ASSOCIATION RIGHTS 6.1 The District agrees that employees in the represented unit shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of representation in the meeting and negotiating process. 6.2 The Association and its representatives may use school facilities at reasonable hours outside of instructional time in accordance with the District's use of facilities policy. 6.3 Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with the unit members' work schedule or interrupt normal school facility use. 6.4 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on unit member bulletin boards. At least a portion of one bulletin board shall be provided in each school building for that purpose. All Association communications shall have proper identification of the Association. Except for the Association elections, political campaign literature shall not be posted on school bulletin boards or distributed through school mail by the Association or any of its unit members, nor shall school facilities or equipment be used in any manner for political purposes by the Association. This provision shall apply to both school buildings and the central offices and to persons working where regular mail boxes do not exist. 6.5 The Association shall appoint all unit member representation on committees established for hiring management personnel when deemed necessary by management. 6.6 The District agrees to furnish the Association, on request, information concerning the financial condition of the District, including annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, preliminary budget requirements and allocations, agenda and minutes of Board of Education meetings, census and attendance data, names and addresses of unit members, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of unit members. Nothing contained in the above shall be construed to require that the District provide such information in any form other than it would normally be provided by the District. 6.7 The District will notify the Association of the following changes of status for bargaining unit members at least monthly: name, address, telephone, position, location, change in contract percent or status. Such notification will be sent directly to the Association office. 6.8 The District shall maintain a current seniority list and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Association listing the first day each unit member rendered paid service to the District. 6.9 All vendors seeking to do personal business with unit members shall be referred to the Association. Materials left at the District office and/or school sites by vendors for distribution to unit members shall be referred to the Association representative for review and/or distribution approval.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES A. There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any teacher solely by reason of his/her membership in the Association or for participation in any of its lawful activities. B. The Association will be provided with copies of minutes of public session official Board meetings. The Board will be provided copies of minutes of public session meetings of the Association. C. The Association may request and shall be given a place on the agenda of all regular Board meetings for brief reports and announcements. D. The Superintendent shall be available upon reasonable request to meet with representatives of the Association. E. The principal of each school shall be available upon reasonable request of Association representatives to discuss questions relating to the implementation of this Agreement in his/her school. F. The Association will be provided with the names and addresses of all new teachers and all retiring teachers as soon as such information is available. G. The Association will have the right to have placed in the Superintendent’s packet for all new teachers a letter prepared by the Association which informs said teachers that the Association is recognized as the exclusive negotiating representative for all teachers in the Xxxxxx County Public School System. H. The Association shall be given a place on the agenda of the orientation program for new teachers to explain the function and benefits of membership. I. In order for the Association to properly fulfill this Agreement for the benefit of all teachers and the welfare of the school system, the Association representative may visit schools and talk with teachers, provided that the exercise of this right will not interfere with the educational program. The Association representative will check in at the front office of the school upon his/her arrival. J. The Association shall continue to use school buildings without cost at reasonable times for meetings provided the use of the building shall not result in any additional cost to the Board. The principal of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. K. The Association representative will have the right to schedule meetings of the teachers before or after school work days or at any other times which do not disrupt the normal school program. L. There will be bulletin board space of appropriate size reserved for the Association, in an appropriate place in each school building, for the purpose of displaying notices, circulars, and such material. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but his/her advance approval will not be required. M. The Association will have the right to place Association notices, circulars, and other materials in all teachers’ mailboxes. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal and Superintendent, but his/her advance approval will not be required. The Association will also have the right to use the interschool mail to distribute prepackaged and labeled material, and its office shall be a designated stop on the interschool mail distribution route for delivery of interschool mail, so long as the Association office is on a regular route. N. No teacher will be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association. O. Teachers shall be allowed to attend professional meetings with the approval of the Superintendent. P. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association in this section will not be granted to any other teachers’ group or organization during the term of this Agreement. Q. Officers and members of the Association recognize that school equipment, time, and materials are intended primarily for the use of pupils. R. Unless a teacher requests that his/her address and phone number not be distributed, the Association faculty representative shall be provided with a faculty list, including home addresses and telephone numbers, by September 15. S. Association officers and/or representatives shall be permitted to draw upon a total of fifty
Special Provisions Relating to the Holders of Incentive Distribution Rights Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, the holders of the Incentive Distribution Rights (a) shall (i) possess the rights and obligations provided in this Agreement with respect to a Limited Partner pursuant to Articles III and VII and (ii) have a Capital Account as a Partner pursuant to Section 5.5 and all other provisions related thereto and (b) shall not (i) be entitled to vote on any matters requiring the approval or vote of the holders of Outstanding Units, (ii) be entitled to any distributions other than as provided in Sections 6.4(a)(v), (vi) and (vii), 6.4(b)(iii), (iv) and (v), and 12.4 or (iii) be allocated items of income, gain, loss or deduction other than as specified in this Article VI.
