CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. 1. The Office of Naval Research Negotiation Agreement dated June 29, 2022 established Fixed Fringe Benefits Rates with carry-forward provisions for Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University’s fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. This negotiation agreement records on the final carry-forward amounts resulting from determination of actual costs for fiscal year 2023. These costs have been determined in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. ( ) denotes over-recovery. Regular Faculty ($412,474) Research Faculty ($729,704) Part Time Faculty ($31,105) Classified ($1,737,920) Wages $154,718 Graduate Student ($204,174) 2. The Fixed Fringe Benefits Rates set forth in Section I are inclusive of the final fiscal year 2023 carry-forward amounts shown above, which are liquidated in their entirety.
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following final FY 2020 carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2022 rates: Rate Type Final CFW Partial Benefits ($6,538) Full Benefits $2,514,276 Limited Benefits $6,175 Graduate Student ($653,410) ( ) Denotes over-recovery.
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following estimated FY2022 carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY2024 rates: ( ) denotes over-recovery. Rate Category Liquidated in FY 2024 Fixed Rates FY22 Est. CFW Research ($62,406) Marine Operations ($318,981) Regular ($116,232) Regular OT ($522,718) Casual $15,952 Casual OT $2,153 Cruise Leave $12,083 Paid Absences $1,605,241
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following FY 2018 final and FY 2019 estimated carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2021 rates:
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The Office of Naval Research Negotiation Agreement dated June 21, 2022, established a Fixed with carry-forward provisions Appointed Fringe Benefits Rate for the University of Denver’s fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. This negotiation agreement records agreement on the final carry-forward amount resulting from determination of actual costs for FY 2023. These costs have been determined in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200. The Fiscal Year 2025 Fixed Appointed Fringe Benefits rate set forth in SECTION I is inclusive of the final FY 2023 carry-forward amount shown below, which is liquidated in its entirety.
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. Previous rate agreements provided for F&A rates using the Fixed with Carry Forward rate type. These prior rate years included carry forward amounts that require liquidation, some of which are provided in this rate agreement. The following final and estimated carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2020 rates:
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following partial final (FY2012 and FY2013) and estimated FY17 carry-forward amounts were considered in the establishment of the FY 2019 fixed rates: ( ) denotes over-recovery. Partial Final Partial Final Estimated FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2017 Total Regular Employees (3,403,000) (1,574,000) (4,839,000) (9,816,000) Post Doc RA (339,000) (339,000) Contingent Employees (190,000) (190,000) RA/TA Health (72,000) (72,000) Estimated FY 2017 Total Vac Accrual/Disability Sick Leave: Vac Accrual: Exempt/Non-Exempt 2,045,124 2,045,124 Disability Sick Leave 310,261 310,261
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following FY 2016 and 2018 estimated carry- forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2020 fixed rate: ( ) represents over-recovery FY 2016 Estimated $318,046 FY 2018 Estimated $612,556
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following FY 2020 estimated carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2022 rates: ( ) indicates over-recovery Organized Research On-Campus 2020 ($3,144,842) ($123,684) Organized Research Off-Campus 2020 ($206) NREC Off Campus 2020 ($57,601) $21,096 Silicon Valley Off-Campus 2020 $111,803 SEI 2020 $859,420 Other SEI Cost of Money 2020 ($17,509)
CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS. The following FY 2020 estimated carry-forward amounts were included in the establishment of the FY 2022 fixed rates: ( ) denotes over- recovery. Estimated FY 2020 Total Reg Employees (12,611,000) (12,611,000) Post Doc (220,000) (220,000) Contingent Empl (396,000) (396,000) RA/TA Health 5,000 5,000