Genetic resources means genetic material of actual or potential value;
Genetic services means a genetic test, genetic counseling (including obtaining, interpreting, or assessing genetic information), or genetic education.
Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.
Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Clean coal technology demonstration project means a project using funds appropriated under the heading “Department of Energy—Clean Coal Technology,” up to a total amount of $2,500,000,000 for commercial demonstration of clean coal technology, or similar projects funded through appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal contribution for a qualifying project shall be at least 20 percent of the total cost of the demonstration project.
Information Technology Resources means agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, disposition, and transformation, or other activity related to the lifecycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants to third parties which establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. (0MB M-15-14)
Contact therapy system means a therapeutic radiation machine with a short target-to-skin distance (TSD), usually less than 5 centimeters.
Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act means the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013);
Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.
Genetic testing means an analysis of genetic markers to exclude or identify a man as the father or a woman as the mother of a child. The term includes an analysis of one or a combination of the following:
Behavioral therapy means interactive therapies derived from evidence-based research, including applied behavior analysis, which includes discrete trial training, pivotal response training, intensive intervention programs, and early intensive behavioral intervention.
Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.
Palliative care means medical service rendered to reduce or moderate temporarily the intensity of an otherwise stable medical condition, but does not include those medical services ren- dered to diagnose, heal or permanently alleviate or eliminate a medical condition.
Database Management System (DBMS) A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 911 systems. Day: A calendar day unless otherwise specified. Dedicated Transport: UNE transmission path between one of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches and another of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches within the same LATA and State that are dedicated to a particular customer or carrier. Default: A Party’s violation of any material term or condition of the Agreement, or refusal or failure in any material respect to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. A Party shall also be deemed in Default upon such Party’s insolvency or the initiation of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Party or the failure to obtain or maintain any certification(s) or authorization(s) from the Commission which are necessary or appropriate for a Party to exchange traffic or order any service, facility or arrangement under this Agreement, or notice from the Party that it has ceased doing business in this State or receipt of publicly available information that signifies the Party is no longer doing business in this State.
Kyoto Protocol means the protocol to the UNFCCC adopted at the Third Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 as may be amended;
Service Management System (SMS) means an off-line system used to access, create, modify, or update information in a Database.
Behavioral health services means mental health services as
Production, Use or Storage of Nuclear Material means the production, manufacture, enrichment, conditioning, processing, reprocessing, use, storage, handling and disposal of Nuclear Material.
Aquatic invasive species means any invasive, prohibited,
Indicators of student progress and growth means the results of assessment(s) of students as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:8, Standards and Assessment.
Quality improvement organization or “QIO” shall mean the organization that performs medical peer review of Medicaid claims, including review of validity of hospital diagnosis and procedure coding information; completeness, adequacy and quality of care; appropriateness of admission, discharge and transfer; and appropriateness of prospective payment outlier cases. These activities undertaken by the QIO may be included in a contractual relationship with the Iowa Medicaid enterprise.
Step therapy protocol means a protocol or program that establishes the specific
Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.
Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.
Clean coal technology means any technology, including technologies applied at the precombustion, combustion, or post combustion stage, at a new or existing facility which will achieve significant reductions in air emissions of sulfur dioxide or oxides of nitrogen associated with the utilization of coal in the generation of electricity, or process steam which was not in widespread use as of November 15, 1990.