent by the Service Provider to the Purchaser as soon as reasonably practicable. 34.6. Where the Service Provider proposes to enter into a sub-contract it must: 34.6.1 advertise its intention to do so in at least one trade journal, [at least one newspaper circulating in [refer to locality]] and the Public Contracts Scotland Portal; and 34.6.2 follow a procedure leading to the selection of the sub-contractor which ensures reasonable competition following principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency and which ensures that such procedure is accessible by small and medium enterprises.

  • Collective Bargaining Agreement The term “

  • Arm’s Length Bargaining; No Presumption Against Drafter This Agreement has been negotiated at arm’s-length by parties of equal bargaining strength, each represented by counsel or having had but declined the opportunity to be represented by counsel and having participated in the drafting of this Agreement. This Agreement creates no fiduciary or other special relationship between the parties, and no such relationship otherwise exists. No presumption in favor of or against any party in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement or any provision hereof shall be made based upon which Person might have drafted this Agreement or such provision.

  • Collective Bargaining Agreements This chapter shall be superseded by a collective bargaining agreement that expressly so provides.

  • CFR PART 200 AND FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS EXPLANATION TIPS and TIPS Members will sometimes seek to make purchases with federal funds. In accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (sometimes referred to as “XXXXX”),Vendor's response to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will indicate Vendor's willingness and ability to comply with certain requirements which may be applicable to TIPS purchases paid for with federal funds, if accepted by Vendor. Your responses to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will dictate whether TIPS can list this awarded contract as viable to be considered for a federal fund purchase. Failure to certify all requirements labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will mean that your contract is listed as not viable for the receipt of federal funds. However, it will not prevent award. If you do enter into a TIPS Sale when you are accepting federal funds, the contract between you and the TIPS Member will likely require these same certifications.

  • CONTRACT NO PB066AA Signature Page

  • SUB-CONTRACTS (a) The Administrator may sub-contract or delegate the performance of all or any of its powers and obligations under this Agreement, provided that (but subject to Clause 3.2(b) herein): (i) the prior written consent of the Mortgages Trustee and Funding to the proposed arrangement (including, if Funding considers it necessary after consulting with the Security Trustee, approving any contract which sets out the terms on which such arrangements are to be made) has been obtained, the Security Trustee has been consulted and notification has been given to each of the Rating Agencies; (ii) where the arrangements involve the custody or control of any Mortgage Loan Files and/or Title Deeds relating to the Mortgage Portfolio for the purpose of performing any delegated Services, the sub-contractor or delegate has executed an acknowledgement in writing acceptable to Funding and the Security Trustee to the effect that any such Mortgage Loan Files and/or Title Deeds are and will be held to the order of the Mortgages Trustee (as trustee for the Beneficiaries); (iii) where the arrangements involve or may involve the receipt by the sub-contractor or delegate of monies belonging to the Beneficiaries which, in accordance with this Agreement, are to be paid into the relevant Collection Account, the sub-contractor or delegate has executed a declaration in writing acceptable to the Beneficiaries that any such monies held by it or to its order are held on trust for the Beneficiaries and will be paid forthwith into the relevant Collection Account in accordance with the terms of the Mortgages Trust Deed; (iv) any such sub-contractor or delegate has executed a written waiver of any Security Interest arising in connection with such delegated Services (to the extent that such Security Interest relates to the Mortgage Portfolio or any amount referred to in (iii) above); and (v) neither the Mortgages Trustee, the Security Trustee nor the Beneficiaries shall have any liability for any costs, charges or expenses payable to or incurred by such sub-contractor or delegate or arising from the entering into, the continuance or the termination of any such arrangement. (b) The provisos to Clause 3.2(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) herein shall not apply: (i) to the engagement by the Administrator of: (1) any receiver, solicitor, insurance broker, valuer, surveyor, accountant, estate agent, insolvency practitioner, auctioneer, bailiff, debt counsellor, tracing agent, property management agent, licensed or qualified conveyancer or other professional adviser acting as such; or (2) any locksmith, builder or other contractor acting as such in relation to a Mortgaged Property, in any such case being a person or persons whom the Administrator would be willing to appoint in respect of its own mortgages in connection with the performance by the Administrator of any of its obligations or functions or in connection with the exercise of its powers under this Agreement; or (ii) to any delegation to any wholly-owned subsidiary of the Seller from time to time. (c) The Mortgages Trustee and/or Funding and the Security Trustee may require the Administrator to assign to the Mortgages Trustee any rights which the Administrator may have against any sub-contractor or delegate arising from the performance of services by such person in association with any matter contemplated by this Agreement and the Administrator acknowledges that such rights assigned to the Mortgages Trustee will be exercised by the Mortgages Trustee as trustee for the Beneficiaries subject to the terms of the Mortgages Trust Deed. (d) Notwithstanding any sub-contracting or delegation of the performance of the Administrator's obligations under this Agreement: (i) the Administrator shall not thereby be released or discharged from any liability hereunder; (ii) the Administrator shall remain responsible for the performance of the obligations of the Administrator under this Agreement; (iii) the performance or non-performance or the manner of performance of any sub-contractor or delegate of any of the Services shall not affect the Administrator's obligations under this Agreement; (iv) any breach in the performance of the Services by any sub-contractor or delegate shall, subject to the Administrator being entitled for a period of twenty (20) Business Days from receipt of notice of the breach to remedy such breach by any sub-contractor or delegate, be treated as a breach of this Agreement by the Administrator; and (v) the Security Trustee shall have no liability for any act or omission of the sub-contractor or delegate and shall have no responsibility for monitoring or investigating the suitability of any such sub-contractor or delegate.

  • Continuing Contract Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that a member eligible for continuing contract status be re-employed, and approval by the Board of Education, as prescribed and in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code, of the Superintendent’s recommendation, a continuing contract shall be entered into between the Board and the member. Teachers eligible for continuing service status are those teachers qualified as described below, who within the last five years have taught for at least three years in the District, and those teachers who, having attained continuing contract status elsewhere, have served two years in the District. In order to be eligible for the granting of a continuing contract, the bargaining unit member must have on file with the Board by March 20 of the year of tenure eligibility either: a. A Professional, Permanent or Life teacher’s certificate issued upon application submitted to the State Board of Education prior to September 1, 1998 or renewed or upgraded subsequent to September 1, 1998 in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3319.22; or b. A Professional Educator’s License issued after October 29, 1996 and proof of at least one of the following: i. If a master’s degree was not held at the time of initially receiving a teaching certificate or an educator’s license, thirty (30) semester hours of course work in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license; or ii. If a master’s degree was held at the time of initially receiving a teaching certificate or an educator’s license, six (6) semester hours of graduate course work in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of the teaching certificate or license; or iii. A teacher holding a senior professional educator license or a lead professional educator license issued under the licensure provisions of the ORC. c. For bargaining unit members initially licensed after January 1, 2011, continuing contract eligibility is met if the teacher: i. Holds a professional, senior professional or lead professional license; ii. Has held an educator’s license for at least seven (7) years; and iii. Has completed either of the following: a. If the bargaining unit member did not hold a master’s degree at the time of initially receiving an educator license, thirty

  • No Construction as Employment Agreement Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as giving Indemnitee any right to be retained in the employ of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.