Clause Nine. Miscellaneous:
Clause Nine. Disputes Settlement
Clause Nine. The disciplines attended by the exchange students at the host institution will be recognized and ratified in their home institution.
Clause Nine. Responsibility as to Data, Reports and Inspections: During the effectiveness of this contract and any of its extensions, OMEGA shall allow PETROSOUTH and its employees duly authorized and authorized representatives to inspect every work carried our and related to the Agreement. OMEGA shall keep and authentic and exact record of the progress of the activities and should inform PETROSOUTH on the matter.
Clause Nine. It is agreed between the parties that in case of need and to resolve any issues arising from this contract, the Court of the District of Porto will have jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other. Any change to be made to the contract in the course of its execution will be subject to prior written agreement.
Clause Nine. Downloaded from FAO Contract Farming Resource Centre ‒ NAME OF THE COMPANY can, at their own discretion, grant an advance payment of 20% of the production (standard tomato value) expected in the first parcel of the planting timetable in clause one. This advance payment shall be made in the beginning of the harvest of the parcel in question. Single paragraph The payment of this instrument shall be made, discounting proportionally in tomato volume (standard value) from normal payments, as stipulated in the single paragraph of clause eight. Clause Ten The tomato production, object of this agreement, cannot be financed by banks. Thus, it is categorically forbidden to the PRODUCER to deviate or sell any part of the production to third parties under penalty of answering civil and criminally for that action, regardless of other sanctions spelt out in this agreement.
Clause Nine. Advance Payment Clause Ten – Special Obligation of Controller CBD
Clause Nine. THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE USERS Notwithstanding that which is set forth in Law No. 8078/90, the rights and obligations of the users are:
Clause Nine. CESSION: This Agreement must not be ceded totally or partially to a third party, except there be a written authorization agreed upon by the Parties.