ASSOCIATION AND TEACHER RIGHTS A. Pursuant to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every employee of the Board shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any teacher in the enjoyment of any rights conferred by the Act or other laws of Michigan or the Constitution of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of his membership in the Association, the teacher's participation in any activities of the Association or collective professional negotiations with the Board, or their institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment. B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher rights he may have under the Michigan General School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere. C. The local Xxxxxxxx Education Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable after school hours for meetings, provided that when special custodial service is required, the Board may make a reasonable charge therefore, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. D. Duly authorized representatives of the Association and their respective affiliates shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. E. The Association shall have the exclusive right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on teacher bulletin boards, at least one of which shall be provided in each school building. The Association may use the district intra-mail service and teacher mail boxes for communications to teachers. F. The Board agrees to make available to the Association in response to reasonable requests all public information concerning the financial resources of the district, including but not limited to: annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations (including county allocation board budgets), agendas and minutes of all Board meetings, treasurer's reports, census and membership data, names and addresses of all teachers, salaries paid thereto and educational background, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the teachers and their students, together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint. G. The Board may consult with the Association on any new or modified fiscal, budgetary or tax programs, construction programs, or major revisions of educational policy, which are proposed or under consideration and the Association may be given opportunity to advise the Board with respect to said matters prior to their adoption and/or general publication. The Board shall not submit any proposal for additional operational or building millage without prior consultation with the Association. H. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex and/or marital status. Membership in the Association shall not be denied to any teacher because of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex and/or marital status. I. The rights granted herein to the Association shall not be granted or extended to any competing labor organization. J. The Board shall place on the agenda of each regular board meeting as the first or second item for consideration under "new business" any matters brought to its consideration by the Association so long as those matters are made known to the Superintendent's Office six (6) calendar days prior to said regular meeting. K. The Association shall have a maximum of eleven (11) days total each school year of released time without loss of pay for officers, delegates, committee chairpersons, and/or members to take part in business which pertains to the Association. The Association President shall make all requests on behalf of Association members. The Association shall provide at least five (5) days prior notice. The Association shall pay the substitute fee. Substitutes will be obtained through regular channels.
of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust The Portfolio Supervisor may employ one or more sub- Portfolio Supervisors to assist in performing the services set forth in this Section 4.05 and shall not be answerable for the default of any such sub-Portfolio Supervisors if such sub-Portfolio Supervisors shall have been selected with reasonable care, provided, however, that the Portfolio Supervisor will indemnify and hold the Trust harmless from and against any loss occurring as a result of a sub- Portfolio Supervisor's willful misfeasance, reckless disregard, bad faith, or gross negligence in performing supervisory duties. The fees and expenses charged by such sub-Portfolio Supervisors shall be paid by the Portfolio Supervisor out of proceeds received by the Portfolio Supervisor in accordance with Section 4.03 hereof."
STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRUST Subject to the provisions of Part II hereof, all the provisions contained in the Standard Terms and Conditions of Trust are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety and shall be deemed to be a part of this instrument as fully and to the same extent as though said provisions had been set forth in full in this instrument.
FEDERATION RIGHTS 1. The following organizational rights shall not be enjoyed by any rival organization. 2. The Federation shall be able to use existing bulletin board(s) or place bulletin boards at the Education Center and Iowa Street locations in a mutual agreeable location(s) that are visible to employees. 3. The Federation shall be represented on committees established by the Board when other employee groups are represented. 4. The facilities requested by the Federation shall not be denied, except where there is a previously announced and conflicting meeting or activity. 5. Information, statistics, and records relating to wages, hours, benefits, and all other terms and conditions of employment reasonably necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this contract, to the extent permitted by privacy laws, shall be made available to the Federation upon request at cost. The Federation President shall receive information which is to be given to the public on the Friday before the Board of Education meeting or as soon thereafter as it is available. 6. The Federation shall have the right to distribute bulletins and other pertinent materials through the inter-school mail delivery and/or by placing them in the mailboxes of employees or by distributing them to employees at their work locations, provided that the employee's normal work duties are not disrupted. 7. The Federation President, or his/her designee who is employed by the Board, shall have the right to visit schools and other work locations to investigate working conditions, employee complaints or problems, or for a purpose relating to the terms and conditions of employment, provided there is no interruption of the employee's normal duties and that the Federation representative announced his/her presence to the principal, or to the person in charge if the principal is not immediately available. 