ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 2.01 During the term of this Agreement, the Board shall grant the Association the right of payroll deduction for the payment of membership dues to the Association, and to a single professional organization and its affiliates as selected by the Association without cost in accordance with the legal and financial requirements of the Treasurer’s office upon written authorization by a teacher covered by this Agreement. 2.02 This recognition further grants to the Association the following privileges: a. Organizational use of space on school bulletin boards at locations designated by the school principal. b. Organizational announcements in faculty meetings, use of public address system and insertions in bulletins to teachers as provided for in school procedures authorized by the principal. c. Use of inter-school mail, email and inter-school telephone service as long as there is no interference with regular business conducted at each building of the school district and as provided for in school procedures authorized by the principal. d. The second Monday of each month shall be recognized as an SHTA meeting night, and all SHTA members shall be free to attend these meetings on said days at 4:00 P.M. e. The building representative may call meetings of SHTA members within the building in a reasonable meeting place designated by the building principal. These meetings will not be held on school time or in conflict with other scheduled activities. In special or unique circumstances, the principal may approve a building meeting that occurs on school time. Such approval does not exempt employees from attending other scheduled meetings. f. The SHTA building representatives and officers, with the permission of the principal or his/her designee may have the use of individual school equipment and technology when such equipment or technology is not otherwise in use. Any damage or loss resulting from such use will be paid by SHTA. g. The Board shall provide the SHTA President and the PR&R Officer with the agenda and the monthly financial statements prior to the Board meeting. If the agenda is available on-line, then notice of its availability shall suffice. 2.03 The Board will grant released time with pay for SHTA delegates to attend professional conferences, committee meetings and conventions and will provide substitutes at Board expense. Teachers will submit anticipated absence requests under existing procedures. No more than a total of twenty (20) teacher days of such leave p...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 6.1 The District agrees that employees in the represented unit shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of representation in the meeting and negotiating process. 6.2 The Association and its representatives may use school facilities at reasonable hours outside of instructional time in accordance with the District's use of facilities policy. 6.3 Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with the unit members' work schedule or interrupt normal school facility use. 6.4 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on unit member bulletin boards. At least a portion of one bulletin board shall be provided in each school building for that purpose. All Association communications shall have proper identification of the Association. Except for the Association elections, political campaign literature shall not be posted on school bulletin boards or distributed through school mail by the Association or any of its unit members, nor shall school facilities or equipment be used in any manner for political purposes by the Association. This provision shall apply to both school buildings and the central offices and to persons working where regular mail boxes do not exist. 6.5 The Association shall appoint all unit member representation on committees established for hiring management personnel when deemed necessary by management. 6.6 The District agrees to furnish the Association, on request, information concerning the financial condition of the District, including annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, preliminary budget requirements and allocations, agenda and minutes of Board of Education meetings, census and attendance data, names and addresses of unit members, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of unit members. Nothing contained in the above shall be construed to require that the District provide such information in any form other than it would normally be provided by the District. 6.7 The District will notify the Association of the following changes of status for bargaining unit members at least monthly: name, address, telephone, position, location, change in contract percent or status. Such notificatio...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. The Association shall have the right before the opening of school or after the close of school on school days, to use school and office equipment as may be in each school upon reasonable notice to and approval by the building principal or his/her designee, which approval shall not be withheld unless such equipment as is desired is in use, or about to be used for other authorized purposes. The approval may be revoked if the equipment is required for school use after the association has begun using it. No equipment shall be removed from the school building. All use of computer equipment shall be subject to and consistent with district policies governing the use of such equipment as a means of communication. Such equipment shall be operated only by members of the Association experienced in its use, and the association shall bear full financial responsibility for its misuse or damage while so being used. In the event of damage to school equipment occurring during the time that said equipment is in use by the association, the Association agrees to reimburse the board of education for costs of repair of replacement of said equipment. The Association shall inventory and, upon request, pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use. B. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings for professional meetings upon request after the close of school on school days, provided that all requests for such building use shall conform to existing applicable rules and regulations of the board. Any requests by the Association for the use of a school building for a professional meeting shall be made in advance, in writing, to the business administrator, who shall have the authority to approve a reasonable time and place for such meeting within the building so as not to interfere with other regularly scheduled meetings and activities being held therein; provided, however, that if the use of the said school building by the Association results in any expenses to the Board for utilities, custodial services or any other services, the Association shall, upon request, reimburse the Board for such expense, and further provided that the Association shall leave any premises so used by it in a suitable condition for the next user thereof. C. No meeting, hearing or conferences as defined, specified or provided for in the within agreement shall be held or conducted during normal school hours except in emergency situat...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. In order to facilitate the administration of this Agreement, the Association shall have, in addition to other rights expressly set forth herein or provided by statute, the following rights:
