General Assembly. In addition to the rules described in Section 6.2, the following rules apply:
General Assembly. In addition to the rules described in Section 6.2, the following rules apply: Members The General Assembly shall consist of one representative of each Party (hereinafter General Assembly Member). Each General Assembly Member shall be deemed to be duly authorised to deliberate, negotiate and decide on all matters listed in Section of this Consortium Agreement. The Coordinator shall chair all meetings of the General Assembly, unless decided otherwise in a meeting of the General Assembly. The Parties agree to abide by all decisions of the General Assembly. This does not prevent the Parties to submit a dispute to resolution in accordance with the provisions of Settlement of disputes in Section 11.8.
General Assembly. In addition to the rules described in Section 6.2, the following rules apply: Members The General Assembly shall consist of one representative of each Party (hereinafter General Assembly Member). Each General Assembly Member shall be deemed to be duly authorised to deliberate, negotiate and decide on all matters listed in Section
General Assembly. As provided in subsection E of § 23.1-1007 of the Act, the General Assembly may reinstate a management agreement declared void by the Governor. Pursuant to subsection F of § 23.1-1007 of the Act, the University's status as a covered institution governed by Article 4 of the Act may be revoked by an act of the General Assembly if the University fails to meet the requirements of Article 4 of the Act or the management agreement.
General Assembly. A General Assembly shall be set up.
General Assembly. Body that is responsible for strategic and scientific management of the Project;
General Assembly. All BENEFICIARIES shall be members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The CO-ORDINATOR shall chair all meetings of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The GENERAL ASSEMBLY shall have an annual meeting for reviewing and monitoring the progress of the PROJECT as well as identifying appropriate actions for the successful performance of the PROJECT. The GENERAL ASSEMBLY shall be in charge of making decisions or proposals for decisions to be taken by the STEERING COMMITTEE, particularly decisions of major and strategic relevance.
General Assembly. 1. The General Assembly shall be composed of all elected officials representing the executive and legislative branches of cities, towns, and counties which are members of the agency, representatives of Tribal governments which are members, and representatives of statutory members.
2. The General Assembly shall make decisions when a quorum is present, and on the basis of a weighted vote of the members, with the weight of each city and county jurisdiction vote as follows: total votes of all city and county jurisdictions within each county will be proportional to each county's share of the regional population. County government will be entitled to fifty (50) percent of their respective county's total vote. City and town votes will be based on their respective share of the total incorporated population of their county. Indian Tribe vote will be based on their respective share of the regions' population. The vote of statutory members shall be as prescribed in the applicable statute or as determined by the Executive Board where the applicable statute is silent on the matter of voting.
General Assembly. As provided in subsection E of § 23.1-1007 of the Act, the
General Assembly. The General Assembly (GA) is the formal authority of the EuroFIR Nexus project and consists of executive representatives of all beneficiaries. These representatives are also part of the General Assembly of EuroFIR AISBL and this set-up has been deliberately chosen to: • Guarantee commitment of all partners to the development and exploitation of EuroFIR Nexus at the Executive Level of each beneficiary, and • Embed and integrate the EuroFIR Nexus consortium in a sustainable organization (EuroFIR AISBL) explicitly founded for this purpose and designed to achieve long- term integration of EuroFIR XxX. The General Assembly will meet on a yearly basis in Brussels. The Executive Board will be responsible to the GA for decisions of major impact (e.g. major budget reallocations, stakeholder requests, IPR and new funding initiatives.). These issues will be fine tuned in the Consortium Agreement as necessary.