Goods and Services 4.3.1. The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and/or the Services provided are fit for the purposes that may reasonably be inferred from the technical specifications and in accordance with the timetable for performance defined in the Contract. In any event the Supplier commits himself to achieve performance and results stipulated in the Contract. 4.3.2. The Goods and/or Services shall be delivered in a state of full completion with the complete “Documentation” (any operation and maintenance manuals, drawings, calculations, technical data, logic diagrams, progress reports, quality documentation, conformity certificates, test reports, bill of lading, certificates of origin, export control classification list number as per any applicable export regulation - such as the European Council Regulation 428/2009 (as amended) and/or the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), percentage of U.S. origin content, U.S. Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) or U.S. Munitions List category (“USML”) (if applicable) export authorizations and licenses, Harmonized Tariff Code - and any such other documents required under the Contract and/or applicable Laws) associated therewith as well as all instructions, recommendationsandother indicationsnecessaryin orderfor themtobeused correctly and under the appropriate safety conditions. If so required by the Purchaser, the Supplier shall submit any such Documentation to the Purchaserwith sufficient timeforreview andapproval by the Customer, in accordancewith the time-lines agreed between the Purchaser and the Customer. Where the Documentation provided by the Supplier is not compliant with Purchaser’s contractual requirements, the Supplier must make the necessary modifications, and indemnify the Purchaser for any costs, liabilities or penalties incurred by the Purchaser as a result of the non-compliance and/or delay. 4.3.3. Goods or Services that donotmeetall the requirements set in this Article 4.3 shall be considered as having a Non-Conformity as per Article 10 of these General Conditions and may be recorded as a non-conformity event (NCE) as defined in the Supplier Quality Manual. 4.3.4. If the Supplier is not certain that the results of the Services or Goods comply with the requirements defined in this Article 4.3, it shall inform immediately the Purchaser thereof in writing, providing all the needed indications concerning the risks of non- compliance and the measures that the Supplier intends to take in order to remedy the situation. The Purchaser shall notify its acceptance or rejection of the Supplier’s proposals as soon as possible and in writing. 4.3.5. If the Purchaser assesses on its part that the Supplier is not performing the Services and/or supplying the Goods in accordance with the Contract, itmay require the Supplier to indicate to it, in writing, the measures that the Supplier intends to take to remedy the situation. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier in writing as soon as possible of its acceptance or rejection of the Supplier’s proposals.
Proposed Goods and Services Proposed Goods and Services pdf D/M/WBE Certification OPTIONAL No response Warranty No response
Required Procurement Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services The Grantee shall provide maximum open competition when procuring goods and services related to the grant- assisted project in accordance with Section 287.057, Florida Statutes.
Procurement of Goods and Services (a) If the HSP is subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will abide by all directives and guidelines issued by the Management Board of Cabinet that are applicable to the HSP pursuant to the BPSAA. (b) If the HSP is not subject to the procurement provisions of the BPSAA, the HSP will have a procurement policy in place that requires the acquisition of supplies, equipment or services valued at over $25,000 through a competitive process that ensures the best value for funds expended. If the HSP acquires supplies, equipment or services with the Funding it will do so through a process that is consistent with this policy.
PAYMENT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES a. DIR Customer shall comply with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code, or applicable local law, in making payments to the Vendor. Payment under a DIR Contract shall not foreclose the right to recover wrongful payments. b. Payments must be made in accordance with laws and procedures applicable to DIR Customer. c. DIR Customer agrees to pay the rates and/or prices set by DIR with its vendors. DIR Customer understands these rates and/or prices include a DIR administrative fee. d. All purchases executed under a DIR Contract will require a DIR Customer purchase order.
Procurement for Goods and Works Except as ADB may otherwise agree, Goods and Works shall only be procured on the basis of the methods of procurement set forth below: National Competitive Bidding Shopping The methods of procurement are subject to, among other things, the detailed arrangements and threshold values set forth in the Procurement Plan. The Borrower may only modify the methods of procurement or threshold values with the prior agreement of ADB, and modifications must be set out in updates to the Procurement Plan.
Green Economy/Carbon Footprint a) The Supplier/Service Provider has in its bid provided Transnet with an understanding of the Supplier’s/Service Provider’s position with regard to issues such as waste disposal, recycling and energy conservation.
Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.
Prices and Services Billing 8.1 SCHEDULE OF PRICES AND TERMS Competitive Supplier agrees to provide Firm Full-Requirements Power Supply and other related services as expressly set forth herein in accordance with the prices and terms included in EXHIBIT A to this ESA, which exhibit is hereby incorporated by reference into this ESA.
Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.