CODE OF CONFIDENTIALITY. You must at all times be aware of the importance of maintaining confidentiality of information gained by you during your engagement. A copy of the Trust policy is available from the Staffbank office. This will in many cases include access to personal information relating to service users. You must treat all information in a discreet and confidential manner and particular attention is drawn to the following: • Data protected information regarding service users must not be disclosed either verbally or in writing to unauthorised persons. It is particularly important that you should ensure the authenticity of telephone enquiries. • Written records, computer records and correspondence pertaining to any aspect of the Trust’s activities must be kept securely at all times. • You have an obligation to ensure that computer systems which you use are protected from inappropriate access within your direct area of practice e.g. by ensuring that personal access codes are kept secure. • All data held, the way it is managed and the procedures associated with it, must conform to the requirements of the Data Protection Xxx 0000. Under the Act service users and staff have a right of access to their records on application to the appropriate manager. This can be read in conjunction with the Trust’s Data Protection Policy. • If it is necessary to share information in order to effectively carry out your duties for the Staffbank, you must make sure that as far as is reasonable this information will be exchanged on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis, using the minimum that is required and be used only for the purpose for which the information was given. • If unsure seek advice from the Medical Director who is the Trust Caldicott Guardian. • Conversations relating to confidential matters affecting clients should not take place in situations where they may be overheard by passers-by, e.g. in corridors, reception areas, lifts and cloak rooms. • The same confidentiality must also be observed in dealing with work related matters appertaining to work colleagues. • Any breach of confidentiality may be regarded as misconduct and may result in your removal from the Staffbank Register.
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CODE OF CONFIDENTIALITY. The Parties agree that personal information pertaining to residents and their families, students, volunteers, employees and all other information pertaining to the Employer is confidential in nature. Breach of confidentiality shall constitute just cause for discipline.


  • RPS Confidentiality Notwithstanding Section 10.7(a) of this Agreement, at any time on or after the date on which the Buyer makes its advice filing letter seeking CPUC Approval of this Agreement, either Party shall be permitted to disclose the following terms with respect to such Transaction: Party names, the number of bids per company, Project size, resource type, Delivery Term, Project location, Capacity Factor and Contract Capacity, Commercial Operation Date, Expected Initial Energy Delivery Date, Contract Quantity, Delivery Point, and the achievement of Project development Milestones.

  • Staff Confidentiality Any confidential personal information about staff of the Employer, which is directly learned by the Employer in the normal course of business, will be treated as strictly confidential and the Employer will take all reasonable precautions to safeguard it.

  • SECTION 7 – CONFIDENTIALITY 7.1 Employee shall well and faithfully serve Manitoba and use his best efforts to promote the interests thereof and shall not directly or indirectly disclose the private affairs of Manitoba or any secret of Manitoba, and shall not directly or indirectly use for his own purposes any confidential information which Employee may acquire with respect to Manitoba’s affairs. The restriction on the use of disclosure of information shall be in effect during the terms of the Agreement and at all times thereafter.

  • Certificate of Confidentiality Effective June 11, 2017 the Certificate of Confidentiality (Certificate) issued for the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) is subject to the requirements of section 301(d) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 241(d)). Moreover, as of October 1, 2017 dbGaP is required to adhere to the NIH Policy for Issuing Certificates of Confidentiality (NOT-OD-17-109). Therefore, Approved Users of dbGaP, whether or not funded by the NIH, who access a copy of information protected by a Certificate held by dbGaP, are also subject to the requirements of the Certificate of Confidentiality and subsection 301(d) of the Public Health Service Act. Under Section 301(d) of the Public Health Service Act and the NIH Policy for Issuing Certificates of Confidentiality, recipients of a Certificate of Confidentiality shall not: • Disclose or provide, in any Federal, State, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceeding, the name of such individual or any such information, document, or biospecimen that contains identifiable, sensitive information about the individual and that was created or compiled for purposes of the research, unless such disclosure or use is made with the consent of the individual whom the information, document, or biospecimen pertains; or • Disclose or provide to any other person not connected with the research the name of such an individual or any information, document, or biospecimen that contains identifiable, sensitive information about such an individual and that was created or compiled for purposes of the research. Disclosure is permitted only when: • Required by Federal, State, or local laws (e.g., as required by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, or state laws requiring the reporting of communicable diseases to State and local health departments), excluding instances of disclosure in any Federal, State, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceeding; • Necessary for the medical treatment of the individual to whom the information, document, or biospecimen pertains and made with the consent of such individual; • Made with the consent of the individual to whom the information, document, or biospecimen pertains; or • Made for the purposes of other scientific research that is in compliance with applicable Federal regulations governing the protection of human subjects in research.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality A. Contractors may use or disclose Medi-Cal PII only to perform functions, activities or services directly related to the administration of the Medi-Cal program in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 14100.2 and 42 Code of Federal Regulations section 431.300 et.seq, or as required by law. Disclosures which are required by law, such as a court order, or which are made with the explicit written authorization of the Medi-Cal client, are allowable. Any other use or disclosure of Medi-Cal PII requires the express approval in writing of DHCS. Contractor shall not duplicate, disseminate or disclose Medi-Cal PII except as allowed in the Agreement.

