Compatibility of Connection Facilities. If a Party modifies its Connection Facilities in breach of the requirement in paragraph 4.1.1: a. the other Party may either: (i) give notice to the Modifying Party requiring it to undo such modification or otherwise take such steps as may be appropriate to restore the compatibility of the Connection Facilities; or (ii) after giving notice to the Modifying Party of its intention to do so (and unless the modifying Party has demonstrated, to the reasonable satisfaction of the The notices stated in this clause would imply this is written communication i.e. email or letter. Clause is associated with the revised Cost Recovery proposal However, the cost recovery is likely to retrospective especially if the original Modifying Party does not co-operate fully. . other Party, that it is taking steps sufficient to restore compatibility as quickly as is reasonably practicable) make such modifications of its own Connection Facilities as are appropriate to restore the compatibility of the Connection Facilities; b. the Modifying Party shall reimburse to the other Party the costs incurred by the other Party in modifying (where it elects to do so) its own Connection Facilities in accordance with paragraph (a)(ii); c. the other Party may in any event disconnect the Connection Facilities of the Modifying Party, upon such period of notice as is practicable in the circumstances, if the modification materially and adversely affects the safe operation by the other Party of its Connection Facilities or its System.
Compatibility of Connection Facilities