Certification of Agricultural Best Practices Sample Clauses

Certification of Agricultural Best Practices. Members of the Certification of Agricultural Best Practices (CABP) project team began their field activities in the early part of the 3rd quarter of FY 2009. As indicated in the CABP project work plan, the Certification and Pest Control Coordinators began their activities during this quarter by visiting PRODEL coffee and cacao anchor firms and producer groups in the field in an effort to construct an implementation strategy in direct coordination with program beneficiaries. From these visits, the team produced an initial assessment of the target population to meet the main goals for CABP to include 500 fully certified hectares of cacao and coffee and another 1,500 hectares with certification processes in progress. After initial assessments with producers, the CABP technical team has focused its efforts on developing Internal Control Systems for cacao and coffee producers that will allow participating farmers to achieve the goal of certification. The Rainforest Alliance certification program representative in Ecuador, C&D was awarded the contract to perform assessment audits, certification audits and training workshops for the CABP component of PRODEL. The implementation of the C&D work plan will be supervised and coordinated with the CABP team during the 4th quarter of FY 2009. In addition, the CABP team selected Bio Control Systems (BCS) OKO-Garantie to perform organic certification activities with cacao and coffee producers. The BCS contract is expected to be signed within the first two weeks of the 4th quarter of FY 2009.

Related to Certification of Agricultural Best Practices

  • Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection 1. The aims of cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection will be, but not limited to, as follows: (a) establishing bilateral cooperation relations in the forestry sector; (b) developing a training program and studies for sustainable management of forests; (c) improving the rehabilitation and sustainable management of forest with the aim of increasing carbon sinks and reduce the impact of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) cooperating on the execution of national projects, aimed at: improving the management of forest plantations for its transformation for industrial purposes and environmental protection; (e) elaborating studies on sustainable use of timber; (f) developing new technologies for the transformation and processing of timber and non-timber species; and (g) improving cooperation in agro-forestry technologies. 2. To achieve the objectives of the Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties may focus, as a means of cooperation and negotiations on concluding a bilateral agreement on forestry cooperation between the two Parties. Such collaboration will be as follows: (a) exchanges on science and technology as well as policies and laws relating the sustainable use of forest resources; (b) cooperation in training programs, internships, exchange of experts and projects advisory; (c) advice and technical assistance to public institutions and organizations of the Parties on sustainable use of forest resources and environmental protection; (d) facilitating forest policy dialogue and technical cooperation under the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting; (e) encouraging joint studies, working visits, exchange of experiences, among others; and (f) others activities mutually agreed.

  • Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture at 0-000-000-0000, 000-000-0000, or xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/plantind/ to determine those specific project sites located in the quarantined area or for any regulated article used on this project originating in a quarantined county.

  • National Environmental Policy Act All subrecipients must comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations (40 C.F.R. Parts 1500-1508) for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA, which requires Subrecipients to use all practicable means within their authority, and consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, to create and maintain conditions under which people and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic, and other needs of present and future generations of Americans.

  • Agricultural cooperation The aims of the cooperation on agriculture will be: (a) to promote sustainable rural development through the exchange of experience, generation of partnership and execution of projects in areas of mutual interest such as: agricultural innovation and technology transfer for the development of small farming, the conservation and management of the water resource for agricultural use, the application of good agricultural and agro industrial practices, including gender approach in development policies and strategies, among others; (b) to promote the exchange of relevant information for agricultural exports between the 2 markets; and (c) to develop a training program addressed to leader producers, technicians and professionals for the application of new technologies in order to increase and improve agriculture and animal husbandry productivity and competitiveness, in particular of value added products.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH By submission of a bid in response to this solicitation, the Bidder certifies that all material, equipment, etc., contained in their bid meets all OSHA requirements. Bidder further certifies that if they are the awarded Contractor, and the material, equipment, etc., delivered is subsequently found to be deficient in any OSHA requirements in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the material, equipment, etc., into compliance with the aforementioned requirements shall be borne by the Contractor.

  • Occupational Safety and Health Acts Contractor(s) who perform any work under this contract shall fully comply with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and any amendments thereto and regulations pursuant to the act. Any Contractor who fails to do so may be terminated for cause as set forth below.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS The Contractor, it’s Subcontractors, and their respective employees, shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local health, safety, and environmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations in the performance of the services, including but not limited to those promulgated by the City and by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In case of conflict, the most stringent safety requirement shall govern. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, fines, penalties and liability of every kind arising from the breach of the Contractor’s obligations under this paragraph.

  • SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF PROPERTY The Contractor shall at all times: A. Initiate, maintain and supervise all safety precautions and programs in connection with its services or performance of its operations under this contract. B. Take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury to employees, including County employees and all other persons affected by their operations. C. Take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage or loss to property of Orange County, or of other Contractors, consultants or agencies and shall be held responsible for replacing or repairing any such loss or damage. D. Comply with all ordinances, rules, regulations, standards and lawful orders from authority bearing on the safety of persons or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss. This includes but is not limited to: o Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) o National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) o National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) o American Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) E. The Contractor shall also comply with the guidelines set forth in the Orange County Safety & Health Manual. The manual can be accessed online at the address listed below:

  • SAFETY AND HEALTH 20.1 The Employer, employee and Union have a significant responsibility for workplace safety and health. A. The Employer will provide a work environment in accordance with safety and health standards established by the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA). B. Employees will comply with all safety and health practices and standards established by the Employer. C. The Union will work cooperatively with the Employer on safety and health related matters and encourage employees to work in a safe manner. 20.2 Employees will take an active role in creating a safe and healthy workplace by reporting immediate safety issues to their supervisor(s), following the chain of command, and other safety issues to their safety committee and/or safety officer for review and action, as necessary. Employees may additionally contact a Union xxxxxxx. The Employer will address reported unsafe working conditions and take appropriate action. All parties will comply with WAC 000-000-000 regarding unsafe work assignments and/or conditions that a reasonable person would conclude could create a real danger of death or serious injury. 20.3 The Employer will determine and provide the required safety devices, personal protective equipment and apparel, which employees will wear and/or use. The Employer will repair or replace employer provided safety items if out-of-date, or damaged/worn beyond usefulness in the normal course of business. The Employer will provide employees with orientation and/or training to perform their jobs safely. In addition, if necessary, training will be provided to employees on the safe operation of equipment prior to use. 20.4 The Employer will form a joint safety committee, in accordance with WISHA requirements, at each work location where there are eleven (11) or more employees. Meetings will be conducted in accordance with WAC 000-000-00000. The committee will be known as the Safety and Health Committee. The committee will consider workplace safety and health issues affecting employees. Employee participation in joint safety committee meetings held during the employee’s work time will be considered time worked. Employees may request work schedule adjustments to participate. No overtime or compensatory time will be paid as a result of participation in joint safety committee meetings held during the employee’s non-work hours. Any employee has the right to bring a workplace health and safety concern to the joint safety committee. Committee recommendations will be forwarded to the appropriate appointing authority for review and action, as necessary.

  • Certification of Compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act When appropriate and to the extent consistent with the law, Vendor certifies that it will comply with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6321 et seq; 49 C.F.R. Part 18) and any mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in applicable state energy conservation plans issued in compliance with the Act. Does Vendor agree? Yes