  • Ownership and Confidentiality 3.1 Ownership. UP42 own all right, title, and interests in and to the PRODUCT, and all rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by UP42. If the PRODUCT or any portion are modified, merged, incorporated, or combined into any software, hardware, or other data, or are converted or translated into another data format, they shall continue to be subject to the rights and obligations of this LICENCE, and UP42 and/or its licensors and suppliers retain ownership of all such PRODUCT and all such portions. Licensee is prohibited from distributing the PRODUCT in any manner except as expressly permitted by this LICENCE. LICENSEE acknowledges and agrees that the foregoing license does not confer on Licensee any right, title or interest in any of UP42’s patents, licenses, trade secrets, trademarks or copyrighted material.

  • Data Confidentiality All data, regardless of form, including originals, images and reproductions, prepared by, obtained by or transmitted to the Professional in connection with this Agreement is confidential, proprietary information owned by NBU. Except as specifically provided in this Agreement, the Professional shall not intentionally disclose data generated in the performance of the Services to any third party without the prior, written consent of NBU.

  • INFORMATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 20.1 Each party recognises that under this Agreement it may receive Confidential Information belonging to the other.

  • No Confidentiality We are pleased to hear from Users and welcome Your comments, postings and submissions of Content. However, none of the Content that You send us or post on the Website shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on Our part, and We shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any such Content that You provide.

  • Confidentialité En cas d’usage d’Apple Pay pour engager une transaction de paiement à terminer sur un Appareil pris en charge, Apple Pay transfère les informations de paiement dans un format chiffré entre votre Mac et votre Appareil pris en charge pour terminer votre transaction. Lorsque vous utilisez Apple Pay pour réaliser une transaction de paiement sur un MacBook Pro doté de la fonctionnalité Touch ID intégrée, vos informations de paiement sont fournies sous un format chiffré au site web dans le cadre de ladite transaction. Lorsque vous ajoutez une carte à Apple Pay sur un MacBook Pro doté de la fonctionnalité Touch ID intégrée, des informations relatives à votre appareil, xxxxxx que l’indication d’activation ou non de certains réglages de l’appareil et des habitudes d’usage de l’appareil (par exemple, le pourcentage de temps que l’appareil est en mouvement ou le nombre approximatif d’appels par semaine), sont envoyées à Apple pour déterminer votre droit d’usage et pour prévenir toute tentative de fraude. Pour en savoir plus sur les données collectées, utilisées ou partagées dans le cadre de votre utilisation d’Apple Pay, consultez les rubriques À propos d’Apple Pay et Confidentialité (accessibles depuis Wallet et Apple Pay sur votre appareil iOS ou Mac, ou depuis l’appli de la Watch sur un appareil iOS jumelé). Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les mesures adoptées par Apple pour protéger vos informations personnelles en consultant notre Engagement de confidentialité à l’adresse xxxxx:// policy/. En utilisant Apple Pay, vous acceptez qu’Apple, ainsi que ses filiales et ses représentants, transmettent, recueillent, conservent, traitent et utilisent ces données comme décrit ci-dessus pour assurer le bon fonctionnement d’Apple Pay.

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