Broadening Participation. The annual and final progress reports must provide the total number of participants in the activities funded by this award, including faculty, staff, students, and members of the external advisory boards. In addition, the reports must indicate the numbers of women and underrepresented groups in STEM that participated in activities funded by this award and the duration of that participation. The data must be reported in aggregate for the project, each jurisdiction, and for each participating institution. Demographic data by race, gender, and disability must be provided in addition to education level (post doctoral, graduate, undergraduate, K-12). Progress reports must present the results of efforts to increase the participation of women and members of other underrepresented groups in STEM. Future funding will be based, in part, on the progress in increasing the number of women and underrepresented groups in STEM in activities funded by the award.
Broadening Participation. 10.2.1 The Participating Institutions endorsing the Principles are committed to working with governments and the broader botanical community, including individuals, organisations and groups dealing with genetic resources in order to develop a harmonised basis for access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing.
Broadening Participation. Pursue a variety of actions aimed at broadening participation in the geosciences, within our research centers and more broadly across the profession.
Broadening Participation. The agreement
Broadening Participation. The agreement includes increases that are aimed to support Broadening Participation in STEM pro- grams. Global leadership requires diverse ideas and NSF is encouraged to ensure the Foundation partners with communities with significant populations of underrepresented groups within STEM research and education as well as the STEM workforce. Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).—In lieu of House language regarding the consolidation of GRFP, the bill includes language allowing the transfer of up to
Broadening Participation. Within the templates and text, the annual and final reports must provide the total number of participants in the activities funded by this award, including faculty, staff, students, and members of all external advisory boards. In addition, the reports must indicate the numbers of women and underrepresented groups in STEM that participated in activities funded by this award. The data must be reported in aggregate for the project and for each participating institution. Demographic data by race, gender, and disability must be provided in addition to education level (post doctoral, graduate, undergraduate, K-12). Progress reports must present the results of efforts to increase the participation of women and members of other underrepresented groups in STEM. Future funding will be based, in part, on the progress in increasing the number of women and underrepresented groups in STEM in activities funded by the award.
Broadening Participation. Within the templates and text, the annual and final reports must provide the total number of participants in the activities funded by this award, including faculty, staff, students, and members of all external advisory boards. In addition, the reports must indicate the numbers of women and underrepresented groups in STEM that participated in activities funded by this award. The data must be reported in aggregate for the project and for each participating institution. Demographic data by race, gender, and disability must be provided in addition to education level (post doctoral, graduate, undergraduate, K-12). Progress reports must present the results of efforts to increase the participation of women and members of other underrepresented groups in STEM. Future funding will be based, in part, on the progress in increasing the number of women and underrepresented groups in STEM in activities funded by the award. The fifth year of the previous RII Track-1 project serves as a baseline for reporting year-to-year improvements on increasing the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in RII project activities, including STEM research and education projects. For jurisdictions that did not have a prior RII Track-1 award, the first year data from the current award will serve as the baseline for subsequent year reports.