Maintenance Fee The Maintenance Fee (SEE SCHEDULE - ACCUMULATION PERIOD) will be deducted during the Accumulation Period from the Account Value on each anniversary of the Account Effective Date and upon withdrawal of the entire Account.
CONTRACT FEE An annual charge for administration expenses made on each contract anniversary prior to the Maturity Date.
Reconciliation and Final Payment Seller and Buyer shall reasonably cooperate after Closing to make a final determination of the allocations and prorations required under this Contract within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Closing Date. Upon the final reconciliation of the allocations and prorations under this Section, the party which owes the other party any sums hereunder shall pay such party such sums within ten (10) days after the reconciliation of such sums. The obligations to calculate such prorations, make such reconciliations and pay any such sums shall survive the Closing.
Rental Fee Is for one day only from 8:00 am to 12:00 midnight. Groups or Individuals requiring more than one day for their event will be charged a rental fee for each day required – no exceptions.
Leading Hand Allowance A person appointed as a leading hand shall be paid at the rate of the undermentioned hourly amounts above the hourly rates of the highest classification supervised in accordance with the number of persons supervised. In charge of not more than one person $0.38 per hour In charge of two and not more than five persons $0.83 per hour In charge of six and not more than 10 persons $1.06 per hour In charge of more than 10 persons $1.41 per hour
Pass-Through Expenses (a) If a Work Order provides that a Pass-Through Expense is to be paid by LAUSD directly, Contractor will promptly provide LAUSD with the original third-party invoice for the Pass-Through Expense. If a Work Order provides that a Pass- Through Expense is to be paid by Contractor, Contractor will act as payment agent for LAUSD and will pay third-party charges comprising the Pass-Through Expense. For each Pass-Through Expense, Contractor will review the corresponding invoiced charges to determine whether the charges are proper and valid and should be paid, and will provide LAUSD with a statement to that effect. Where Contractor is paying a Pass-Through Expense on LAUSD's behalf, Contractor will provide LAUSD with a reasonable opportunity to review the applicable invoice. Following this review, Contractor will pay the amounts due and will invoice LAUSD for the charges. (b) Contractor will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize Pass-Through Expenses. With respect to services or materials paid for on a Pass-Through Expense basis, LAUSD reserves the right to: (i) obtain these services or materials directly from a third party; (ii) designate the third party source for these services or materials; (iii) designate the particular services or materials (e.g., equipment make and model) that Contractor will obtain, provided that if Contractor demonstrates to LAUSD that this designation will have an adverse impact on Contractor’s ability to meet applicable service levels, this designation will be subject to Contractor’s approval; (iv) require Contractor to identify and consider multiple sources for these services or materials or to conduct a competitive procurement; and (v) review and approve the Pass-Through Expense for these services or materials before entering into a contract for these services or materials.
Construction Fee A fee or other remuneration for acting as general contractor and/or construction manager to construct improvements, supervise and coordinate projects or to provide major repairs or rehabilitations on a Property.
Up-Front Fee The Borrowers shall pay to the Agent an up-front fee in the amount and at the times agreed in a Fee Letter.
Collection of Taxes, Assessments and Similar Items; Escrow Accounts (a) To the extent required by the related Mortgage Note and not violative of current law, the Master Servicer shall establish and maintain one or more accounts (each, an "Escrow Account") and deposit and retain therein all collections from the Mortgagors (or advances by the Master Servicer) for the payment of taxes, assessments, hazard insurance premiums or comparable items for the account of the Mortgagors. Nothing herein shall require the Master Servicer to compel a Mortgagor to establish an Escrow Account in violation of applicable law. (b) Withdrawals of amounts so collected from the Escrow Accounts may be made only to effect timely payment of taxes, assessments, hazard insurance premiums, condominium or PUD association dues, or comparable items, to reimburse the Master Servicer out of related collections for any payments made pursuant to Sections 3.01 hereof (with respect to taxes and assessments and insurance premiums) and 3.09 hereof (with respect to hazard insurance), to refund to any Mortgagors any sums determined to be overages, to pay interest, if required by law or the terms of the related Mortgage or Mortgage Note, to Mortgagors on balances in the Escrow Account or to clear and terminate the Escrow Account at the termination of this Agreement in accordance with Section 9.01 hereof. The Escrow Accounts shall not be a part of the Trust Fund. (c) The Master Servicer shall advance any payments referred to in Section 3.06(a) that are not timely paid by the Mortgagors on the date when the tax, premium or other cost for which such payment is intended is due, but the Master Servicer shall be required so to advance only to the extent that such advances, in the good faith judgment of the Master Servicer, will be recoverable by the Master Servicer out of Insurance Proceeds, Liquidation Proceeds or otherwise.
Annual Maintenance Fee In consideration of the license granted to Licensee under Section 2.1, Licensee shall pay Licensor on-going annual maintenance fees of **** on each anniversary of the Effective Date.