ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 6.1 The District agrees that employees in the represented unit shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of representation in the meeting and negotiating process.
6.2 The Association and its representatives may use school facilities at reasonable hours outside of instructional time in accordance with the District's use of facilities policy.
6.3 Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with the unit members' work schedule or interrupt normal school facility use.
6.4 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on unit member bulletin boards. At least a portion of one bulletin board shall be provided in each school building for that purpose. All Association communications shall have proper identification of the Association. Except for the Association elections, political campaign literature shall not be posted on school bulletin boards or distributed through school mail by the Association or any of its unit members, nor shall school facilities or equipment be used in any manner for political purposes by the Association. This provision shall apply to both school buildings and the central offices and to persons working where regular mail boxes do not exist.
6.5 The Association shall appoint all unit member representation on committees established for hiring management personnel when deemed necessary by management.
6.6 The District agrees to furnish the Association, on request, information concerning the financial condition of the District, including annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, preliminary budget requirements and allocations, agenda and minutes of Board of Education meetings, census and attendance data, names and addresses of unit members, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of unit members. Nothing contained in the above shall be construed to require that the District provide such information in any form other than it would normally be provided by the District.
6.7 The District will notify the Association of the following changes of status for bargaining unit members at least monthly: name, address, telephone, position, location, change in contract percent or status. Such notificatio...
5.1 New employees who join the Association will complete an automatic payroll authorization for the amount of their membership dues. The District will deduct the dues from each member’s paycheck in even monthly installments and transmit them to WEA.
5.2 The Association shall submit the automatic payroll authorization to the District Payroll Office for processing. A deductions table shall be supplied to the District Payroll Office by the Association.
5.3 The dues deduction and authorization shall remain in effect from year to year, unless withdrawn in writing to WEA by the employee. WEA will provide the District with timely notification. Upon notification of the intent to withdraw from the Association, the District will cease withdrawal of dues within 30 calendar days of receipt of the notice.
5.4 By September 1 of each school year, the Association shall give written notice to the District of the dollar amount of the current dues of the Association. Continuing Employees shall have their deductions for membership dues a made in twelve (12) equal installments from each paycheck beginning in September.
5.5 Employees who sign a dues authorization form after September shall have deductions made in equal amounts for the remainder of their Employee Contract year. These deductions shall be a pro rata share of the current year’s dues.
5.6 Per State law, the District will provide the Association access to new employees for the purpose of presenting information about the Association. This access will take place within ninety (90) days of the employee’s start date, for no less than thirty (30) minutes. This access will normally be provided during new employee orientation or within the employee’s regular work hours and at a location mutually agreed upon between the District and Association.
5.7 The Association agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the District harmless against any liability which may arise by reason of any action taken by the District to comply with the provisions of Article V, including reimbursement for any legal fees or expenses incurred in connection therewith. If, in the opinion of the Association, the District is attempting to encourage or promote claims against the Association, the Association reserves the right to name the Board’s attorney(s) in the claim, demand, suit, or other form of liability.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 1. The Association and its members shall have the right to make reasonable use of District buildings and equipment facilities when not otherwise in use, and during non-student contact time for Association business.
2. The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on Association bulletin boards, at least one of which shall be provided in each school building in areas frequented by teachers. The Association may use the District mail service and teacher mail- boxes for communication to teachers. It is understood that copies of all such information that is of a general nature shall be simultaneously routed to the Superintendent's Office. It is also understood that all published information of a general nature from the District, pertinent to members of the teacher unit, shall also be forwarded immediately to the Association Office.
3. Authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted, via prior scheduling clearance with the principal, to transact official Association business on school property during non-teaching duty times in accordance with the following provisions:
A. Bargaining unit members shall not attend Association meetings at the beginning of the day later than ten minutes prior to the beginning of their morning classes.
B. Bargaining unit members shall not attend Association meetings at the end of the day until ten minutes after their last regularly scheduled classes are dismissed, or 4:00 p.m., whichever is earlier.
C. Utilization of non-teaching duty time for Association meetings shall be reasonable so as to avoid unnecessary frequency. The District will endeavor to not interfere with the Association's ability to carry out meetings pertinent to its function of exclusive representative.
4. A ?President's Leave” shall be granted to the President of the Association in conformance with Section 44987 of the California Education Code. Such leave will be granted for the term of office, and, upon reelection, an additional term. At the expiration of the leave, the teacher shall be returned to the position filled by the teacher when such leave was granted, unless the position was abolished or the teacher agrees to waive the return rights. The President shall be considered a member of the bargaining unit and as such will maintain all rights and benefits for the period of the leave. The Asso- ciation shall reimburse the District for all salary/benefit costs that constitute the District's to...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. The Association and its representatives will be allowed to use District buildings for meetings when rooms are available and scheduled with the building principal for the purpose of transacting Association business.
B. The Association will be allowed to use District facilities and equipment including computers with internet access, copy equipment, calculating machines and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. All consumable items used will be paid for by the Association. The Association agrees to repair any equipment damaged as a result of its use. The Association will schedule the use of equipment with the building principal.
C. The Association will be allowed to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on bulletin boards in each faculty lounge of each building in the District upon notification of the principal.
D. The Association will be allowed to use the District mail/email service and employee mailboxes for communication purposes so long as such communications are labeled as Association materials and shall not constitute an unfair labor practice.
E. Upon request the District shall provide to the Association information as required under the statute which will assist the Association in carrying out its responsibility as the bargaining representative.
F. The Association and its representatives will have access to all employees during times which will not interrupt instruction. Representatives duly authorized by the Association who participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, or meetings with representatives of the District, shall suffer no loss of pay. In a work stoppage, the above provisions may be withheld.
