AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This contract is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. The State, at its sole option, may terminate or suspend this contract, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (1) the Illinois General Assembly or the federal funding source fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such obligation, or if funds needed are insufficient for any reason (30 ILCS 500/20-60), (2) the Governor decreases the Department’s funding by reserving some or all of the Department’s appropriation(s) pursuant to power delegated to the Governor by the Illinois General Assembly, or (3) the Department determines, in its sole discretion or as directed by the Office of the Governor, that a reduction is necessary or advisable based upon actual or projected budgetary considerations. Contractor will be notified in writing of the failure of appropriation or of a reduction or decrease.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. Obligations of the State will cease immediately without penalty or further payment being required if, in any fiscal year, the Illinois General Assembly or Federal funding source fails to appropriate or otherwise make available sufficient funds for this Agreement, or if the Governor decreases DHS’ funding by reserving some or all of DHS’ appropriations pursuant to power delegated to the Governor by the Illinois General Assembly. DHS shall notify Provider of such funding failure.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. None of the funds appropriated in this Act or any other Act here- after enacted for the implementation of the Agreement may be expended until the Secretary determines that the Heirs have signed a valid and full relinquishment and release of any and all claims described in section 2(d) of the Agreement.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This contract is contingent upon and subject to the availability of sufficient funds. Department may terminate or suspend this contract, in whole or in part, without penalty if (i) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to Department by the State or the Federal funding source, (ii) the Governor or Department reserves funds, or (iii) the Governor or Department determines that funds will not or may not be available for payment. Department shall provide notice, in writing, to Company of any such funding failure and its election to terminate or suspend this Agreement as soon as practicable. Any suspension or termination pursuant to this Section will be effective upon the date of the written notice unless otherwise indicated.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This Agreement is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. The City, at its sole option, may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if a reduction in funding is necessary or advisable based upon actual or projected budgetary considerations. Vendor will be notified in writing of the failure of appropriation or of a reduction or decrease.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This Contract and amendments hereto are subject to approval by the Department of Environmental Conservation, Village Safe Water Program (VSW) and are contingent upon the availability of funds administered by VSW.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This contract is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. The State, at its sole option, may terminate or suspend this contract,
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This contract is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. The State, at its sole option, may terminate or suspend this contract, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (1) the Illinois General Assembly or the federal funding source fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such obligation, or if funds needed are insufficient for any reason (30 ILCS 500/20-60), (2) the Governor decreases the Department’s funding by reserving some or all of the Department’s
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This Agreement is contingent upon and subject to the availability of funds. CMAP, at its sole option, may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (1) the Illinois General Assembly or the federal funding source fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such obligation, or if funds needed are insufficient for any reason, or (2) the Illinois Department of Transportation determines, in its sole discretion or as directed by the Office of the Governor, that a reduction is necessary or advisable based upon actual or projected budgetary considerations. GOVERNMENTAL BODY will be notified in writing of the failure of appropriation or of a reduction or decrease.
AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATION. This Agreement is contingent upon and subject to the availability of sufficient funds. The Department may terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, without penalty or further payment being required, if (i) sufficient funds for this Agreement have not been appropriated or otherwise made available to the Department by the State or the Federal funding source,