Examples of Change of Status in a sentence
For resources reporting an Incremental ACL, the Net Average Coincident Load shall equal the enrolled ACL plus the reported Incremental ACL less any applicable SCR Change of Status.
When a SCR Change of Status is reported by the RIP in advance and no Installed Capacity associated with the SCR has been sold, a shortfall has not occurred.
There are three distinct measures of shortfall that are applicable to a RIP, described in this Section, where individual SCRs that have been enrolled with a Provisional ACL or an Incremental ACL, or that experience a SCR Change of Status may result in a shortfall.
The shortfall amount for each month in which the SCR Change of Status was in effect shall equal the value of SCR ACL minus the maximum one hour metered Load for the month, but shall not exceed the SCR’s Installed Capacity sold for the month. Shortfall for RIP Portfolio PerformanceIn addition to the shortfall evaluations based on individual SCRs, a RIP is subject to a shortfall evaluation, by Load Zone, for its entire SCR portfolio.
The shortfall amount for each month in which the SCR Change of Status was in effect shall equal the value of SCR ACL minus the maximum one hour metered Load for the month, but shall not exceed the SCR’s Installed Capacity sold for the month.