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  • Assignment of Interests Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no Member or other person holding any interest in the Company may assign, pledge, hypothecate, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of their interest in the Company, including without limitation, the capital, profits or distributions of the Company without the prior written consent of the other Members in each instance. The Members agree that no Member may voluntarily withdraw from the Company without the unanimous vote or consent of the Members. A Member may assign all or any part of such Member’s interest in the allocations and distributions of the Company to any of the following (collectively the “permitted assignees”): any person, corporation, partnership or other entity as to which the Company has given consent to the assignment of such interest in the allocations and distributions of the Company by the affirmative vote or consent of Members holding a majority of the Members’ Percentage Interests. An assignment to a permitted assignee shall only entitle the permitted assignee to the allocations and distributions to which the assigned interest is entitled, unless such permitted assignee applies for admission to the Company and is admitted to the Company as a Member in accordance with this Agreement. An assignment, pledge, hypothecation, transfer or other disposition of all or any part of the interest of a Member in the Company or other person holding any interest in the Company in violation of the provisions hereof shall be null and void for all purposes. No assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any part of the interest of any Member permitted under this Agreement shall be binding upon the Company unless and until a duly executed and acknowledged counterpart of such assignment or instrument of transfer, in form and substance satisfactory to the Company, has been delivered to the Company. No assignment or other disposition of any interest of any Member may be made if such assignment or disposition, alone or when combine with other transactions, would result in the termination of the Company within the meaning of Section 708 of the Internal Revenue Code or under any other relevant section of the Code or any successor statute. No assignment or other disposition of any interest of any Member may be made without an opinion of counsel satisfactory to the Company that such assignment or disposition is subject to an effective registration under, or exempt from the registration requirements of, the applicable Federal and State securities laws. No interest in the Company may be assigned or given to any person below the age of 21 years or to a person who has been adjudged to be insane or incompetent. Anything herein contained to the contrary, the Company shall be entitled to treat the record holder of the interest of a Member as the absolute owner thereof, and shall incur no liability by reason of distributions made in good faith to such record holder, unless and until there has been delivered to the Company the assignment or other instrument of transfer and such other evidence as may be reasonably required by the Company to establish to the satisfaction of the Company that an interest has been assigned or transferred in accordance with this Agreement. (Check One) ☐ - SINGLE-MEMBER: Ownership of Company Property. The Company’s assets shall be deemed owned by the Company as an entity, and the Member shall have no ownership interest in such assets or any portion thereof. Title to any or all such Company assets may be held in the name of the Company, one or more nominees or in “street name”, as the Member may determine. Except as limited by the Statutes, the Member may engage in other business ventures of any nature, including, without limitation by specification, the ownership of another business similar to that operated by the Company. The Company shall not have any right or interest in any such independent ventures or to the income and profits derived therefrom.

  • Assignment of Interest The lessee may not assign or sublet any interest held under this lease, including a security interest, without the prior written approval of the lessor. The lessor may approve such assignment or subletting if the lessor finds it to be in the best interest of the state. No such assignment or subletting will be effective until approved by the lessor in writing, and the assignee agrees to be subject to and governed by the provisions of this lease, any subsequent amendments to this lease, any additional stipulations, or reappraisal as deemed appropriate by the lessor, and all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances in the same manner as the original lessee. No assignment or subletting of the leasehold, or any portion thereof, by the lessee will annul the lessee's obligation to pay the compensation required for the full term of this lease. Except as provided in this lease, no subdivision of the leasehold interest may occur without the prior written approval of the lessor.

  • Payment and Transfer of Interest Buyer shall pay interest on cash held as Performance Assurance, at the Interest Rate and on the Interest Payment Date. Buyer will transfer to Seller all accrued Interest Amount on the unused cash Performance Assurance in the form of cash by wire transfer to the bank account specified under “Wire Transfer” in Appendix X (Notices).

  • Termination by Red Hat or Partner Red Hat may (without prejudice to any other right or remedy) terminate this Agreement in whole or in part (including any Program Appendix and Partner’s participation in any Program) for any reason at any time upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to Partner. If Partner or Red Hat breaches the terms of this Agreement, and the breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice of the breach is given to the breaching Party (except for payment obligations, in which case five (5) days), then the other Party may, by giving written notice of termination to the breaching Party, terminate this Agreement in whole or in part (including any Program Appendix and Partner’s participation in any Program) without prejudice to any other right or remedy; unless a shorter cure period is otherwise stated under this Agreement or in the applicable Program Appendix and provided that no cure period is required for a breach of Sections 8, 9.1, 12.2 or 14.3 hereof.

  • ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT OR SALE OF INTERESTS Concessionaire shall not assign this Agreement or sell controlling interest in the Concession without prior written approval from Department. Any attempt to assign or sell controlling interest without prior written approval from Department shall be a material breach of this Agreement, subject to Suspension of Operations and/or Termination in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Paragraphs 9 and 10.

  • Termination in relation to Guarantee The Authority may terminate this Framework Agreement by serving notice on the Supplier in writing with effect from the date specified in such notice if the Supplier is required to procure a Guarantee from a Guarantor pursuant to Clause 33 (Guarantee) where:

  • Negation of Partnership Landlord shall not become or be deemed a partner or a joint venturer with Tenant by reason of the provisions of this Lease.

  • Certification of Funds; Budget and Fiscal Provisions; Termination in the Event of Non-Appropriation This Agreement is subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the City’s Charter. Charges will accrue only after prior written authorization certified by the Controller, and the amount of City’s obligation hereunder shall not at any time exceed the amount certified for the purpose and period stated in such advance authorization. This Agreement will terminate without penalty, liability or expense of any kind to City at the end of any fiscal year if funds are not appropriated for the next succeeding fiscal year. If funds are appropriated for a portion of the fiscal year, this Agreement will terminate, without penalty, liability or expense of any kind at the end of the term for which funds are appropriated. City has no obligation to make appropriations for this Agreement in lieu of appropriations for new or other agreements. City budget decisions are subject to the discretion of the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. Contractor’s assumption of risk of possible non-appropriation is part of the consideration for this Agreement. THIS SECTION CONTROLS AGAINST ANY AND ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.

  • DISCIPLINE, DISMISSAL AND RESIGNATION 23.01 Unsatisfactory conduct by an Employee which is considered by the Employer to be serious enough to be entered on the Employee’s record but not serious enough to warrant suspension or dismissal shall result in a written warning to the Employee and a copy to the Union within ten (10) days of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act. A written warning that is grieved and determined to be unjustified shall be removed from the Employee’s record.

  • Acknowledgement of Services and Responsibility of the Manager The Resident acknowledges that neither the Manager nor the Institution stands in loco parentis with respect to the Resident. The Residence provides living accommodations for independent students who are to be responsible and accountable for their personal needs and their interactions with their fellow residents as opposed to residential care. The Manager is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the residence. The Manager, in consultation with the Institution, may from time to time, in its sole and unfettered discretion, establish and/or amend policies, protocols and guidelines to uphold and ensure compliance with the standards set forth by the Manager, all of which will constitute part of the Residence Community Living Standards or Institution Code of Conduct, as appropriate. The Resident hereby acknowledges and agrees that they are solely responsible for their compliance with / review of such policies, protocols and guidelines (as may be created, amended, revised or restated by the Manager) found at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.

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