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. 1. Duly designated staff representatives of the Association shall be permitted on University premises at reasonable hours for the purpose of conducting official Association business. The Association agrees to a reasonable exercise of this privilege which will not interfere with or interrupt the normal operations of the University.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. The Association and its representatives will be allowed to use District buildings for meetings when rooms are available and scheduled with the building principal for the purpose of transacting Association business. B. The Association will be allowed to use District facilities and equipment including computers with internet access, copy equipment, calculating machines and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. All consumable items used will be paid for by the Association. The Association agrees to repair any equipment damaged as a result of its use. The Association will schedule the use of equipment with the building principal. C. The Association will be allowed to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on bulletin boards in each faculty lounge of each building in the District upon notification of the principal. D. The Association will be allowed to use the District mail/email service and employee mailboxes for communication purposes so long as such communications are labeled as Association materials and shall not constitute an unfair labor practice. E. Upon request the District shall provide to the Association information as required under the statute which will assist the Association in carrying out its responsibility as the bargaining representative. F. The Association and its representatives will have access to all employees during times which will not interrupt instruction. Representatives duly authorized by the Association who participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, or meetings with representatives of the District, shall suffer no loss of pay. In a work stoppage, the above provisions may be withheld. G. The association shall be afforded a one (1) hour block of time during the workday to meet with new employees as a group on the new employee orientation day, prior to the first student instruction day. H. The association shall be guaranteed a minimum of a two (2) hour block of time on the district welcome back day immediately following the district kickoff to conduct a general membership meeting. Upon request, the district may approve additional time for the meeting as needed.
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. The Association shall be granted the following sole and exclusive privileges:
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. 4.1 All Association activities held on campus will be conducted by unit members and Association officials outside unit members' assigned work hours, excluding the lunch period, and in such a way which will not interfere with duties of unit members or the operation of the District. Association representatives who are not employed by the District shall follow District procedures prior to visiting any District property or school site. 4.2 Subject to applicable board policies, the Association has the right to use District facilities when not otherwise in use for the purpose of meetings concerned with the exercise of rights guaranteed by the Educational Employment Relations Act subject to reasonable regulation. 4.3 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities on matters of Association concern on Association bulletin boards in the staff rooms. 4.4 The Association retains all of its rights as set forth in the Educational Employment Relations Act. 4.5 The Association may use school mail boxes as long as information distributed therein contains the date of distribution and the identification of the sender and the organization together with an authorization provided by the Association officer that such material is on Association letterhead and is an official Association publication. At the time of distribution the Association shall provide a copy of such material to the Superintendent or designee. 4.6 The Association may also use District e-mail, consistent with applicable Board policies. 4.7 At the time of mailing to the Board of Trustees, the District shall provide the Association President one (1) copy and one copy to each Vice President (2) of the Board meeting agenda packet, including all non-confidential attachments. 4.8 As soon as practicable after ratification of an Agreement by both parties, the District shall post a copy on the District’s web site and provide a copy to each unit member upon request. A copy shall also be available at each school site office. 4.9 The District shall provide the Association a current copy of the bargaining unit seniority list before the first day of pupil attendance for the school year and an updated list no later than February 1. 4.10 No later than October 1 of each school year, the District shall provide the Association a list of current names, addresses and telephone numbers of bargaining unit members. The District shall also provide the Association any changes in this list that occur during the school...
ASSOCIATION RIGHTS. A. Teachers and Board are responsible for maintaining a continuous high level of professional service to the welfare and benefit of the student body. Teachers, therefore, are responsible to discharge their teaching assignments with professional proficiency, to plan adequately and make conscientious efforts to meet, as required, with children, and/or consultants. B. The Board will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of the teacher’s membership in the Association, his/her participation in any activities, or his/her institution of any grievance, complaints, or proceeding under this Agreement. 1. The Association and its representative shall have the right to use school building classrooms at all reasonable hours for meetings. Such use shall be subject to administrative approval. 2. School equipment may be used by the Association upon administrative approval. Supplies in conjunction with such use will be furnished or paid for by the Association at $.10 per copy. 3. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that it does not interfere with, interrupt, or affect normal school operations or assigned duties. It is the responsibility of the above mentioned Association representative to report to the building principal's office before this conference with any teacher. It is understood that no Association views on matters relating to Administrative-Teacher or Board-Association relationships will be discussed in the presence of students. If, in the opinion of the principal or the immediate supervisor of the Association member, such Association activity is interfering with classroom activities or assigned duties, such Association activities must be discontinued immediately. C. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association information concerning the financial resources of the district, budgets and such other information to which the Association is legally entitled. The Association agrees to pay reasonable costs for duplicating said materials. D. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, or marital status. E. Teachers shall be in the classrooms for the days contracted except for "Act of God" days when classes are cancelled. Permitted absences without pay for purpose or reasons not covered ...