Clinician Site’s Compensation Sample Clauses

Clinician Site’s Compensation klinických štúdií s uvedeným súhlasia. Klinické pracovisko, Skúšajúci, Spoluskúšajúci 1, Spoluskúšajúci 2, Spoluskúšajúci 3 a Asistent klinických štúdií ďalej súhlasia s prevodom zverejnených finančných údajov do krajiny pôvodu Xxxxxxxx, a to aj v prípade, že cieľová krajina neposkytuje ochranu údajov alebo poskytuje ochranu údajov na nižšej úrovni ako v Spojených štátoch. Faktúry Originály faktúr za túto Štúdiu je potrebné predložiť spoločnosti Outcome za účelom preplatenia na nasledujúcu adresu (alebo inú adresu, ktorú môže zvoliť Outcome a oznámiť ju Klinickému pracovisku, Skúšajúcemu, Spoluskúšajúcemu 1, Spoluskúšajúcemu 2, Spoluskúšajúcemu 3 a Asistentovi klinických štúdií): Outcome Europe Sàrl Do rúk: Finančné oddelenie Ch. du Glapin 6 1162 St-Prex Švajčiarsko Faktúry nebudú spracované, pokiaľ nebudú uvádzať meno Sponzora, názov Štúdie, xxxxx Protokolu a Hlavného skúšajúceho, a budú zahrnuté do nasledujúcich plánovaných platieb. Po prijatí a overení bude vykonaná platba faktúr v rámci plánovanej nasledujúcej platby za činnosti v rámci Štúdie.
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Clinician Site’s Compensation. In consideration of Clinician Site’s services under the terms of this Agreement, Company shall pay Clinician Site the compensation and expenses set forth in the Compensation Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. The Investigator´s compensation shall comprise a part of the Clinician Site´s compensation and shall be specified in the above stated Exhibit B. The Clinician Site shall be responsible A. Odmena Klinického pracoviska: V súvislosti so službami Klinického pracoviska, podľa podmienok tejto Zmluvy, je Spoločnosť povinná zaplatiť Klinickému pracovisku odmenu a náklady tak ako je uvedené v Prílohe Odmien, ktorá tvorí Prílohu B a je do Zmluvy zahrnutá vo forme odkazov. Odmena Skúšajúceho bude tvoriť súčasť odmeny Klinického pracoviska a bude špecifikovaná v Prílohe B. Klinické pracovisko bude povinné platiť
Clinician Site’s Compensation. In consideration of Clinician Site’s services under the terms of this Agreement, Company shall pay Clinician Site the compensation and expenses set forth in the Compensation Schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. The Investigator´s compensation shall comprise a part of the Clinician Site´s compensation and shall be specified in the above stated Exhibit B. The Clinician Site shall be responsible for paying the Investigator as its employee the relevant amount of compensation decreased potentially by taxes and insurance contribution as applicable under Slovak laws. Company shall only be responsible for paying Clinician Site in amounts and within the time period as detailed in the Compensation Schedule from the funds paid to Company from Sponsor. All payments to Clinician Site shall be made payable in Euros and shall be made to the A.

Related to Clinician Site’s Compensation

  • Extra Compensation 1. CTSO Advisors will be paid twenty-five ($25) per hour (capped at eight (8) hours per day) for non-discretionary CTSO activities (e.g., conferences, conventions, and competitions) involving students on days not scheduled as part of the regular school year calendar.

  • PROFESSIONAL COMPENSATION A. The basic salaries of teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Appendix A which is attached to and incorporated in this Agreement. Such salary schedule shall remain in effect during the designated periods.

  • Contractor’s Compensation The total of all fees paid to the Contractor for the provision of Services as set forth in Exhibit A, including any authorized reimbursable expenses, shall not exceed the total sum of $ . The payments specified in this Exhibit B shall be the only payments made to Contractor unless the City approves a Supplemental Contract.

  • Intercarrier Compensation Except as specifically described in this Section, the Agreement does not change or amend applicable intercarrier compensation arrangements (including but not limited to Switched Access, Signaling, or Transit charges) between any parties, including between Qwest and Carriers or IXCs.

  • Special Compensation The Company shall pay to the Executive a lump sum equal to three times the sum of (a) the highest per annum base rate of salary in effect with respect to the Executive during the three-year period immediately prior to the termination of employment plus (b) the Highest Bonus Amount. Such lump sum shall be paid by the Company to the Executive within ten business days after the Executive's termination of employment, unless the provisions of Section 3(e) below apply. The amount of the aggregate lump sum provided by this Section 3(c), whether paid immediately or deferred, shall not be counted as compensation for purposes of any other benefit plan or program applicable to the Executive.

  • Final Compensation Final Compensation for an employee, who is employed by the State for the first time and becomes a member of CalPERS prior to January 15, 2011, is based on the highest average monthly pay rate during twelve (12) consecutive months of employment. Final Compensation for an employee, who is employed by the State for the first time and becomes a member of CalPERS on or after January 15, 2011, is based on the highest average monthly pay rate during thirty-six (36) consecutive months of employment.

  • Workmen's Compensation Employee may be entitled to compensation for time loss and disability for injuries or illnesses occurring on-the-job according to the terms of a worker's compensation insurance policy held by Government. Employee is responsible for reporting to Employee's supervisor as soon as practical any on-the-job related injury or illness.

  • Services and Compensation Consultant agrees to perform for the Company the services described in Exhibit A (the “Services”), and the Company agrees to pay Consultant the compensation described in Exhibit A for Consultant’s performance of the Services.

  • Show-Up Compensation An employee who is scheduled for work and reports for work, except for situations addressed in Article 123--Inclement or Hazardous Conditions, and is released from work shall be paid the equivalent of two

  • Termination Compensation Termination Compensation equal to two (2) times the Executive's Base Period Income shall be paid to the Executive in a single sum payment in cash on the thirtieth (30th) business day after the later of (a) the Control Change Date and (b) the date of the Executive's employment termination; provided that if at the time of the Executive's termination of employment the Executive is a Specified Employee, then payment of the Termination Compensation to the Executive shall be made on the first day of the seventh (7th) month following the Executive's employment termination.

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