Challenge of Student Placement. An employee who is impacted by an IEP and who has reason to believe that the student's placement is inappropriate may challenge the placement of the student by providing notice to the administration indicating that the IEP team be reconvened to discuss the placement and to resolve the student service problem. The employer shall reconvene the IEP team no later than five (5) days after receipt of the employee's notification.
Challenge of Student Placement. Any employee working directly with a student on an IEP/504 plan who has reason to believe that the student’s placement is inappropriate may request an informal meeting with the building principal and related staff to discuss the placement. Before any changes can be made to the IEP/504 plan, a formal IEP/504 meeting must take place. The reasons shall include, but not be limited, to the f011owing:
a. When the employer failed to provide the employee with appropriate support as outlined in the IEP/504 plan in order to effectively serve the said student.
b. When all of the necessary supplementary aides and support services specified on the IEP have been provided and the student is not making satisfactory progress toward meeting the goals and objectives identified by the IEP team.
c. When the placement of the included IEP/504 student creates constant disruption of the educational process in the regular classroom and/or other school settings providing disciplinary procedures have been followed and exhausted.
d. When the IEP/504 plan student poses unnecessary risks or hazards to him/herself or others.