Blast Furnace. 2B No. 2 Cast House 2C No. 2 blast furnace stoves — 2 off 2D Shaking Ladle and Equipment — including 4 Ladle chassis, 7 ladles, 2 shaking ladle stands 2E Shaking Ladle Buildings, including 50 ton crane 3A Bins at No. 1 Blast Furnace — 12 off, Bins at No. 2 Blast Furnace — 20 off, Charcoal Bins O/Head — 4 off 3B Scale Cars — 4 off (2 only used) 3C Ore Handling Equipment — including conveyors, tippler, screens and Xxxxxx Limestone Crusher, F’mtle crusher and Screens 3D Charcoal Screening Plant 4A Gas Cleaning Plant — including 3 Venturi and 3 Cyclone gas cleaners 4B Gas pipes and Gantry 4C Settling Pits 5A Pig Casting Machine and Equipment — including crane O/H 5B No. 1 and No. 2 Pig Casting Machines — including one spare machine 5C Foundry Buildings 5D Foundry Equipment 5F Birlec Induction Furnace 5G Fettling Shop — old 5J New Railway Siding 5K Foundry Extensions — including core making equipment, air compressor (at Power House), sand plant (link belt) and miscellaneous equipment 5L Fettling Shop and equipment
Blast Furnace. 1B Xx. 0 Xxxx Xxxxx 0X Xx. 0 Blast furnace stoves — 2 off
Blast Furnace. 1B No. 1 Cast House 1C No. 1 Blast furnace stoves — 2 off
Blast Furnace. In such written notice to Seller, Purchaser may elect to reduce the Minimum Coke Purchase Requirement by up to one-third (1/3) during the period that Purchaser is wholly incapable of receiving, accepting and/or utilizing Coke at Purchaser’s No. 7 Blast Furnace and the additional period referred to in Section 11.3(e) (these two periods together being the “Fire/Explosion Period”). During the Fire/Explosion Period:
Blast Furnace. In order to be entitled to claim the benefit of this Section 11.2, Purchaser must furnish written notice to Seller at least one (1) year in advance of any contemplated relining of Purchaser’s Blast Furnace No. 7, and such written notice must specify the probable duration of such relining. During the period necessary to complete the relining of Purchaser’s Blast Furnace No. 7, it being understood that such period shall in no event exceed five (5) months, Purchaser will use its best efforts to utilize the Coke produced by the Coke Plant in Purchaser’s other blast furnaces. At least two weeks prior to the completion of any relining of Purchaser’s No. 7 Blast Furnace, Purchaser shall notify Seller in writing as to Purchaser’s intended date of restart of operations at its No. 7 Blast Furnace, so that this Coke Purchase Agreement may be reinstated at the appropriate time. Purchaser will promptly inform Seller in writing in the event of any changes reasonably likely to delay Purchaser’s intended date of restart of operations at its No. 7 Blast Furnace by more than five (5) days.
Blast Furnace. It is the intent of the Parties to adjust these size specifications prior to the beginning of the Initial Term based on the capability of the Coke Plant and Purchaser’s requirements reflected above. Until those adjustments are made (but no later than the beginning of the Initial Term), no size premiums or penalties will be accrued. SCHEDULE 4.4(c) SCHEDULE 4.4(d) SCHEDULE 4.4(e) PARAMETER PRICE INCREASE FACTOR PRICE DECREASE FACTOR CSR Not Applicable If CSR less than ***** Price ***** Ex: *****$***** MOISTURE If Moisture under *****% Price *****%*****%)***** Ex: *****%*****%*****$*****%*****%)*****$***** If Moisture over *****% Price *****%*****%)***** Ex: *****%*****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** SULFUR If Sulfur under *****% Price *****%*****%)***** Ex: *****%*****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** If Sulfur over *****% Price *****%*****%)***** Ex: *****%*****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** ASH If Ash *****% Price *****%*****%)*****) Ex: *****%*****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** If Ash over *****% Price *****%*****%)***** Ex: *****%*****%*****$*****%*****%)*****$***** STABILITY If Stability over ***** Price ***** Ex: *****$*****)***** *****$***** If Stability under ***** Price ***** Ex: *****$*****) *****$***** PHOSPHORUS If Phosphorus under *****% Price *****%*****%***** Ex: Phosphorus = *****%*****$*****%*****% *****$***** If Phosphorus over *****% Price *****%*****%)*****) Ex: *****%*****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** MEAN SIZE If Mean Size over ***** Price ***** Ex: *****$***** (*****)*****$***** If Mean Size under ***** Price ***** Ex: *****$**********$***** SIZE <*****” If Size % <*****%***** Price *****%***** (*****%*****))***** Ex: Size % *****%$*****%*****%)*****$***** If Size % <*****% Price *****%*****)*****%)***** EX: *****%*****% $*****%*****%)*****$***** Note: For purposes of the examples in the above Schedule 4.7, NT equals the per Ton coke quality price adjustment for the applicable parameter. SCHEDULE 5.1(c) PAGE 1 Project Cost ***** Tons Coke Sold/Yr ***** Exhibit 5.1(e) Partner Investment ***** Of Which Excess Pro ***** Sun Investment ***** Coke Price/Ton ***** Newcoke JV DEBT ***** Discount ($/Ton) ***** Projected Cash Flows Partners % Return ***** Coal Cost/Ton of Coke ***** (M/$) Flip1 % ***** Cash Op. Cost/Ton ***** Flip1 Date ***** Breeze Credit/Ton ***** PARTNERSHIP CASE Partner’s Funding ***** Project End Date ***** JV’s Fed/St. Tax ***** Terminal Value ***** Sun Fed/St. Amt ***** Flip2 % ***** Startup Date ***** Flip2 Date ***** NFC: Qualifying Over **...
Blast Furnace the No. 1 Billet Caster and the 4 Stand Billet Mill at the Lorain facility, the No. 4(B) and No. 4
Blast Furnace. Gases (BFGs)
Blast Furnace. Gases (BFGs), alone, have heating values below minimal allowable limits. These Gases must be blended with other fuel to raise the heating value to above the required limit. Coke Oven and/or Natural Gases or hydrocarbons such as propane or butane can be utilized to accomplish this.
Blast Furnace. This Project included the installation of facilities for casthouse emissions control at the No. 3 blast furnace including a combination of “non-capture” system of runner covers and flame suppression. Two separate control systems were installed to serve the No. 3 blast furnace, with emissions from the casthouse of furnace No. 3 directed to a 400,000 cfm baghouse. The system generally consists of a hood at the casthouse to capture fumes from tapping holes, skimmers, iron runners and spouts, and ductwork connecting to a high ratio baghouse equipped with multiple fans to assure continuous, “fail safe” operations and discharging through individual exhaust ducts or louvers. A wet rotary pelletizer was also included to agglomerate the collected dust for transport and disposal. The system was designed to provide “whole casthouse” evacuation at the rate of one (1) air change per minute.