Order of Benefit Determination Rules When a Member is covered by two or more plans, the rules for determining the order of benefit payments are as follows:
Role of Experts 1. On request of a disputing Party, or on its own initiative, the Panel may seek information and technical advice from any person or body that it deems appropriate. The requirements set out in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of Article 178 (Qualifications of Panelists) shall apply to the selection of experts or groups, as appropriate. 2. Before the Panel seeks information or technical advice, appropriate procedures shall be established in consultation with the disputing Parties. The Panel shall: (a) notify the Parties, in advance, of its intention to seek information or technical advice pursuant to paragraph 1, establishing an adequate time period for the Parties to make the comments and observations that they deem convenient; and (b) provide the disputing Parties with a copy of any information or technical advice received pursuant to paragraph 1, and with a period of time for the Parties to submit its comments. 3. When the Panel takes into consideration the information or technical advice sought pursuant to paragraph 1 for the preparation of its report, it shall also take into account any comments or observations submitted by the disputing Parties with respect to such information or technical advice.
Questions About Review The Asset Representations Reviewer will make appropriate personnel available to respond in writing to written questions or requests for clarification of any Review Report from the Indenture Trustee or the Servicer until the earlier of (i) the payment in full of the Notes and (ii) one year after the delivery of the Review Report. The Asset Representations Reviewer will not be obligated to respond to questions or requests for clarification from a Noteholder or any other Person and will direct such Persons to submit written questions or requests to the Indenture Trustee.
Form B - Contractor’s Annual Employment Report Throughout the term of the Contract by May 15th of each year the Contractor agrees to report the following information to the State Agency awarding the Contract, or if the Contractor has provided Contract Employees pursuant to an OGS centralized Contract, such report must be made to the State Agency purchasing from such Contract. For each covered consultant Contract in effect at any time between the preceding April 1st through March 31st fiscal year or for the period of time such Contract was in effect during such prior State fiscal year Contractor reports the: 1. Total number of Employees employed to provide the consultant services, by employment category. 2. Total number of hours worked by such Employees.
DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT The Board of Directors of Hua-An, having considered all aspect of the Proposed Acquisition, is of the opinion that the execution of the Proposed Acquisition in the best interests of Hua-An.
SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION [Not applicable in School District No. 62 (Sooke)]
Disagreement on Decision Should the parties disagree as to the meaning of the Board's decision, either party may apply to the Chairperson of the Arbitration Board to reconvene the Board to clarify the decision, which it shall make every effort to do within seven days.
Expert Determination If a Dispute relates to any aspect of the technology underlying the provision of the Goods and/or Services or otherwise relates to a financial technical or other aspect of a technical nature (as the Parties may agree) and the Dispute has not been resolved by discussion or mediation, then either Party may request (which request will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) by written notice to the other that the Dispute is referred to an Expert for determination. The Expert shall be appointed by agreement in writing between the Parties, but in the event of a failure to agree within ten (10) Working Days, or if the person appointed is unable or unwilling to act, the Expert shall be appointed on the instructions of the relevant professional body. The Expert shall act on the following basis: he/she shall act as an expert and not as an arbitrator and shall act fairly and impartially; the Expert's determination shall (in the absence of a material failure to follow the agreed procedures) be final and binding on the Parties; the Expert shall decide the procedure to be followed in the determination and shall be requested to make his/her determination within thirty (30) Working Days of his appointment or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter and the Parties shall assist and provide the documentation that the Expert requires for the purpose of the determination; any amount payable by one Party to another as a result of the Expert's determination shall be due and payable within twenty (20) Working Days of the Expert's determination being notified to the Parties; the process shall be conducted in private and shall be confidential; and the Expert shall determine how and by whom the costs of the determination, including his/her fees and expenses, are to be paid.
Compensation for Holidays Falling Within Vacation Schedule If a paid holiday falls on or is observed during an Employee's vacation period, she shall be allowed an additional vacation day with pay at a time mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee.
Independent Expert The Parties and the other signatories may, upon written agreement, resort to an independent expert in order to obtain a well-grounded opinion that may lead to the settlement of the dispute or controversy. In case such agreement is signed, arbitration may only be filed after issuance of the expert’s opinion.