Annual Increments 12.1 Employees will proceed to the maximum of their salary range by annual increments, after 12 months’ continuous service at each increment point, unless there is an adverse report on the Employee's performance or conduct which recommends the non-payment of an annual increment. 12.2 The following process will apply where a report on an Employee’s performance or conduct recommends the non-payment of an annual increment: (a) The Employee will be shown the report prior to completing 12 months’ continuous service since their last incremental advance; (b) The Employee will be provided with an opportunity to comment in writing; (c) The Employee’s comments will be considered immediately by the Employer and a decision made as to whether to approve the payment of the increment or withhold payment for a specific period; and (d) Where the increment is withheld, the Employer before the expiry of the specified period will complete a further report and the above provisions will apply. 12.3 The non-payment of an increment will not change the normal anniversary date of any further increment payments. 12.4 For the purposes of this clause "continuous service", except where an increment is payable according to age, will not include any period: (a) exceeding 14 calendar days during which an Employee is absent on Leave Without Pay. In the case of leave without pay which exceeds 14 calendar days the entire period of such Leave Without Pay is excised in full; (b) which exceeds six (6) months in one continuous period during which an Employee is absent on workers' compensation. Provided that only that portion of such continuous absence which exceeds six (6) months will not count as "continuous service"; and (c) which exceeds three (3) months in one (1) continuous period during which an Employee is absent on Personal Leave without pay. Provided that only that portion of such continuous absence which exceeds three (3) months will not count as "continuous service".