G. The association shall be afforded a one (1) hour block of time during the workday to meet with new employees as a group on the new employee orientation day, prior to the first student instruction day.
H. The association shall be guaranteed a minimum of a two (2) hour block of time on the district welcome back day immediately following the district kickoff to conduct a general membership meeting. Upon request, the district may approve additional time for the meeting as needed.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. The Association shall have the right before the opening of school or after the close of school on school days, to use school and office equipment as may be in each school upon reasonable notice to and approval by the building principal or his/her designee, which approval shall not be withheld unless such equipment as is desired is in use, or about to be used for other authorized purposes. The approval may be revoked if the equipment is required for school use after the association has begun using it. No equipment shall be removed from the school building. All use of computer equipment shall be subject to and consistent with district policies governing the use of such equipment as a means of communication. Such equipment shall be operated only by members of the Association experienced in its use, and the association shall bear full financial responsibility for its misuse or damage while so being used. In the event of damage to school equipment occurring during the time that said equipment is in use by the association, the Association agrees to reimburse the board of education for costs of repair of replacement of said equipment. The Association shall inventory and, upon request, pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use.
B. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings for professional meetings upon request after the close of school on school days, provided that all requests for such building use shall conform to existing applicable rules and regulations of the board. Any requests by the Association for the use of a school building for a professional meeting shall be made in advance, in writing, to the business administrator, who shall have the authority to approve a reasonable time and place for such meeting within the building so as not to interfere with other regularly scheduled meetings and activities being held therein; provided, however, that if the use of the said school building by the Association results in any expenses to the Board for utilities, custodial services or any other services, the Association shall, upon request, reimburse the Board for such expense, and further provided that the Association shall leave any premises so used by it in a suitable condition for the next user thereof.
C. No meeting, hearing or conferences as defined, specified or provided for in the within agreement shall be held or conducted during normal school hours except in emergency situat...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. In order to facilitate the administration of this Agreement, the Association shall have, in addition to other rights expressly set forth herein or provided by statute, the following rights:
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. 1. Duly designated staff representatives of the Association shall be permitted on University premises at reasonable hours for the purpose of conducting official Association business. The Association agrees to a reasonable exercise of this privilege which will not interfere with or interrupt the normal operations of the University.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 6.1 The Association is allowed the use of school facilities in accordance with District usage procedures at no cost for the purpose of Association meetings.
6.2 The Association is given the right to place Association notices and materials on designated bulletin boards at each site providing that each administrator and supervisor is provided a copy in advance of posting.
6.3 The Association is given the right to use the school mail delivery system providing that each administrator and supervisor is provided a copy in advance of any general information, newsletter or document.
6.4 The District agrees to deduct from the salary of members of the Association an amount of money sufficient to pay the member’s dues, as certified by the Association, where such deductions have been requested in writing by the individual members. The District further agrees to transmit all monies so deducted to the Association on a regular basis. The Association shall provide to the District, on forms provided by the Association, signed by the employee, authorizing the union dues deduction The Association shall also furnish the District with a dues form properly signed by the member. Such forms shall remain in effect during the employment of the member or until such a time as revoked by the member under the following process: Any member may revoke his/her dues deduction authorization at any time between August 15 through September 1 by notifying the District payroll department and the Association in writing on forms provided by the Association. The Association agrees to hold the District harmless from any action growing out of these deductions. The District will inform the Association of any employment status changes to all classified employees.
6.5 Upon appointment by the Board of Education, all new classified employees will attend an Agreement orientation. The Association shall be responsible for presenting an orientation session one time per month during regular school hours. Instructions on accessing the online Agreement shall be given to all employees at this time. The District shall notify all new classified employees of the date, time and place of their orientation. The Association representative shall use association leave for time taken for orientation.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. The Association shall be granted the following sole and exclusive privileges:
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to meet with employees, subject to the following:
1. The representative(s) shall check in and out at the work location upon arrival and departure.
2. Visits with employees at their work location shall not be permitted during student contact time or during a period of assigned duty. Visits with individual teachers shall not require prior notice.
3. The administrator will facilitate the visit by assigning a reasonable location for the Association representative to confer with employees. The location should provide a reasonable degree of privacy so that the union and employee(s) may speak confidentially. Further, when reasonably possible such location should not be adjacent to the administration offices.
4. Upon request, the representative(s) shall have his/her presence announced by the posting of a notice and/or over the intercom system, outside the student day. Such announcement shall include the location and time of the visit, and may be made by either the administrator or the site Association representative.
5. The Association, with the administrator’s consent, shall be permitted to use a work location’s facilities for holding meetings which include employees from other work locations, provided such meetings are held outside the employee duty day and the Association bears the actual cost of such meetings at the lowest cost category.
6. At the beginning of each school year, the Association will be provided a mutually agreeable time on the agenda during the district-wide orientation to speak to new employees.
7. If new employee orientation(s) are held during the school year, the Association will be notified at least two (2) weeks prior to the opening session(s) of the orientation(s). Subsequently, the District will receive notification from the Association one (1) week prior with their intent to attend the orientation session. The CTA President/designee will be given the same opportunity to speak to new employees as at the district- wide orientation.
B. Site Association Representatives
1. Upon conclusion of any faculty meeting, the site Association Representative shall be given the opportunity to make announcements relating to Association business. Continued attendance by employees shall be voluntary. Once a month the site Association Representative(s) shall be given the opportunity to hold a meeting during non-student contact time of all instructional personnel at a school site to mak...