Compensation for permanent disability. Compensation for permanent disability shall be paid in proportion to the medical consequences of the accident. Permanent disability shall be evaluated according to injury indices issued by the Disability Committee. The evaluation shall be based on the health of the injured party as it is when it has stabilised. The base amount of disability compensation is ISK 17,317,835. Compensation for permanent disability shall be calculated in such a manner that ISK 173,179 is paid for each disability degree from 1 to 25, ISK 346,357 is paid for each degree of disability from 26 to 50 and 692,713 for each degree of disability from 50 to 100. Compensation for 100% disability, therefore, is ISK 47,624,045. Disability compensation, moreover, shall take account of the age of the injured party so that compensation decreases by 2% for each year past the age of 50. After the age of 70, the compensation shall decrease by 5% of the base amount for each year. However, the age-linking of disability pension shall never lead to greater curtailment than 90%.
Compensation for permanent disability. Compensation for permanent disability will be paid in proportion to the insurance sum of ISK 6,109,306 in such a way that each point of disability rating from 26% to 50% shall have double weighting and each point of disability rating from 51% to 100% shall have quadruple weighting. Compensation for 100% disability is therefore ISK 17,045,344.
Compensation for permanent disability. Compensation for permanent disability is paid in proportion to the compensation sum ISK 4,363,636 with the adjustment that each disability step 26% - 50% has a double effect and each disability step from 51% - 100% has a quadruple effect. Compensation for 100% disability is thus ISK 12,000,000.
Compensation for permanent disability. If an accident causes temporary disability, the insurance shall pay per diem in proportion to the loss of ability to work, starting 4 weeks from the time that the accident happened and until the employee is able to work after the accident, or until disability assessment has taken place, but for no longer than 37 weeks. Per diem payments for temporary disability are ISK 43,648 per week. If an employee is partly able to work, per diem is paid proportionately. Per diem from the insurance is paid to the employer while the employee is paid wages pursuant to the collective agreement or employment contract and then subsequently to the employee.