8. The Board shall provide the Federation with the names and addresses of new bargaining unit employees, and the change of addresses and new positions of current employees. The Board will provide annually, within twenty (20) days of the first paycheck, to the Federation a list of bargaining unit members including their work location, classification, and home address. In addition, the Board will provide a list of employees and their seniority dates. As soon as telephone numbers are entered into Board computers, the Board will provide them with the directory information unless the employee objects. 9. The Federation shall be notified of any proposed change in policy or procedure affecting its employees before the change is put into effect. The Federation shall have an opportunity to make recommendations concerning such proposals before they are put into effect. If the Board or the Superintendent issues a policy or procedure which becomes effective because of an emergency or through inadvertence before the Federation is notified and given an opportunity to make recommendations, the Federation, upon request, shall be given an opportunity to make recommendations and, where appropriate, the policy or procedure will be reconsidered. 10. Upon ratification of the contract, the Federation shall have one thousand (1,000) copies printed; the Board and the Federation shall agree on the format. The Board shall pay half the cost of printing the contract in a Union print shop within the Cincinnati City School District which presents the lowest of three bids obtained by the Federation. 11. The Board shall deduct contributions to the Committee on Political Education (COPE) fund from the pay checks of any employee who authorizes in writing that such deductions be made. The Board shall transmit such contributions to the Federation monthly, or less frequently if the Federation so requests. The Federation shall be charged no more than four cents ($.04) per deduction and ten dollars ($10.00) per transmittal to defray the cost of making the deductions. Employees who desire to cancel COPE deductions shall notify the Federation in writing. The Federation shall transmit the cancellations promptly to the Board. Under no circumstances shall the Federation deny the right of employees to revoke the authorization of payroll deduction of Federation COPE contributions. a. The Board shall not be liable to the Federation for the remittance or payment of any sum other than that constituting actual deductions made from the wages of office employees. The Federation shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability including, by way of example and not limitation, the cost of any judgment against the Board and the reasonable value of any attorney fees incurred, that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board or not taken by the Board for the purpose of complying with any provision of this Section. The provisions of this Section shall comply with Section 9.41 of the Ohio Revised Code.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 1 The Association shall have, in addition to other rights expressly set forth or provided by statute, the following rights: A. Special conferences for important matters will be arranged between the Association President and the designated representative of the Employer upon request of either party. Such meetings will normally be between at least two (2) representatives of each of the parties and will be held at mutually agreeable times and places. Should the Employer require such meetings to be during participating bargaining unit members’ normal scheduled hours, such members will be released for the purpose of attending such conferences without loss of pay. B. The Association shall be provided with bulletin board space for the purpose of posting Association materials. These bulletin boards will be designated by building principals. The Association shall also have the right to use the school mails to distribute Association material upon the notification of the building principal. No political matter or advertising of any kind will be so posted or distributed without administrative authorization; i.e., millage proposals, ballot items. C. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings as long as the intended use does not interfere or conflict unduly with regular school functions, violate school policy, or increase personnel costs. D. The Association shall have the right to use non-recreational school equipment, including typewriters, mimeograph machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment for Association meetings with the building principal’s approval and scheduling availability. E. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use and shall be responsible for proper operation and care of all such equipment, including repair costs. F. After notifying the Principal’s office, duly authorized representatives of the Association, or representatives of the state and national levels, shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with nor interrupt normal school operation. G. The officers of the Association or their designees shall have the opportunity to discuss, upon request, any new or modified fiscal budgetary educational policy. H. The Association shall be credited with a total of eight (8) days to be used by the officers or agents of the Association to bona fide Association business; such use to be at the discretion of the Association as provided herein. 1. The Association agrees to notify the Board no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of taking such leave, except in an emergency. 2. The Association will provide payment of the substitute employee on all days. 3. Any employee scheduled to work on such leave shall receive full pay for such day (not including overtime). I. The duties of any bargaining unit member or the responsibilities of any position in the bargaining unit may not be substantially altered, or increased, (Minor modification in job description excepted) during the life of this Agreement without the concurrence of the employee and the Association. J. The parties recognize that supervisors may perform some duties which are similar or identical to bargaining unit employees and such functions shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement, so long as no full-time bargaining unit positions are displaced. K. The Employer agrees to furnish to the Association President, MEA Uniserv Director, or Building Designee available information concerning the financial resources of the District together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint in a manner consistent with Article 6. L. Within ten (10) working days the Employer shall notify the Association of a new said hire in writing which includes rate of pay, step, date of hire, and position. M. The Employer agrees to provide each employee with a copy of the negotiated agreement.
Other Provisions Relating to Rights of Holders of Warrants 7.1 No Rights as Stockholder. A Warrant does not entitle the Registered Holder thereof to any of the rights of a stockholder of the Company, including, without limitation, the right to receive dividends, or other distributions, exercise any preemptive rights to vote or to consent or to receive notice as stockholders in respect of the meetings of stockholders or the election of directors of the Company or any other matter.